

"What are you doing in the 'maid' room!" shouted Rani in the doorway. He put his hands on his hips while looking cynically at Dewi. His style is like a big-time actor.

"N-no dear." Anton did not check the contents of the pit. Julian could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Rani has said many times. Never enter before dealing with this 'maid'. Why are you still stubborn!" Rani seemed to want the full attention of Anton. His character is spoiled and wants to dominate, making Julian anxious to 'corner' him to the point of asking for forgiveness.

"Yes, I'm sorry Brother. Let's get out of here," said Anton in a soft voice while embracing his shoulder. There was no feeling of Dewi being chaotic at that moment.

After making sure things were safe, Julian with his body came out. He grabbed his clothes which immediately wrapped his burly body. already closed, her sexy print still clearly visible due to the undried sweat. Still looks charming.

Steady steps closer to Dewi. For a moment they stared at each other.

"Dewi, are you all right?"

Dewi did not answer. Highlight see deep pain. Sobbing, the beautiful woman left him for the kitchen.

Julian only revealed the back of Dewi who disappeared behind the door. Dewi is a typical woman who is calm, obedient, and more harbored. Julian could read his movements.

Very much different from Jihan who is aggressive, outspoken, and straightforward. The type of woman that Julian likes because they can open up and understand each other.

However, for some reason women like Dewi were so curious. The quieter you are, the more you want to explore further.

Julian woke up to go back upstairs. Hopefully the 'Dwarf' Thug hasn't arrived to check it out.

The term dwarf is indeed appropriate for Anton, because his body is small compared to his men who are big and strong. But his ingenuity and charisma need not be developed.

"Fortunately the dwarf isn't here yet."

Julian breathed a sigh of relief that no one was there. He checked his work again. Trying to avoid the chatter of the 'dwarf' it.

when he turned around he was surprised by Wulan's presence. The slender woman was seen wearing a light colored tank top and hotpants, which matched her flawless white skin perfectly.

Wulan is in her twenties, about the same age as Rani, four years under Julian. Julian is often approached by excited siblings such as Wulan and Rani. It's just that Julian doesn't like it because they are usually too spoiled and childish.

"Eh, Wulan just surprised me," said Julian normally.

Wulan squinted, as if she hated Julian to death.

"Don't be so familiar. I've seen your picture on the television news. Violent robbers rape and kill!" he said, giving alms.

Julian didn't argue. Although, it's not really what it seems. He wasn't the killer. There was someone else that I deliberately engineered the murder to make it look as if it was Julian who did it. To this day, Julian still wonders who would have the heart to do that and what his motives are.

"Why did you do all that huh?" Wulan asked with a bitch.

"I made a mistake, Non," answered Julian simply. He failed to focus because Wulan's face actually looked beautiful when she was angry. Her red lips were so tempting to devour. Taste the strawberry flavor there.

"Mistake or forget the land? I swear I don't feel comfortable with you here. I'd better call the police now." Wulan slightly moved away while squeezing her cell phone.

Julian certainly didn't stand still. He quickly grabbed the phone. Wulan immediately buried it in his chest, so that Julian's hand was forced to stroke his chest. Julian could feel the not-so-big mound being handled.

"Don't report me Non,"

"I don't care, you should be in jail. Not here!"

Wulan continued to struggle until she bounced with Julian's body right on top of her. Wulan could feel Julian's firm posture squeezing her body.

For a moment Wulan was seen when he was close to Julian's firm face. The male breath he inhaled made him anesthetized.

He surrendered when Julian's mouth kissed his heart softly. Several times, Julian managed to get to know how long his mouth was crushed. Julian's tongue stuffed into Wulan's mouth, forcing her tongue to fight.

The lips and tongue struggle uncontrollably. Twisting and smothering each other. Wulan first felt a hot kiss. It's rare for a man to have the skills to excite Julian, including men he's had contact with, even Anton, who looks fierce, isn't good at warming up. Can't last much longer.

Julian untied himself as he listened to the sound of footsteps on the stairs leading to the rooftop.

He got up while pulling Wulan's body. The woman hastily rubbed her arms with love, feeling anxious that Anton would find out.


Julian turned around while holding his cheek. Wulan service is loud. At a glance, Julian glanced from behind Wulan, he saw Anton walking with Rani.

"I just don't feel comfortable having you here! Murder!"

"What is this, dear Wulan? What is this brat doing?" asked Anton.

"Bang, get him out of here! He's a killer! I'm afraid that our lives are in danger!"

Anton studied Julian. then he turned back to Wulan.

"Don't worry honey, he's not a danger to us. He's just robbing. Not to the point of taking other people's lives."

"Not killing how? Obviously on the news..."

"The media is exaggerating. We can't fully believe it. I've been a thug for decades. I can tell which ones are just robbing, or robbers who actually rob, not only property, life, even honor if necessary," said Anton is wise. Indicates his extensive experience.

Julian Primary. No wonder Anton became the leader of thugs. His guess about Julian was right. Maybe a thug instinct that's been kept for years.

Although until this moment, Julian never knew the reason why Anton had him here. It can't be just a maid.

"So you don't have to worry honey, after all he wouldn't dare do anything. The police are after him now and you know I'm the head of a thug?" added Anton.