
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

swim against the current

Huaxi Bieyuan.

The lanterns in the pavilion were already lit.

Li Chen'an was wearing a green dress and stood in the pavilion, he looked at Zhongli Ruoshui, Zhongli Ruoshui's eyes were full of worry.

He stretched out his hands, held Zhongli Ruoshui's shoulders, and said with a smile

"It's just a literary meeting. I have already said that poetry and writing are the easiest things for me."

"I'm sure I can win!"

Zhongli Ruoshui nodded, "I naturally believe that you can win, what I'm worried about is your trip to the headquarters of the Ichthyosaur Society!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Changsun will let Wang Zhenghaoxuan's father take the elite of the Imperial City Department to go... Mr. Changsun means that tonight, the head of the Fish and Dragon Society will be wiped out!"

"Also, although the old lady didn't say anything, she will definitely do something."

"As for me, with Xiao Wu going with me, even if he doesn't kill anyone, with his skill, there is no problem in rescuing me."

"Besides, didn't I ask Xiong Da to make some artifacts?"

"I don't think a master below the grand master will be able to stand the two blows from that artifact!"

Zhongli Ruoshui actually knew it all.

It's just that this is called a plan after all, who knows what changes will happen?

"This matter has not yet attracted the attention of Ji Tai or those at the headquarters of the Ichthyosaur Society. Everyone's eyes are on this essay meeting... You go to Shuiyunjian first, and wait for me to come back!"

Li Chen'an squeezed Zhongli Ruoshui's shoulders, turned around and waved to Xiao Wu, and the two walked into the autumn rain under the night.

Zhongli Ruoshui watched Li Chenan leave, stood still for a moment, and left Huaxi Bieyuan with her maid, Lin Xiaoxue.

There were two other people in the yard.

The two are on the first floor of the West Building.

Amu stared at Wang Zhenghaoxuan intently for a long time.

Wang Zhenghaoxuan was defeated by Amuna's sight full of justice.

He walked back and forth in the room, talking angrily as he walked

"I don't understand. I know I'm going to die, so why do I have to go to die?"

"Why are you so stupid?"

"He, Li Chenan, has lived enough, but my young master, I just came out of the mountains!"

"I haven't been to Juxian Pavilion in Kyoto once!"

"Drunken Chicken's paper-wrapped chicken has never been eaten!"

"Even Xiaoyuzhai's buns, I've only eaten once!"

"Liang Manman from Yihonglou has heard that she is a master of both piano and piano skills, but she hasn't been able to go and listen to it!"

He stood still, but still didn't dare to look at Amu, because he knew that Amu was still looking at him at this moment.

He looked at the dark night outside the door, his two faintly raised eyebrows

"Even if Li Chen'an is dead, at least he still has a beautiful fiancée like Zhongli Ruoshui!"

"Someone will collect his body, and someone will burn paper on his grave in the future!"

"But what about me, Wang Zhenghaoxuan?"

"I've never even touched a woman's hand!"

"I'm going to die with him like this...is it worth it?"

He looked up to the sky and sighed, and it took a while before he said weakly, "Could it be, this is my punishment for stealing the master's goose!"

He walked towards a wall.

He took down his knife hanging on the wall.

He carefully strapped the knife to his back.

walked to the door.

looked outside.

Under the light of the lantern in the gazebo, there is a silky rain.

He stepped out of this door, and said the last sentence, "I am dead, you remember to collect my body, build a grave for me, and remember to burn paper on my grave during Qingming!"

He walked into the rain.

Although there are many unwillingnesses, there is no turning back!

Amu in the room grinned.

There was only relief on his face.

After half an hour.

Amu took off his clothes, and carefully bandaged the unhealed wound on his body again.

He also took off his knife and strapped it to his back.

He went to the gazebo and looked at the lotus pond. Of course there were no lotus flowers in the lotus pond, but he seemed to see Zhongli Ruoyu standing by the lotus pond.

"I have to go too."

"I can die, but neither Junior Brother nor Li Chen'an can die."

"One has not lived enough, and the other has the person who cares about him the most in this world."

"I have nothing...so, I'm never afraid of death!"

He extinguished the lantern.

The night flooded him like a tide.

He walks with a knife behind his back.

As if swimming against the current.

He walks firmly.

It seemed that even the tide-like night made way for him, as if he had stepped out of the light all the way.



East Palace.


Prince Ning Zhiyi has changed into the prince's regular clothes.

The fourth princess Ning Chuchu stood in front of Ning Zhiyi extremely nervously, a little at a loss.

A smile appeared on Ning Zhiyi's chubby round face.

"The so-called caring leads to chaos!"

"Si Huangmei, didn't he say that winning the Wenhui is not difficult?"

"Since this is the case, the emperor has no reason to punish him!"

While talking, Ning Zhiyi walked to the tea table, made a pot of tea, and said

"I went to see my father today for my brother."

Ning Chuchu suddenly became more nervous, her hands clenched the hem of her skirt, and she asked with great anxiety and anticipation, "Father, what is Father's opinion?"

Ning Zhiyi waved his hand, "It's not about telling Father about the matter between you and Li Chen'an... You can't bring this matter up to Father so abruptly, you have to proceed step by step, and you have to give Father some mental preparation."

Ning Chuchu was a little disappointed, but heaved a long sigh of relief, "Then why are you looking for Father?"

Ning Zhiyi groaned for a moment, "Father please issue an order tonight to kill Li Chen'an!"

Ning Chuchu was startled suddenly, her beautiful eyes opened wide, she looked at her brother in disbelief, her face gradually became frosty.

"You, why do you want him to die too!"

Ning Zhiyi still had a smile on his face, and he waved to Ning Chuchu, "What are you in a hurry for? Come, there is still time for a cup of tea, sit down!"

Ning Chuchu didn't sit down.

Ning Zhiyi poured himself a cup of tea.

"Father took a meaningful look at Brother Wei after hearing Brother Wei's suggestion, but he didn't ask who Li Chenan is!"

"This shows that Ji Thief or Concubine Ji did mention Li Chen'an to the royal father, and also mentioned to the royal father that if Li Chen'an loses to Wei Xuanmo, the royal father will order him to be killed!"

"Father...As a son of man, I shouldn't talk about father's right and wrong, but here are our brother and sister...Although Father has been obsessed with Taoism and stayed away from government affairs these years, his suspicion is stronger than ever. Heavy."

"Father trusts Ji Tai, because Ji Tai's report to Father... only joy but no worry!"

"According to the news father received, our country of Ning is peaceful and the people are peaceful, and it is a beautiful and prosperous country. He has no idea that the current Ning country... is in dire straits, to the point of subjugation!"

"Since Ji thief suggested that father emperor Li Chen'an should die if he loses, according to reason, he should go to see father emperor for his brother, he should plead for Li Chen'an, because father emperor knows that brother and Ji thief are in dire straits."

He picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, "Brother, I also ask Father to kill Li Chen'an. With Father's suspicious nature, he will definitely doubt it and take a closer look at Li Chen'an!"

"In this way, Li Chen'an will leave a deep impression on him, and make him curious, and even want to see what will happen to Li Chen'an if he doesn't die!"

"In this way, when Cheng Guogong wrote a letter recommending Li Chenan to be an official in the court, father and emperor would think of him... Only then can he avoid the Ministry of Officials, and Yubi personally approves."

"This is the only possibility for Li Chenan to be in the court class with a white body!"

"Do you understand?"