
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

one cut plum

There is rain in Guangling, but the moon is in the sky in Yujing City.

There is a Huanhua Mountain beside the Huanhua River, and there is a huge manor at the foot of the Huanhua Mountain. On the archway outside the manor, there are four big characters Huaxi Bieyuan!

The lights in the main courtyard of the other house were on.

There is a square table in the small pavilion on the lotus pond in the main courtyard, and four people sit in front of the table.

There were untouched dishes and wine on the table, and the dishes had lost their steam, so they were already cold.

Cheng Zhe picked up the wine glass and took a sip, then looked at Zhongli Ruoshui who was sitting opposite.

The fourth princess Ning Chuchu also took a sip from the wine glass, looked at Qi Zhixue who was sitting opposite, Qi Zhixue was also looking at Zhongli Ruoshui curiously at the moment, so Ning Chuchu's eyes fell on Zhongli Ruoshui's face superior.

Zhongli Ruoshui lowered her head slightly, holding a piece of letter paper in her hand.

Her face was filled with a smile like a peach blossom, and her eyes were shining like stars.

That was the letter Li Chenan sent her.

This made the girl's heart very excited. Although the words on the paper were a bit ugly, it couldn't hold back the strong taste of lovesickness revealed between the lines.

Zhongli Ruoshui has long been intoxicated by it, and has forgotten that these three people were invited here to drink and invite the moon tonight.

This is the second time she has read the letter.

She suddenly felt as if she saw Li Chen'an in this letter, and suddenly felt that Li Chen'an was standing in front of her with that faint but spring-like smile on his face.

The letter described in detail what he had done since she left Guangling City.

He said that the winery has been completed, and the brewing of peach blossom wine has been successful, and then it will be on the market, and it will be the time when she, the boss, will make money.

He said that the peaches on the peach trees in Peach Blossom Villa were already the size of walnuts, and those peaches grew very well, and after the harvest, he would use those peaches to brew a kind of peach wine for her.

It is a kind of wine that can be used to cool off the heat, and it is better to drink it chilled.

It's just... what does it mean to be chilled?

It's summer, even in early autumn, there is no ice in Guangling City!

The girl was very curious and looking forward to it.

Then there are some of his daily life, he said that he returned to the Li Mansion, he should no longer be an outcast from the Li family, these days he gets along with his father fairly well, but he has never met the one from the West Courtyard... If that one can settle down, he doesn't plan to pursue her past.

The last, of course, is the poem he wrote.

She likes that poem very much, so those beautiful eyes are even brighter!

Cheng Zhe stared blankly.

But his heart suddenly ached, as if being stabbed severely by Li Chen'an.

Although he can face Zhongli Ruoshui calmly now, seeing Zhongli Ruoshui's infatuated appearance at this moment, he still has an indescribable bitterness in his heart.

Qi Zhixue seemed to be more open-minded than Cheng Zhe, he was just curious about what that kid Li Chenan wrote to Zhongli Ruoshui?

Being able to make Zhongli Ruoshui mesmerized, that kid really has some skills.

He was also curious about why Zhongli Ruoshui fell in love with Li Chenan?

At that time in Guangling City, I had brief contact with Li Chen'an. I only knew that the song "Butterfly Love Flower" he made was really beyond my reach, and that his Huapingchun was indeed better than Ruilu in Kyoto.

After returning to the capital, and after listening to Mr. Hua brought his "Green Myolie" and "Toast" from Guangling City, Qi Zhixue, one of the four great talents in Kyoto, gave up competing with Li Chen'an for poetry. This thought—

That is the poem that can enter "Ning Poetry Collection Yuan Baipian"!

I heard that the song "Butterfly Love Flower" can be ranked in the top fifteen, and the song "Will Enter the Wine" can even be ranked in the top ten!

Even the slightly inferior "Green Myolie" can enter the top 40!

Looking at thousands of years of history, at the age of seventeen, three poems were included in "Ning Poetry Collection Yuan Baipian".

So in today's Yujing City, even though that kid Li Chen'an has never been here, his name is already a household name!

Because he is not a talented person in Guangling, not a talented person in Kyoto, but he is the number one talented person in Ningguo!

Zhongli Ruoshui's vision seems to be more unique than her grandma, Mrs. Fan!

No wonder she can make a lot of money investing in the business.

It's not so easy for her to choose a husband-in-law at random.

The corner of Qi Zhixue's mouth twitched, and she glanced at Cheng Zhe, thinking that you really don't have the right to be compared with Li Chenan.

While they were speculating, Zhongli Ruoshui suddenly took a deep breath and raised his head.



The eyes are clear.

The eyes are shining brightly.

She looked happily at Cheng Zhe, then at Qi Zhixue, and finally at the fourth princess Ning Chuchu.

"...He, he wrote another poem for me!"

After all, it is the youngest daughter's family, after all, it is difficult to hide the joy alone, after all, I still want everyone to know how powerful Li Lang is.

Ning Chuchu raised her eyebrows, a little apprehensive, "A single word makes you dream about?"

"Hee hee..." Zhong Li Ruoshui smiled playfully, picked up the wine glass on the table, and took a sip.

She raised her neck, then flicked it, and her satin-like hair swayed accordingly, stirring up the garden full of spring.

"Isn't it!"

She raised the letter paper in her hand again, looked at Ning Chuchu and said provocatively, "Do you want to know what the poem he wrote to me is like?"

When she said the four words written to me, she emphasized her tone, which was to announce Li Chenan's ownership to Ning Chuchu——

Zhongli Ruoshui, who inherited Fan Taohua's temperament, has a strong sense of territory and a strong desire to possess.

Ning Chuchu curled her lips. Of course she was extremely curious, but she must not show it on her face.

"You can talk if you like, if you don't... don't forget that I met him first!"

The smile on Zhongli Ruoshui's face grew stronger, "So what? You are different from me, you are the fourth princess, unless you go to ask the emperor... Let me say,"

She suddenly leaned over, ignoring that there were still two teenagers here, she stared at Ning Chuchu and said, "If you really beg the emperor, I really don't have any objections, but... there really is such a time, you have to Call me sister!"

Ning Chuchu blushed, and glared at Zhongli Ruoshui fiercely, then suddenly frowned, and said to Zhongli Ruoshui with a smile, "Tell me, if I really beg my father to recruit Li Chenan as a son-in-law... would you Won't you be very sad?"

Ning Chuchu thought that Zhongli Ruoshui would become angry from embarrassment, but unexpectedly Zhongli Ruoshui sat up straight, his eyes fell on the piece of paper, and he said lightly, "You think too much!"

"Just based on the poem he wrote to me...you are hopeless!"

After all, Ning Chuchu couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart

"...how did he write it?"

"Ahem," Zhongli Ruoshui cleared his throat, and slowly recited the poem

"One cut plum

The fragrance of red lotus root and the remnant jade mat in autumn.

Untie Luo Chang lightly, and get on the Lanzhou alone.

Who in the cloud sent brocade books,

When the word geese returns, the moon is full on the west tower.

Flowers drift by themselves, water flows by itself.

One kind of lovesickness, two places of worry.

There is no way to get rid of this situation,

Only under the brow, but our hearts. "

Zhongli Ruoshui looked up at the moon, his face was bright and clear.

Ning Chuchu suddenly felt very regretful.

The food is tasteless, the wine is also tasteless, but there are all kinds of tastes in my heart.