
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

The Third Miss' Idea

A black carriage is parked outside the archway of Ningxiang Hall.

The driver of the carriage is still the old man wearing a straw hat.

Li Chenan and Su Muxin followed Jian Wu and walked towards the carriage.

Jian Wu was actually a little curious, she didn't expect Li Chenan to be so obedient.

Murong He, who was not far behind them, was also a little curious, and it was only then that she realized that the boy who brought Su Mu's heart to evil was called Li Chen'an.

Of course she got the two of them upside down.

I thought to myself that the two of them are really working together to run the tavern, but Mr. Su is a well-known talent in Ningguo after all, so it is okay to learn some management skills from a small merchant, but he can go to the brothel after him... This is a little bit Not quite right.

After all, he will eventually enter the court as an official.

Just when Murong He was thinking about this, she suddenly felt a chill.

She looked up and saw that Su Muxin and the two had already boarded the carriage.

The driver of the carriage happened to glance at her who was hiding in the night.


Being able to lock her with the Qi machine, at least one level is lower!

She stopped, and the chill in that look disappeared.

The black carriage drove forward slowly.

She stood in the darkness for a while, and then walked towards Erjinggou Alley.



The backyard of the tavern under the banyan tree.

Zhongli Ruoshui was still a little apprehensive, after all, she didn't want her husband-in-law to become interested in brothels.

But this is the second day when the two really know each other, and the relationship between him and him has not been revealed, and now he is called Jian Wu to call him back from the Ningxiang Pavilion... Isn't this a bit unfair? Not going well?

He can completely ignore himself.

What if he ignores him and doesn't come back?

The culprit is still that Su Muxin!

So I have to talk to that guy Su Muxin another day.

It's fine if you go to the brothel to find flowers and ask Liu, but don't lead Li Chen'an to this girl!

No, Zhongli Ruoshui rolled his eyes, Li Chenan and Su Muxin must be separated, and Li Chenan must not be idle!

This man, if he has some money in his pocket, he will inevitably think about it.

If there are fox friends and dog friends shouting again, they will run faster than rabbits.

Since he made Su Muxin the shopkeeper of this small tavern, he had to get busy with the winemaking workshop as soon as possible. After that, he stayed in Peach Blossom Villa...he would have no chance to visit brothels at night again!

So Zhongli Ruoshui didn't leave.

She was waiting for Jian Wu to bring Li Chenan back!

Tonight, the matter of the brewery must be put on the desk.

While Zhongli Ruoshui was thinking about these things, Jian Wu brought Li Chenan and Su Muxin back to the backyard of the tavern.

The moment he saw Zhongli Ruoshui, it wasn't Li Chenan who was surprised but Su Muxin!

It's really the third lady of Zhongli Mansion!

She was actually still waiting for Li Chen'an in this courtyard this late at night!

From this point of view, what the teacher said is very likely to become a reality!

So the teacher let me stay by Li Chenan's side, the real intention was not to hope that I could learn something from Li Chenan, but... to use Li Chenan to borrow Zhongli's power!

Ginger, sure enough, is still old and spicy!

The teacher's plan is still so far-reaching!

At this moment, Zhongli Ruoshui gave Su Muxin a look, which had two meanings——

One of them is of course complaining that Su Muxin took Li Chenan to the Ningxiang Pavilion.

Second, I don't want Su Muxin to reveal her true identity at this moment.

Su Muxin didn't understand the first point, because Li Chenan dragged him to the Ningxiang Pavilion today, if he knew the truth, he would definitely complain.

As for the second point, he didn't need Zhongli Ruoshui to remind him, because Li Chenan said that the third lady's name was Zhong Ruoruo.

The third lady didn't tell Li Chenan her real name, probably because she was worried that the name of Zhongli Mansion would scare Li Chenan.

He looked at Li Chenan.

Li Chenan smiled.

"Ruo Ruo, I've been waiting for a long time, I have something to do tonight... business!"

When Zhongli Ruoshui heard this, he was stunned for three breaths and suddenly understood.

Of course, Li Chenan's business is the business of Li Jing Division, but why does the fourth princess Ning Chuchu give him any business and need to go to the brothel?

Of course she didn't ask.

Grandma said that as a woman, you should not go to the bottom of certain things about men.

If he is willing to tell you, that's fine. If he doesn't want to tell you, then there is a reason why he doesn't tell you. Don't be curious.

"Ah, actually, actually, I called you back because I wanted to discuss something with you."

Li Chenan sat opposite Zhongli Ruoshui, and asked Qiaoxi to change a pot of tea, "What's the matter?"

"I was chatting with sister Qiaoxi just now, and sister Qiaoxi said that you plan to buy land to build a winemaking workshop... I just thought that my family has a lot of land, and there is also a lot of land next to the Peach Blossom Creek."

"Those lands are idle. If you really plan to build a workshop, I can lend you those lands first. What do you think?"

Of course Li Chenan was happy.

In his plan, this matter can only be done after he has accumulated thousands of taels of silver in this tavern.

Now that Zhong Ruoruo is willing to lend the land to him, the matter can be started more quickly, but the series of expenses such as building a workshop, buying grain, hiring workers, etc. are not small.

At least not with the little money in my pocket right now.

The clever Zhongli Ruoshui saw the hesitation on Li Chenan's face at the moment, and she said again

"Does it look good to you?"

"I also want to earn some money for myself. I will lease the land needed by the brewery to you, and I will not charge rent for the time being. In addition, I will pay for the construction of the workshop and all other expenses, and you will be responsible. One should be specific."

"After all, you only know about it. Don't worry, I won't interfere with the brewery. I just want to share the money."


Li Chenan looked at Zhongli Ruoshui and laughed.

This is venture capital?

This little girl has great eyesight!

Huapingchun is a one-of-a-kind item.

Its quality is far superior to Guanglingsan and Jingdu Ruilu.

Once it is introduced to the market in large quantities. It will definitely be able to occupy the high-end wine market in Ningguo and even in the whole world.

But in Li Chen'an's plan, the price of this kind of wine with more than 30 degrees is going to be greatly reduced in the future to hit this part of the Guangling San market.

And the high-end market will be the higher alcohol wine that he will brew later.

Huapingchun will face the whole country and even the world in the future.

It is inevitable to earn a lot of money.

And this girl's family has some relationship with the government, so after the workshop is completed, it is estimated that many unnecessary troubles can be avoided, and the silver medal on her body does not need to be exposed.

"If you trust me, we can discuss this matter carefully."

"Of course I can trust you."

"Okay, I'll make an investment plan tonight. I'll meet you tomorrow... If you are free in the morning, I'll show you the plan. If you think it's feasible, we can start to do it!"

"...What is an investment plan?"