
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

The furious Zhong Li Ruo Shui

Li Chenan couldn't understand the meaning of Amu's words.

He only knew that Amu was seriously injured.

He also knew that from this moment on, Amu was his first best brother in this world in this life!

He couldn't let Amu die because of him!

He picked up Amu and yelled like crazy, "Look for Lang Zhong, take me to find Lang Zhong!"

He rushed out with Amu in his arms, at the fastest speed in his life so far.

"Big Bear!"

"Uncle Zhou!"

"Where are you people!"

Since the fight, none of the guards in the nursing home have come out.

When Li Chenan ran to the nursing home, he saw everyone lying on the ground.

no blood.

He didn't have time to check it out.

He rushed towards the gate of Huaxi Bieyuan again.

An Zizai rolled to his side and said, "Come with me!"

Li Chenan hugged Amu and followed An Zizai and ran out of the Huaxi Bieyuan quickly. When he saw the lady, he stopped and said a word to the lady coldly

"If my brother dies... even if you are Ruoshui's mother, I will not let you go!"

An Zizai looked around, without saying a word, he took Li Chenan and disappeared into Rong Yiyin's astonished sight.

Rong Yiyin's astonishment was not because of Li Chenan's threatening words, but because Li Chenan was still alive!

How could he be alive?

Rong Yiyin turned around, and saw Eunuch Xiao walking out with his hands folded and his head bowed.

"what happened?"

Eunuch Xiao salutes Rong Yiyin

"...Let's go, I didn't kill you... You can't lose money by stealing chickens!"

"What about Luo Yueban?"

"Dead, two halves!"

"...An Zizai made a move?"

"No, he died at the hands of that young swordsman."

Rong Yiyin took a deep breath, looked up at the sky, and at this moment, a carriage came quickly.

Eunuch Xiao turned his head and took a look, "Ma'am, Your Majesty will be back with the emperor in about two days, let's discuss long-term plans... Miscellaneous family will take a step first."

He walked away, Rong Yiyin's face was frosty.

She looked at the stopped carriage, and at the girl who hurried down from the carriage.

Of course she is like water.

Zhongli Ruoshui's face was tense at the moment, and what was showing in her eyes was no longer the tenderness she had when she faced Li Chenan, but...a coldness!

She stood in front of her mother.

Her gaze was fixed on Rong Yiyin, her voice seemed to come from the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month

"I'm so disappointed in you!"

"You don't deserve to be my mother at all!"

"In order to restore the former glory of Rongfu in Kyoto, you did not hesitate to sacrifice my happiness!"

"Do you think I'm still the carefree daughter I used to be?"

"you are wrong!"

"You forgot that I'm still the strongest woman who can't tolerate anyone influencing my thoughts!"

"Even if you are my mother, it won't work!"

"If Li Chenan loses half a hair... the relationship between our mother and daughter will come to an end!"

"I'm Zhongli Ruoshui and I will do what I say!"

Zhongli Ruoshui turned around and hurried towards the Huaxi courtyard.

Rong Yiyin looked at Zhongli Ruoshui's back, and suddenly shouted, "You were born to me!"

"I am your mother!"

"What is he?"

"You are heartless, you dare to say that about your mother because of him?!"

Zhongli Ruoshui didn't stop walking, even her pace was faster, she was panicked, she didn't want to waste any more time.

She walked into the inner courtyard, walked around the screen wall, and was startled.

What she saw were five corpses on the ground, and the blood flowing from those corpses!

She ran over in a hurry, looked at each one carefully, then she stood up slowly, and said to Jian Wu beside her, "None of those guards are here, go and have a look!"


Jian Wu left.

Zhongli Ruoshui was standing in this pool of blood, she looked at the collapsed gazebo, and only then realized that her clothes were soaked through.

Not because of the heat, but because of her nervousness.

The bodies of Li Chenan and Amu were not seen.

Amu is a master.

Amu agreed to protect Li Chenan's safety... Where are they?

