
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Ten thousand taels of trust

Li Chen'an didn't know that another poem of his made waves in the capital.

He didn't even know that the handsome father-in-law had other thoughts about him after hearing the poem.

His life in Guangling City was very comfortable.

Ever since his identity as the helm master of the Guangling sub-rudder of the Ichthyosaurus has become a household name in Guangling City, no one in the huge Guangling City has come to provoke him, even if it is the Huo family... The head of the Huo family heard that he went to the capital, but Huo Master Huo Tongpan these days, not only did not feel sorry for him, but he got very close to him.

Thus, the people of Guangling City discovered a problem——

In the east and west cities, Peach Blossom Noodles and Guangling Powder are sold in the same market. Of course Peach Blossom Noodles sell very well, but Guangling Powder also has a good market. The two seem to have reached a new balance tacitly.

Logically speaking, since Peach Blossom Brewing is so popular, Li Chen'an should expand the scale to brew more wine to occupy a larger market, but he just didn't do that.

Peach Blossom Noodles maintains a daily output of 3,000 jin, and it has not increased by one or two for half a month.

On the contrary, it was the Huaping Chun, which was newly launched in the tavern under the banyan tree, which made the merchants and rich merchants in Guangling City unforgettable.

The neighbors in Erjinggou Alley also discovered a situation, Li Chenan rarely appeared in the tavern these days, and he did not see the running figure again in the early morning.

Neighbors also feel normal when chatting.

They seemed to have long forgotten that the kid was what they called a fool.

They feel that the current young master of the Li family is a person who does great things.

He must be rebuilding the Guangling branch of the Ichthyosaur Society!

Because that is the real power in his hands!



Li Chenan is indeed cooking Yu Xiaozhu.

But just sit down.

He and Wu Xichen went to Peach Blossom Island, but unexpectedly, Shangdi left Guangling City for the capital three days ago.

"He said he would go with me, why did he leave without making a sound?"

Wu Xichen pulled out the cork from the wine gourd, took a sip of Huapingchun, "That old man is very cunning, didn't you say that Wen Xiaowan probably recognized you?"

"If Wen Xiaowan recognizes you, Shang Di will know that the roster of the Fish and Dragon Club is on you. Now that you are the leader of the Fish and Dragon Club, it would be inappropriate for him to ask you for the roster."

"Of course, the teacher thinks this is not the most important thing."

Li Chen'an looked at Wu Xichen suspiciously, and Wu Xichen said again, "I've seen the roster for my teacher, and besides Chang Shusheng, there are two or three people who are somewhat famous in Jianghu."

"Of course, Chang Shusheng must be the one Huangcheng Division most wants to arrest, but Shang Di is not Chang Shusheng's opponent."

"He needed to ask the masters of the Imperial City Department to help him, but now he doesn't need it,"

Wu Xichen looked at Li Chen'an, and said, "He wants to see how you deal with it, and as a teacher, he also wants to ask, how do you want to deal with Chang Scholar?"

Li Chen'an pondered for a moment, he didn't know why Chang Scholar, Dan Qing, who had a great reputation as a master, would submit himself to the Guangling sub-helm of Yulonghui to be a little spy, and even he didn't know where Chang Scholar was now.

That guy was a low-level master five years ago, but now five years have passed, his martial arts may have improved to a higher level.

The so-called disposal, of course, has two options.

One is to subdue this master and let him use it for himself with all his heart.

The second...is to kill, so that maybe the friendship of the Imperial City Secretary can be obtained.

In Li Chenan's heart, subduing Chang Scholar is obviously the best choice, but after all, he can't pass the hurdle in his heart——

Chang Shusheng killed too many people!

The vast majority of them are innocent.

This devil kills people according to his preference, and he even paints with human blood...

"Hey, I can't be that villain after all!"

"He really deserves to die!"

"But I can't do anything about him!"

A gratified smile appeared on Wu Xichen's face. He took another sip of wine and said calmly, "Aren't you going to the capital? Just go to find old man Shang and ask him to take you to meet Mr. Changsun of the Imperial City Department."

This is the second time Li Chenan has heard the name Mr. Changsun.

"Who is Mr. Changsun?"

"Sizheng, Sizheng of the Imperial City, a...lonely man!"

"...what's his name?"

"Eldest grandson Jinghong!"

"By the way, the old man likes to drink, remember to bring him two jars of Huapingchun."

Li Chen'an nodded, and suddenly asked, "Master, if I use this rudder master's order to call Chang Shusheng back, and you cut him off, how about it?"

Wu Xichen stared at him, "Don't think of Master, let's not talk about whether Chang Scholar will take care of your helmsman, even if he really comes, as a teacher, I can't promise to keep him."

"Besides...the water dungeon of the Imperial City Division is said to be a place where no one in the world can escape. It may not be that simple for Chang Scholar to escape from it."

"When you go to the capital, you must visit Fan Taohua. You'd better listen to her opinion then."

"...Okay, master, I'm going to leave this thing that fish and dragons will divide the helm to Ye Po to take care of. Ye Po, may you believe it?"

Wu Xichen nodded, a deep light appeared in his eyes.

"Although Shuzhou Zuodaotang's status in Jianghu is not as high as that of Songshan Sword Academy, Wanxizhai and Mushandao, the Zuodaotang is extremely famous in Shuzhou."

"The current head of the Zuo Dao Tang is Ye Po's mother, Wu Sanmei, who is known as the Deadly Twin Swords in the world."

"As a teacher, I once traveled all over the world and went to Shuzhou, and had a fight with Wu Sanmei... Her two swords are very good, of course, she is also very good, so I stayed in Zuo Dao Tang as my teacher. More than a month."

"She hates evil like an enemy, and everything she does is rewarding good and punishing evil, so I thought her son Ye Po would be a great help to you, so I kept Ye Po that night. As for you Use it, that's your business."

Li Chen'an thought about it, and now those people in the Jianghu in his hands, the disciples of Wanxizhai, of course all have to get the Department of Mirrors to do bright things.

This master is going to Yue to fight Monk Jiudeng, regardless of whether he wins or loses, it may take him more than a year to go back and forth.

Guangling City still has a master, Murong He, but he is the elder Ke Qing of the Fish and Dragon Society, and now he and Su Mu are in a hot fight, so obviously he won't have much thought to help him.

For the establishment of the Fish and Dragon Society, Ye Po is the only person who can use it.

I am about to leave for the capital, but I cannot delay the establishment of the Ichthyosaur Club in Guangling Prefecture...

"Disciple, go talk to Ye Po now."

"Well, go to sleep for the teacher."

Li Chen'an got up and went to the archway outside Zhuoyu Xiaozhu.

There is a small wooden house beside the archway, and a burly man sits on the threshold of the small wooden house.

There was an oiled paper bag on the ground in front of him, and there was still half a chicken left in the oiled paper bag.

He holds a wine bag in his left hand and a chicken leg in his right.

He was gnawing on the chicken leg while drinking, and the knife was leaning against the wall, glowing bright red in the setting sun.

Li Chen'an walked over and sat on the threshold, a little crowded, so Ye Po moved his buttocks and turned to look at him.

Li Chenan took out a stack of thick bank notes from his pocket, took the wine bag from Ye Po's hand, and put the stack of bank notes in Ye Po's hand.

"This is a ten thousand taels of silver bill, not for you to drink and eat chicken."

Li Chenan tore off the other chicken leg, gnawed on it, and didn't care about Ye Po's suspicious eyes.

"I want people, a lot of villains!"

"I will leave this matter to you. From now on, you will be the second in command of the Guangling sub-helm!"