
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs


When Zhongli Ruoshui said the name Yinyue Pavilion, Li Chenan was slightly startled

"Where is the Yinyue Pavilion?"

"I don't know either. I don't think many people in the entire Dingguohou Mansion know about it."

"But when I was a child, I chatted with Grandpa Pu, the housekeeper, and he seemed to have slipped his tongue. I asked him if he was the most skilled person in the house other than grandma, and he denied it."

"I asked him who is the tallest one besides grandma?"

"He said it was Sikong Bao."

"I asked him why Sikong Bao hadn't seen it before."

"He said that the leopard was hidden in the Yinyue Pavilion, and the Yinyue Pavilion is somewhere in Shuiyun Mountain. There are many masters in it, all of which were brought by grandma with martial arts, so,"

Zhongli Ruoshui smiled slyly, "That's why I built the Shuiyun Stream under Shuiyun Mountain. What I thought at the time was that I hoped to meet those masters in Yinyue Pavilion, and it was just curiosity."

"I stayed in Shuiyunjian for a long time. At that time, Miracle Doctor Sun and Xiao Wu were also in Shuiyunjian. Firstly, Miracle Doctor Sun didn't like to treat people and wanted to hide his identity. Second, of course... It is convenient for me to heal my illness."

"During the few years I stayed in Shuiyunjian, although I went to Shuiyun Mountain to explore, I still don't know where Yinyue Pavilion is."

"But I believe it must exist!"

Li Chenan asked curiously, "Why do you believe it?"

"Because Grandpa Pu won't lie to me. Of course, the most important thing is that although Miracle Doctor Sun has excellent medical skills, his martial arts... his martial arts are not high, and he was only at the bottom of the four realms at that time!"

"In addition, the weapon used by Miracle Doctor Sun is a short knife, but what Xiao Wu learned is not a knife, but...fist!"

"Haven't you asked Xiao Wu?"

Zhongli Ruoshui shook his head, "Xiao Wu won't lie, but he didn't tell me about it, which means it's a secret he's inconvenient to tell me."

"If I ask, Xiao Wu will answer. This will go against his wishes, and it will make him feel uneasy from now on."

This is Zhongli Ruoshui's understanding.

This is also Zhongli Ruoshui's wisdom!

Li Chenan felt that this was his luck.

The two chatted in a low voice, and the carriage stopped before they knew it.

When Li Chenan and Zhong Liruo got into the carriage, he suddenly realized that he was not standing in front of the gate of Dingguohou's Mansion, but in front of a pavilion.

He looked left and right, and saw a long wall made of bluestones that was as tall as a person.

He is within the walls.

Of course, the pavilion is also within the wall.

He looked up, and saw the three big characters on the pavilion, Xiama Pavilion!

"This was built in the 15th year of Jingtai, after grandpa and grandma won the Huihe class and returned to the court, when the late emperor conferred on grandpa the Marquis of Dingguo."

Zhongli Ruoshui pointed to the plaque on the pavilion, and said, "These three words are written by the late emperor himself. The meaning is very simple. Even the emperor, who is civil and military in the Manchu Dynasty, must dismount or walk in the sedan chair when he arrives here."

This may be the highest grace of the emperor in this era.

Li Chen'an didn't have any awe-inspiring thoughts about this, but just felt that the style of the pavilion standing here is very good.

After all, it is a place where even the emperor would get off the dragon chariot and walk, which is enough to show the noble status of the people in the mansion!

Li Chen'an propped up an oiled paper umbrella, led Zhongli Ruoshui, and walked inwards through the horse pavilion on the bluestone corridor.

There are no gardens on both sides of the corridor, but there are two rows of sweet-scented osmanthus trees.

It is the season when sweet-scented osmanthus is fragrant, and the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus comes from the autumn rain.

There should have been fallen flowers or leaves on the corridor, but the long corridor was very clean, which meant that someone was cleaning it all the time.

Walking all the way, it took half a cup of tea before I saw a dark red wall.

A moon gate opened on the wall.

In front of the door stood two soldiers in armor holding spears.

Li Chenan looked back, the corridor he walked was winding like a snake, and the courtyard shaded by the osmanthus trees was deep.

No human voice was heard, only the occasional chirping of birds.

Look at these two soldiers again, standing as straight as the spears in their hands.

Even though the autumn rain hit their faces, they still didn't move.

This made Li Chen'an admire the Lord Hou and the old lady.

Seeing the whole leopard at a glance, from this point of view, the old Hou Ye or the old lady ruled very severely, so the army must also be extremely strict. This is probably the reason why the Shenwu Army is so powerful.

It's just that this kind of atmosphere seems a little dignified. After all, this is a place to live in, not a military camp. If he is so desolate, he would not want to live in such an environment.

Perhaps this is also the reason why Zhongli Ruoshui likes to live in Huaxi Bieyuan or Shuiyunjian.

The two soldiers looked at Zhongli Ruoshui and Li Chenan at this moment.

The two cupped their hands in a salute, and at the same time stretched out their hands to lead, without saying a word, Zhongli Ruoshui was obviously used to it, so she led Li Chenan into the Moon Gate like this.

"This is the outer courtyard. In the courtyard on the left are the maidservants of the mansion, and in the courtyard on the right are the guards of the mansion... Actually, they are all retired soldiers from the Shenwu Army."

"The yard on the right is much larger than the one on the left, because there are many guard yards, and because there is a stable and a blacksmith's shop in the yard on the right."

"Grandpa and grandma live in the main courtyard, which is a little far away from here."

"There are east and west courtyards on the left and right of the main courtyard. I remember it was very lively when I was a child, because almost the entire Dingguohou Mansion lived here."

"Later, of course, the family was gradually separated. My father returned to Zhongli Mansion in Guangling City... After all, that is where the ancestral house is."

"The rest of the uncles were also separated. It's not that they can't live there, but grandma thinks it's better to disperse some uncles. Some uncles stayed in the capital, and some went to other places, such as Shuzhou, or Yongzhou, etc. wait."

Li Chen'an put away the oil-paper umbrella, because the road ahead is all in the corridor.

He finally saw the servants of the mansion.

It's just that those servants also seldom speak. After seeing Zhongli Ruoshui, they would say hello to Zhongli Ruoshui, then look at themselves curiously, and then of course go off to their own business.

Still clean, or... deserted.

Of course, judging from the current situation, it may also be the old lady's deliberate arrangement.

The two continued to move forward, and after a cup of tea, they arrived at the main courtyard.

Just stepped into the main courtyard, a voice suddenly came


"I don't want to practice swords!"

"Grandma... I'm going to see my brother-in-law!"

Of course she is Zhong Li Ruo Hua!

At this moment, Zhongli Ruohua was standing in the rain and crying loudly.

She wiped her tears with one hand, and stretched out the other hand, without looking at it, she just clamped the same black sword that flew over with two fingers!

The moment she clamped the sword, she suddenly stopped crying, and turned her head to look at the door.


The eyes on her chubby face suddenly lit up.

She flies out of the rain.

He flew towards Li Chenan.

"Brother-in-law... save me...!"

Before Li Chenan could react, Zhongli Ruohua was already hanging around his neck.