
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

A Guy Falls Down


rain break.

Zhongli Ruoshui and Jian Wu did not return to Peach Blossom Villa in the carriage, but returned to Zhongli Mansion in Guangling City.

She is very excited.

Suddenly, he was really looking forward to Li Chen'an's ability to make good use of those abandoned lands, and he was really looking forward to a large-scale winemaking workshop beside the Peach Blossom Creek.

Jian Wu was a little worried, feeling that Miss's actions were a little rash.

"Miss, that's tens of thousands of taels of silver... What if he, he fails?"

"If you fail, you will lose ten thousand taels of silver, but do you think he will fail?"

Zhongli Ruoshui didn't wait for Jian Wu to reply, she said with great certainty, "He won't fail, I can tell from his eyes and speech. His eyes are not wandering in the slightest and are extremely firm, and his speech is smooth and natural without any hesitation. "

"That is a kind of self-confidence, which shows that he has thought about this matter for a long time and considered all aspects of this matter."

"Besides, didn't he say he wanted to make a plan? After reading his plan tomorrow, this matter will become clearer."

"By the way, when you went to Ningxiang Pavilion, he... what was he doing?"

Jian Wu cupped his hands and saluted, "He was drinking on the first floor. However, when I went there, I happened to meet that young master of the Huo family who was provoking Mr. Li."

"Huo Zigui?"

"Yes, Huo Zi returned and explained that he was going to his tavern, saying that if Mr. Li didn't hand over the method of making wine, he would break Mr. Li's legs and throw Mr. Li into Huaping Lake to feed the fish."

Zhongli Ruoshui's pretty face suddenly turned cold, "This Huo family... is really desperate!"

"Let's go to the tavern early tomorrow morning. If Huo Zigui really comes, just do it!"

"Break Huo Zigui's leg! Throw him to Huaping Lake to feed the fish!"

"Huh, you dare to play with Mr. Li's idea. This girl wants to see what the Huo family dares to do!"


Jian Wu responded, but said again, "Miss, Mr. Li doesn't know martial arts, and there are no people around him who know martial arts. This is not a solution after all."

"What I mean is...do you ask Mr. Wu to teach him? Although he is too old, if Mr. Wu takes the initiative to teach him, he will be able to step into the Nine Realms next year, so that he at least has a way to protect himself. "

Zhongli Ruoshui's eyes lit up, "Good idea, go invite Mr. Wu in!"



Li Chenan leaned over his desk and wrote furiously.

Since the third lady is willing to invest in the Huapingchun project, she has to be responsible for the investor, which is a matter of professionalism.

It is not yet known whether the land she mentioned is suitable for wine making, but as long as the funding problem is solved, everything else will be easier to handle.

So he is really serious about making a plan.

It's just that I'm not used to using this brush, so that the speed in my hand can't keep up with the thinking in my head.

He didn't know that there was a person sitting on the big banyan tree in the yard at the moment.

An old man wearing a hat.

He is Zhongli Ruoshui's coachman, Yujian Chengfeng Wu Xichen who was once well-known in the Jianghu, but has been away from the Jianghu for 20 years!

Wu Xichen thought it was a bit interesting to be entrusted by the third lady to teach Li Chenan this evening.

The main reason is that this kid is interesting.

He just looked at Li Chenan under the light through the window like that, and didn't know what Li Chenan was busy with at night.

Of course he didn't think much of it, just waiting for the lantern to go out.

He waited until the end of the ugly time.

Li Chenan finally finished writing that simple plan.

He put down the brush, stood up and stretched, then blew out the candle.

Just as he turned and walked towards the bed——

There seemed to be a gust of wind blowing through the window, and then, his back was suddenly poked, and he instinctively wanted to make a sound, but he was horrified to find that his mouth opened, but no sound came out of his throat.

Then he felt his body lighten, his feet lifted off the ground, and he was picked up by someone!

The man carrying him went out from the door, and a guy flew to the roof!

Then he felt the strong wind.

It was like flying!

This was robbed?

Who will it be?

There is a high probability that it is the Huo family!

In order to get Huapingchun's wine making method, the Huo family will use any means!

Wouldn't it be more unfortunate than good for me?

Li Chen'an broke out in a cold sweat, because he knew that even if he handed over Huapingchun's wine making method to the Huo family, he would die in the end!

Because there can only be one Huapingchun in the world!

Now how to do?

Since the Huo family moved their hands silently, it is probably useless to take out the silver medal of the Mirror Division when they reach the ground.


Only then did he realize that he had no possibility of struggling in front of a master of the rivers and lakes.

At this moment, he realized how important kung fu is in such a society!

If the heavens give me another chance to time travel, I must find a sect to learn martial arts first!

Just as he was thinking wildly, scattered lights appeared in front of his eyes.


"Bang...!", he was thrown to the ground by that person.

He jumped up from the ground, and the moment he got up, he grabbed a stone with his hand.

According to the dim light, what he saw was a person wearing a bamboo hat.

He didn't connect this person with Zhongli Ruoshui's coachman at all.

Then the man slapped him on the back, and he found himself talking.

"Senior, you are a master of the rivers and lakes, and I am the small owner of a small tavern. We don't violate the water of the well. I don't know what orders the senior will have when you come here?"

Wu Xichen turned his back to Li Chenan.

He looked at the dark Huaping Lake.

At this moment, he was thinking about where to start teaching. After all, Li Chenan was already seventeen years old. After all, Miss San meant to give him a little way to protect himself.

When he didn't speak, Li Chenan became more and more uneasy.

Especially when Li Chenan also found out that this place is by Huaping Lake.

He felt that the kidnapper might break his leg and throw him into Huaping Lake to feed the fish!

His face became grim.

He took a step forward.

"Senior, there is something that can be discussed. For example, we can have a drink in the tavern, and then you talk about your intentions. If I can satisfy you..."

He took another step forward.

"I will definitely do my best to satisfy you."

"After all, money is something outside of the body."

"I'm still young, and I'm still nostalgic for the rest of my life."

Wu Xichen didn't listen to what Li Chenan said at all, at this moment he figured it out.

Teach this kid lightness kung fu!

He definitely can't beat a few masters, but if he learns his unique footwork of riding the wind, it will not be easy for masters below the second level to take him down.

Wu Xichen turned around.

Li Chenan raised the stone in his hand.


Li Chenan held the stone in both hands and smashed it on Wu Xichen's head.

Wu Xichen never expected that his majestic master at the first level would be attacked by this guy.

He was careless.

No luck.

Blood trickled down his forehead.

He stretched out a hand, "Bang...!" The guy stunned Li Chenan into a faint.

He too fell to the ground.

When Murong He quietly followed, what he saw were two dead bodies by the Huaping Lake.