
The Most Wanted Lover

Mei Sakura Hakashi, a 23-year-old girl has finally become what she had wanted to be, a Crime Investigator! But she is soon made to handle one of the most dangerous cases as her first case, a murderer on the loose. Sakura and her friend Himiko San sets out to investigate the case when Sakura's mother, Mayumi Hakashi dies tragically. She soon searches for a part-time job which changes her life as she falls in love with a beautiful but unknowingly dangerous man. How would she react if she finds out this man was not who she thought was? Would that love still persist within her soft heart? Read as Sakura engages in a relationship well knowing her life is on the line.

Abel_Thomas_5611 · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


"Ouch.... slowly, it hurts." I said in pain.

His maids were treating my wound on my right cheek.

"That asshole.... How could he do that to me?!? I thought he didn't hurt women." I thought.

The doctor suddenly walked up to me.

"Right, he had even hired a private medical expert in his mansion. Why?" I wondered.

"How are you doing now?"

"It's just a small wound, it's nothing serious." I replied.

"But please don't put your hand on the wound, it will only worsen it." she advised.

"OK, got it."

"Stop it, I am alright." I told the maids.

"Y-yes mam." Saying that they left the room.

I sat there for a few minutes thinking about the decision I had made hours ago.

"AAAAAGHHH, why did I agree to the stupid deal..... Now that idiot will go on ordering me around to do shit."

I sat there in my room depressed about what lay ahead for me in life.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me.

"Good morning." came the voice.

"EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING THE DOOR? Also I never actually agreed to the deal-"

I quickly turned around to see an elegantly dressed, tall handsome guy standing infront of me.

"W-Who are you?" I asked surprised.

"Miss, I am the new caretaker of this mansion since Sir would be out of town the upcoming days. If you have any problem related to this place, please let me know."

I slowly went up to him.

"Currently no, but I will make sure there will be problems in the near future." I said biting my lips.


"I mean, t-the aircon is broken. Please fix it quickly."

"About that I'm sorry, Sir has informed not to fix anything in this room."

"That bastard..." I thought.

"I-I see."

"Thank you, Miss. I will get going now."

He quickly left the room.

"Oh shi- He is kind of cute..... This might be the one for me." I thought.

* * *

We both were standing at the balcony. Lucas was quiet.

"HEY! Why did you call me here?" I asked.

"Can't I?" Lucas replied looking straight at me.

"No.... There has to be something. What is it?"

"Nothing. I am thinking about what role you should have in the deal."

"About it, I never agreed to it."

"Don't be funny, I even have proof."

Lucas took a tape recorder and started playing the recording.

I laughed.

"That's vintage."

"Old French classic." Lucas said.

"What am I supposed to do? Should I be scared? Should I surrender?!?" I said mockingly.

"You already surrendered. And you really have the nerve to mock me. Isn't a cut not enough for you?"

"It's just small cut. Nobody cares..... or do you?"

"WHY SHOULD I? I don't fucking care about you."

"Ok... But still, you forced me to accept the deal!"

"You accepted though. Chapter closed."

"What should I do anyways?"

"You seem eager to avenge your dad. I will think about your role in it."

There was a long silence.

"You have something to do with the missing of Himiko, right?" I asked suddenly.

"Me? I don't know. The bombing must have killed everyone. She is.... you know, probably deep inside the earth."


"It's the truth."

"But I promised her parents.... I will find her."

"But I won't let you out." Lucas said looking at me.

He left without another word.

* * *

I was returning back to my room thinking about what Lucas would make me do when I suddenly hit someone and fell to the ground.

I opened my eyes and found a familiar set of eyes.

"Oh fuck. It was the caretaker!" I was shocked.

And I was on top him and one inch away from touching his lips.

We both quickly got up and he brushed off his uniform.

"Oh my- I am so sorry..... I didn't see. So silly of me." I apologized.

"I-It's alright miss, I have cleaned your room."

"Thank you! I again apologize."

I closed the door behind me and left a sigh of relief.

I slowly locked the door behind me and crept up to my bed. I looked here and there and quickly put the blinds on the window.

I dug my hands under the bed searching if it was still there. I felt my hand on something.

I took it and turned it on quickly.

"Officer Mei Sakura Hakashi here. Does anyone copy?" I whispered on the walkie talkie.

"Hello? Mam? Investigation bureau here. May I help you?"

"Please inform Mr. Toru to send more men and get me out of this place."

"Roger that."

"I will inform about any move of our prime criminal. Over and out."

I quickly turned it off and placed it back.

* * *

I was bored...... really bored. I could never escape from this place neither through the window since it was too high and the soft silky bedsheets won't be useful to get down as well.

I heard a knock.

I went up and opened the door.

"The room is already cleaned-" I informed the maids.

"Sir wants to see you."

"That idiot. What is it again....." I thought.

"I am coming." I replied.

* * *

"What is it this time?" I asked as soon as I entered his room.

"Take a seat." He said looking up at the ceiling.

I quickly sat.

Lucas was drinking a cup of coffee.

"So... I hope you figured out the pattern" he quickly said slurping his coffee.

"What pattern? I asked confused.

"The pattern in which everyone are killed."

"The three year gap?"

"Great! You know it."

"You underestimate me too much." I said flipping my hair.

"I sure do."

"What about the pattern?"

"Hope you also figured out the next prey." Lucas said smiling,

I thought for a second.

"My shameless biological dad?" I asked.

"No. It's YOU."

I gulped.

"Then, you are going to have a hard time trying to kill me." I replied back.

"We will see about that. But better make your last years... great." Lucas said.

"I don't think I understand what you are saying."

"I want you to make the first move regarding the GREGOR' pharmaceuticals."

"Fine. I am ready to kill some local thugs of GREGOR'. I admitted.

"No. You are getting the best part..... We are going to France in three days' time. Start packing."

* * *