
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Each Mind

However, the Huo family did not know these facts.

When Huo Xi, the Patriarch of the Huo family, learned that the idiot of the Li family at the east end of Erjinggou Alley seemed to have brewed a wine that was better than Ruilu, he summoned Huo Chuanming, with the intention of asking him to check it out. What happened to that fool, but he didn't expect to know more news from Huo Chuanming.

Huo Chuanming told Huo Xi in detail what happened in the government office a few days ago. Of course, he didn't know that there was another small case earlier, that is, Li Chendong sued Li Chenan for breaking into the house and committing murder.

In addition, Liu Zhuo ordered Cai Yutang not to mention that Li Chenan might have some kind of relationship with Li Jingsi, so Huo Chuanming, who has always been cautious, made a wrong judgment——

"Uncle, this is actually a good thing!"

"Although our Guangling powder occupies a huge market, the most high-end market is still firmly controlled by Qujia's Ruilu!"

"Since Li Chen'an has brewed better wine than Ruilu..." He stroked his short beard and narrowed his eyes slightly, "As long as Cheng Guogong leaves Guangling City, Li Chen'an's relationship with Zhongli Mansion will be meaningless!"

"In addition, my nephew once inquired about Zhongli Qiuyang's tone in the government office. Zhongli Qiuyang laughed at the incident, saying that it was just the mischievousness of the third lady, and even more so, given the status of Zhongli's mansion, how could the third lady come down?" Marry such a white man!"

"That's why my nephew concluded that even if Third Miss Zhongli became interested in that fool, it was only for a moment. When Zhongli's mansion stopped looking at him... our Huo family can easily handle him!"

"At that time, won't his prescription for this wine fall into the hands of our Huo family?"

"If his wine is really as good as the rumors say, our Huo family will be able to defeat the Qu family in Kyoto and become the largest wine merchant in Ningguo, occupying all the markets!"

Hearing that, Huoxi felt happy in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

He even frowned, and asked, "But the Li family is after all a family of seven jinshi, father and son, and three prostitutes!"

"If the second room of the Li family's eldest room wants to protect him...Although Bai Yang is now the young Zhan Shi of the Zhan Shifu, Li Wenhou, the second room of the Li family, is already the Secretary of the Household Department."

"If Li Wenhou stood up for that idiot, Baiyang would not be too good at making enemies with Li Wenhou at the moment, because His Royal Highness' personal conquest has already been put on the agenda."

When Huo Chuanming heard this, he pondered for a moment and said, "My nephew thought that Li Wenhou would not protect that kid!"


"Because His Royal Highness wants to personally conquer, as Minister of the Household Department, he must guarantee the food and grass for the frontline soldiers. These years, our Ning country's grain harvest has not been very good, especially the floods in the north and south of the Yangtze River last year. Although the harvest was bumper last year, the household There is still a shortage of food!"

"That's why Baiyang sent a letter to tell me that I must ask the grain merchants in Guangling City to buy a large amount of grain this year. After the army is dispatched, if the logistics supply cannot keep up, Baiyang will send grain to His Royal Highness at this time... This is the timely delivery of charcoal , he will definitely become the confidant of His Highness the Crown Prince!"

"During this period of time, I think Li Wenhou has no time to take care of other things. When His Royal Highness the Crown Prince returns triumphantly, Baiyang will surely make great progress, and we have obtained the method of brewing wine. At this time, even if Li Wenhou wants to protect Li Chen'an , I have to weigh more!"

Hosse picked up the teacup and got up, walked back and forth in the study for a few steps, "Then I'll leave it to you."

"I will remember you as a great achievement after it is done! Uncle will repair the book for Bai Yang, the magistrate of Guangling City... Liu Zhuo is a thorn in his side!"

Huo Chuanming got up and was overjoyed, "This is for our Huo Mansion to go further. My nephew should go all out!"

"When will Li Chen's Anna's Tavern open?"

"I heard tomorrow."

"Oh, send someone to buy some of his wine tomorrow and come back to taste it, to see if it is worthy of the name!"

If that silly boy really brewed better wine than Ruilu...Horse's eyes slowly narrowed, and a stern smile hung on the corner of his mouth.


Zhongli Ruoshui was also very concerned about the tavern in Erjinggou Alley, after all, that person aroused her great interest.

Especially after watching the song "Will Enter the Wine".

"Miss, miss!"

From Peach Blossom Villa, a girl ran into the backyard like flying, and stood in front of Zhongli Ruoshui panting.

"What's wrong?"

"Miss Hui, he really brewed wine!"

"...Li Chenan?"

"Well, I heard that the strong smell of wine was wafting from all the alleys of Erjinggou yesterday, and it's probably spread all over the city by now!"

Zhongli Ruoshui looked at Ning Chuchu who was also surprised on the opposite side, and then asked the maid, "Is his tavern open?"

"Not yet, Mr. Cheng went there again yesterday evening, and said that the door of the tavern was still closed. He said that the smell of the wine alone might be better than the Ruilu in Kyoto. I guess it will really open today."

"...better than Ruilu?" Ning Chuchu asked in disbelief.

Ruilu is a tribute to the royal family, looking at the whole of Ningguo, there is really no better wine than Ruilu!

Cheng Zhe is obsessed with wine, and Ruilu is what he often drinks in his capacity as Duke Cheng's mansion. If it is his evaluation, it is very likely to be true!

"Returning to Your Highness, servants and servants have also heard about it. After all, his tavern has not yet opened, so I don't know what happened."

Zhongli Ruoshui pondered for a moment, "I see, prepare the car."


The maid turned around and left, Ning Chuchu looked at Zhongli Ruoshui, "Do you still want to go and see?"

"You don't want to?"

"I'm a little curious, but I'm afraid he will quit his job if he finds out what's going on with the Department of Mirrors."

"But he already knew it from Cuihua's mouth, but you'd better not go."


"I think he's afraid he'll settle accounts with you."

Zhongli Ruoshui stood up, she was wearing a red dress, like a peach blossom in full bloom, "I brought back a pot of wine for you to taste."

Watching Zhongli Ruoshui leave happily, Ning Chuchu's face showed a hint of melancholy.

After a while, she looked as usual, and asked Yu Heng who was standing behind her, "Tell me, if his wine is really that good, if I bring it back to the palace for my father to taste... if the palace uses his wine as a tribute?" , so that his wine is famous, since he can suppress Ruilu, he can naturally suppress Guanglingsan, so that he can earn a lot of money... Can he bring changes to the branch of the Lijing Division in Guangling Prefecture? Woolen cloth?"

Yu Heng bowed, thought for a while and said, "Your Highness, I'm afraid his small place can't produce much wine."

"Besides, the Jingdu Qu family has been working in the capital for so many years. Compared to Mr. Li, the Qu family is like a gigantic existence."

"My subordinates thought that if he could open up a market in Guangling Prefecture, he would have a place to build a winemaking workshop and defeat the Huo family in Guangling Prefecture first... Only by doing this can we go longer and wider."

Ning Chuchu pondered for a moment, "It's because I acted too hastily, but..."

Her face suddenly became happy, and she looked at the splendid peach forest, "Isn't there thousands of acres of land outside the Peach Blossom Villa?"