
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs


Li Chenan returned to Huaxi Bieyuan in a drizzle.

When he walked past the screen wall, Zhongli Ruoshui happily greeted him with a floral paper umbrella.

The two stood in the drizzle, Zhongli Ruoshui patted the water droplets on Li Chenan's body with an umbrella in one hand, his movements were very natural, just like an old couple who have lived together for many years.

"Autumn is getting colder, but you didn't bring any clothes for this season."

"I asked Xue'er to hire Tailor Feng, and I have to buy you some clothes for this autumn and winter."

Li Chenan grinned, "We'll go back to Guangling City after the Mid-Autumn Festival. There are quite a lot of clothes in the tavern."

"I think... this year is celebrating the New Year in Kyoto, what do you think?"

As if realizing that this change was a bit abrupt, Zhongli Ruoshui added, "Of course, if you want to go back to Guangling City, I can accompany you back."

The two were under the same umbrella, but Li Chenan took the umbrella, and he held Zhongli Ruoshui's little hand with the other hand. Feeling that Zhongli Ruoshui's little hand was a bit cold, they walked together to the first floor of the east building.

"I'm actually a little hesitant."

"What are you hesitating for?"

The two came to the first floor of the east building and sat in front of the tea table.

Li Chen'an will tell the process of meeting the eldest Sun Jinghong in the old rain building, and what Shang Di said to him.

Zhongli Ruoshui listened carefully, and after a while he said, "Although Mr. Changsun has not expressed his attitude, since he has invited you to the Imperial City Division tomorrow...then about the headquarters of the Fish and Dragon Society tomorrow night, I want to come to you." He's not going to stand by, either."

"I think what Shang said is very good, that is, the stage here is higher and bigger, and it is more suitable for you to write the best poem on this stage! This is quite reasonable, but in the end you How to choose... I naturally follow your opinion."

The former Zhongli Ruoshui didn't want Li Chenan to get involved in the officialdom.

It's not that he's worried about Li Chenan's ability to deal with the complicated situation in the officialdom, it's just that he feels that it's too tiring.

What she hopes more is that her husband and son-in-law can accompany her, and go to see the spring flowers and autumn moon together in a relaxed and comfortable way.

But now she has changed her mind because of her health.

I can no longer accompany Li Chen'an, if Li Chen'an can achieve a positive result with the fourth princess Ning Chuchu... the name consort is actually just a nice name, if you put it bluntly, you are also a master who eats soft food.

But if Li Chen'an can stand on top of the temple before marrying Ning Chuchu, can influence one party, and even grow into a towering tree with the help of many forces, then the emperor is very likely to marry the fourth princess.

This is completely different from being recruited as a consort.

It's just... Li Chen'an will be facing Prime Minister Ji Taiji, and it's not easy to bring Ji Tai down.

"Let's go to the Hou's Mansion later, this matter... and then listen to grandma's opinion."



When Li Wenyuan came to Huaxi Bieyuan, intending to invite Li Chenan to his residence at night, he unexpectedly got the news that Li Chenan had gone to Dingguohou's residence with the third lady.

In the carriage, Zhongli Ruoshui looked at Li Chenan, thinking that Li Chenan might be worried, but what she saw on Li Chenan's face was still indifferent.

She still doesn't quite understand a question

Li Chen'an has been living in Guangling City, and has never seen anything in the world. Even before arriving in Kyoto, the biggest official he had ever met was Liu Zhuo, the prefect of Guangling.

I saw it under Hua Lao's recommendation.

Generally speaking, teenagers with low status and status don't have high vision. Such teenagers have a natural fear of wealthy families, or the fear of coercion from top to bottom.

Often such young people will be flattered when they get an invitation from a wealthy family, thinking that this is the most glorious moment in their life, or that this is a great opportunity.

They are proud to have met such a wealthy family, and in their later careers, it will become a capital for them to brag about.

But Li Chenan was completely different.

Whether it was the neither humble nor overbearing when he first met his mother in Taohua Villa in Guangling City, or the calm and composed attitude when he was about to arrive at the Hou Mansion to see his grandparents.

Maybe he didn't know the status of Dingguo Houfu in Ningguo, nor did he know how high grandma's reputation was in the martial arts or the army.

"Are you afraid?" Zhongli Ruoshui still asked curiously.

"What are you afraid of?"

"My grandparents!"

Li Chen'an shook his head, and said with a smile, "What's there to be afraid of? I believe she must have a broad mind and a very high quality to be able to raise her granddaughter to such an excellent old lady."

"I've heard the old lady's name before."

"When I was in Guangling City, my master Wu Xichen and Brother Shang both mentioned it. In fact, I am full of curiosity about her."

Zhongli Ruoshui gave Li Chenan a playful look, "What are you curious about?"

"Curious about what kind of strange woman she was in the past, and also curious about what kind of graceful demeanor she has now!"

Zhongli Ruoshui stuck out his little tongue, thinking that when Chen An saw grandma, he hoped that he would not be too disappointed.

She suddenly thought of Ning Chuchu, so she looked at Li Chenan again, "Didn't I tell you to meet someone yesterday? You came back a little late, and she left a little faster."

"It's okay, since you decided to stay in the capital for a few more days, there will be plenty of time in the future. Just now I wrote a letter for Xiong Dakuai to take it to Guangling City... That's what I thought. There are still some good precautions."

Li Chenan held Zhongli Ruoshui's little hand, and the two looked at each other with tenderness in their eyes.

"During the days when I came to Kyoto, some things happened, and I met some people. I have a general idea of the current situation in Ningguo, and I also have a general idea of what may happen next."

"After thinking about it, I still have to prepare a bit, so I asked Xiong Da to bring some people to the capital... I will live in Shuiyun Mountain. If something happens, at least I can have some strength in my hand."

Zhongli Ruoshui nodded, of course, she didn't take it seriously in her heart.

Because she didn't know how many people Li Chenan had now.

Even if they knew it, they wouldn't think it would be of much use.

After all, there is Dingguohou Mansion.

Whether it's Huaxi Bieyuan or Shuiyunjian, they are the safest in her opinion.

What she likes is Li Chenan's thoughts, which shows that Li Chenan has the intention of taking precautions and protecting himself.

That's enough.

"Let's go to Shuiyunjian tomorrow."


"The snow scene in Shuiyunjian in winter is unique in Kyoto," Zhongli Ruoshui opened the car curtain, looked at the autumn rain outside the car window, the expression on his face was gloomy for a moment and then returned to its original appearance.

"When the time comes, let's go to Shuiyun Pavilion to cook wine!"

She put down the car curtain, shut Qiu Yu outside, and looked at Li Chen'an again, with a gleam of expectation in her eyes.

"Cook Huapingchun!"

"I think that the aroma of the wine will definitely float into the Yinyue Pavilion. If there are guests coming, you must treat them with courtesy!"