A while later, Jian Wu brought Zhou Huairen and a dozen other guards to the main courtyard.

When Zhou Huairen and the others saw it, they all knelt down in front of Zhongli Ruoshui.

"Miss, I must, I deserve death!"

There was no expression in Zhongli Ruoshui's eyes, she asked coldly "Why?"

Zhou Huairen bowed his head in shame, "I rushed out when I heard the sound of fighting in the main courtyard, but I didn't expect to meet a master."

"He, he tapped all of our acupuncture points... I wait, it's useless to wait, please punish me!"

Zhongli Ruoshui raised his eyebrows, only then did he realize that his mother had arranged everything in order to kill Li Chenan.

"Get up... Throw those corpses to the back mountain to feed the wolves... Sword Dance!"


"let's go."

"...Where are you going?"

"Go to the medical clinic in Kyoto!"

At this moment, another woman came behind the screen wall.

She is the fourth princess Ning Chuchu.

She put on light makeup and wore a long white dress embroidered with cloud patterns.

She dresses up beautifully... She is not a person who likes to dress up.

But today she was going to see Li Chen'an, but she made a serious effort to dress up.

So she missed a lot.

It's just that when she came to the yard and saw these corpses on the ground, she suddenly understood a lot.

The anticipation on her face disappeared in an instant.

She became tense.

She came to Zhongli Ruoshui's side, looked at the servants who were handling those corpses, and asked in a low voice, "Who did it?"

She didn't ask what happened.

She had already guessed that this was an assassination against Li Chenan.

Zhongli Ruoshui took a deep breath, "My mother!"


Ning Chuchu understood, her eyes fell on Zhongli Ruoshui's face, "Where are the others?"

"I just came back, I don't know yet, I should be in a medical clinic."

Ning Chuchu turned around, "Yuheng!"

"The subordinates are here!"

"Let everyone in the Lijing Department of Yujing City search the entire medical clinic, find Li Chen'an, and report quickly!"

"...Subordinates obey!"

Yuheng hesitated for three breaths.

Because such an order will only be issued after something big happens in Yujing City!

In the ten years or so since she joined the Mirror Division, she had never had one.

At this moment, the fourth princess issued such an order unprecedentedly.

The reason is just to find that young man Li Chen'an who came from Guangling City!

She turned and left.

Not long after, there was a sudden panic in Yujing City!

It's just that Ning Chuchu and Zhongli Ruoshui didn't know.

They sat on the first floor of the east building.

At this moment, Zhongli Ruoshui didn't think about why Ning Chuchu came.

She was a little lost.

She looked at the sunlight that was still covering the ground outside the door, and tears suddenly flowed down.

"Blame me!"

"I easily believed my mother's words!"

"He conjured ice and made a pot of delicious iced herbal tea."

"Mother said grandma had something to do with me, so I took that basin of ice and that pot of iced herbal tea to the Hou Mansion..."

"It never occurred to me that Mother wanted to dismiss me in order to kill him!"

She withdrew her gaze, and looked at Ning Chuchu with tears in her eyes, "You said...why is she so powerful?"

"What's wrong with Li Chen'an? She clearly knows that I like Li Chen'an, so how could she have such a vicious hand!"

"...It's fine if Li Chen'an is fine, but I'm afraid he will look at me differently because of this..."

"I shouldn't have gone."

Zhongli Ruoshui looked out the door again, with a sad expression on his face.

"I shouldn't have left Guangling to come to Kyoto."

"If I don't come...he won't come either."

"If he doesn't come to the capital, how can such a thing happen!"

"It's all my fault!"

Ning Chuchu suddenly didn't know how to comfort Zhongli Ruoshui.

She felt a little pain in her heart.

She felt that she should not have come.

Not to mention the admiration for Li Chenan.

It made her feel guilty.

But he was really the first one I met!

It's a pity, but he can't become his own Prime Minister Shang!

"Don't worry, he, he is a scourge!"

"A good person will not live long, he can live a thousand years!"