
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

The Tavern Under the Banyan Tree

Suddenly, a strong smell of wine came from the east end of Erjinggou Alley!

This surprised the old neighbors who lived in Erjinggou Alley——

Obviously, the smell of wine came from Li Chenan's shop.

"He really brewed wine?"

"It smells much better than the 80 cents a catty of wine I bought!"

"Old Yu, I tasted Guangling powder once at my in-law's house. The taste of Mr. Li's wine is probably better than that of Guangling powder!"

"...Is it so powerful?"

"Don't underestimate Mr. Li. When he was selling steamed straw cakes here, I saw that Mr. Li is not an ordinary person!"

"Cut! I mean shopkeeper Zhao. How do I remember that when Mr. Li was selling steamed cakes and grass cakes, you wanted to smash his shop? I remember that when Mr. Li's shop was closed, your face was so close I laughed so hard!"

"Where is it? I said, you old man, don't want to tarnish my old Zhao's name! If Mr. Li listens to it, wouldn't it ruin the feelings of our neighbors!"

"What are you arguing about? Go to Mr. Li's tavern and have a look!"

So, people rushed to the tavern, only to find that the door of the tavern was closed.

A bright red silk cloth was hung on the lintel of the closed gate, covering the plaque behind it.

In addition, there are also two red silk cloths hanging on both sides of the threshold, which seem to cover up the couplet.

What does this mean?

This tavern looked a little mysterious in the eyes of the neighbors.



The backyard of the tavern.

Cuihua stood behind Li Chen'an with a face full of reluctance, with ten thousand reluctances in her heart.

Because guarding the coffin shop is very leisurely, and the Four Temples next door can also bring him some unexpected income.

But this newly appointed embroiderer wants to go to his tavern by himself!

She couldn't refuse, because this brazen embroiderer said it was a mission!

Before his grandfather passed away, he told her in earnest that the mission of Lijing Division must be completed no matter what method is used!

It wasn't until she followed this embroidered clothes envoy here that she realized that it was for her to learn how to make wine!

The little girl's eyes widened.

"Department of Lijing... When did you have the task of brewing wine?"

Li Chen'an is busy brewing the first tank of wine.

Li Qiaoxi was lighting the fire, and Li Xiaohua was cutting the ingredients. He was paying attention to the changes in the quality of the distilled wine.

"Do you want me to make up the money that Li Jingsi owes you?"

The little girl nodded without hesitation.

"Then don't ask. Asking means that you have learned this method of brewing wine, and you will have endless money in the future!"

The little girl's eyes lit up, and at that moment she seemed to see piles of the best rouge powder in her room.


"Why did I lie to you, little girl?"

"But grandpa said that the most unreliable thing is the man's mouth!"

After thinking about it, the little girl muttered again: "Not to mention, not to mention your name is Li Chen'an!"

Li Chen'an took a small spoonful of wine from the wine tank, put it up to his nose and smelled it, then took a sip, frowning slightly, the alcohol was about thirty-five degrees.

It was much worse than what I expected, but it was already much better than Guangling San.

The wine just out of the oven is a bit choking, it's best to cellar for a few more days.

But the conditions here are not met.

Not to mention the wine cellar, these people living in this backyard are already extremely crowded.

He put down the wine spoon, turned his head to look at Cuihua, "Is Li Chen'an not a nice name?"

"Ah, my lord," Cuihua lowered her head, feeling a little uneasy in her heart, but she still whispered: "The name used to be really not very nice."

She raised her head, stared at the wine jar with a smile on her face, and showed a bright smile: "But now it's much more pleasing to my ear!"


"Because this wine smells delicious!"

"You know how to drink?"

"A little bit. Grandpa liked to drink it before."

"Then you have a taste of my wine."

Li Chenan took another spoonful and handed it to Cuihua. Cuihua took it and drank it in one gulp. After a while, his eyes lit up: "Good wine!"

"How good is it?"

"At least it's better than Guangling San!"

"Then how much silver do you think you can sell for a catty?"

"...Guangling sells loosely for two hundred and fifty yuan a catty. My lord, this wine is worth at least three hundred and fifty yuan!"

Li Chen'an smiled calmly, "Then are you still willing to follow me to learn how to make wine?"


Cuihua readily agreed, because if this wine comes out, she believes it will definitely become the best wine in Guangling City, no, even in Ningguo!

Of course, there is another reason. If I learn how to make wine, wouldn't I be able to drink such delicious wine without spending a penny in the future?

"I can give you the method, but remember, this method must never be passed on to anyone!"

"The subordinates understand that this is the rule."

"Okay, are you literate?"

"More or less recognized."

Li Chen'an handed the note with the steps of wine making to Cuihua from his arms, "You memorize what is written on it, and then burn it. You will be in charge of brewing the next tank of wine."


When Cuihua took the note, she hesitated and looked at Li Chen'an a few more times.

Although she is young, she already knows the ways of the world. She knows the importance of this note!

She even knew that if this note was sold, it would be worth tens of thousands of gold!

But the new boss was just handed over to her casually.

Why does he trust himself so much?

The little girl felt the warmth of being trusted in her heart, so she said: "Don't worry, if this method is leaked... I will lie in that coffin in the coffin shop."

"Don't be so stressful, this wine... is actually not the best."

Cuihua was startled, "Then what's the best?"

"Not yet, let's sell this kind of bar first, and when we earn money, we have to buy a wine-making workshop. This place is too small and there is no way to brew better wine."

"...You keep the money owed to me by Lijing Division for the time being, and you can give it to me after the workshop is established and makes a lot of money."

Cuihua took the note and read it carefully.

She suddenly felt hopeful in her heart.

Under the leadership of this boss, the Guangling Prefecture Lijing Division Branch may really be able to regain its former glory.

The backyard of the small courtyard was busy, and three teenagers came outside the small courtyard.

Qi Zhixue looked at the still closed door, sniffed the strong aroma of wine, and turned to look at Cheng Zhe.

"How about Biruilu?"

"The fragrance is more intense."

"So... this kid really isn't exaggerating?"

Cheng Zhe nodded after pondering for a moment.

Qi Zhixue laughed and shook the folding fan in her hand: "Although it's a small path, if you can walk out of a big path in the small path, I think it's a great skill!"

"I just find it strange, since he can make such good wine, why did he sell the steamed cakes and straw cakes before?"

Su Mu thought for a while and said, "The teacher said... this is called great wisdom."

"how do I say this?"

"Think about it, if he had brewed this wine before, would he still be able to preserve this wine making method?"

Cheng Zhe was stunned, "Master Hua, what does Mr. Hua mean...he now has the means to keep this method?"

"It should be like this. After all, the third lady of Zhongli Mansion is paying attention to him. After all, the teacher regards him as a year-end friend, and even introduced him to his senior, Master Liu."

"In Guangling City, even if it's the Huo family, if they want to steal his formula, I'm afraid they have to weigh it."