
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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it will be late

Zhaohua twenty-three years August fourteenth.

Li Chenan entered Dingguohou's Mansion, and did not return to Huaxi Bieyuan until late at night.

Of course, this matter fell into the eyes of some caring people, but no one knew what Madam Fan and Li Chenan were talking about.

On August 15th, in the morning, Ning Chuchu, the Fourth Princess of Ningguo, went to Huaxi Bieyuan.

She brought Li Chenan and Zhongli Ruoshui into the palace, not her princess mansion.

It's Donggong!

Li Chenan stayed in the East Palace for another whole morning, and His Royal Highness even left him to have lunch together.

No one knew what they said.

Even Huo Baiyang, the close minister of the prince, just watched Li Chenan walk into the study of His Highness the prince.

The door of the study was closed, and there was not even a maid waiting inside.

On the afternoon of August 15th, Wang Zhengjinzhong of the Imperial City Department personally drove the carriage, and took Li Chenan to the Palace of the King of Hell.

He didn't come out from the Imperial City Department until evening.

Changsun Jinghong personally sent him to the dark gate of the Imperial City Division!

This surprised some people even more.

Because Changsun Jinghong, the old King of Hades, even dared to refuse the emperor's summons, yet he sent Li Chenan out.

He was smiling when he came out!

Of course, Li Wenyuan failed to meet Li Chenan, and Li Wenhou's intention to tie Li Chenan to the Yue Kingdom naturally came to nothing.

This autumn rain is still falling.

Even bigger than yesterday's.

On this Mid-Autumn night, of course there will be no bright moon.

This mid-autumn night, many people in Kyoto felt a sudden chill.

Even Wei Xuanmo looked at Qiu Yu outside the door for a long time after hearing the news.

"Sir, from this point of view, does it mean that the struggle between the Ningguo Prince's family and the Second Prince's family is now on the table?"

Wearing a Confucian shirt, Yang Duoduo respectfully handed Wei Xuanmo a cup of tea and asked this question.

After a while, Wei Xuanmo stroked his long beard and said leisurely, "Your analysis is correct, our chance to cross the country has come!"

"...Will Li Chenan die tonight?"

"There shouldn't be any surprises, after all, after all, Ji Xiang made this game a must-death game!"

Wei Xuanmo pondered for a moment, and said, "I was invited by Prime Minister Ji a few days ago, and Prime Minister Ji said that as long as Li Chen'an loses in the Mid-Autumn Festival, the emperor will definitely order him to die!"

"So these days, the second prince and his family have not done anything to Li Chen'an, and they hope that Li Chen'an will die in the hands of Emperor Ningguo."

"But today, people from the prince's family have stepped forward one after another... They should have stood up after the Wenhui decided the winner, and after Li Chen'an had won the leadership."

"This is where the teacher is puzzled!"

"This shows two points!"

"First, they firmly believe that Li Chenan will win tonight!"

Yang Duoduo looked puzzled, he didn't know how Li Chenan beat them.

Regardless of how many students Ji Tai bought from the Imperial College to participate in this literary fair, just relying on his own classmates, Li Chen'an is no match for him!

Especially Ji Tai had revealed to the teacher yesterday the topic that Emperor Ningguo would most likely choose for this essay meeting!

This made the students of Yue State who came to participate in the cultural meeting very contemptuous, but at the same time, it also allowed them to see more clearly the faces of these officials of Ning State.

The teacher also acquiesces.

Although victory is not a matter of fighting, but for the great cause of overcoming the country... as long as you win, so what?

"Secondly, maybe they are already ready to take advantage of the Emperor's decree to kill Li Chen'an... to launch a palace change!"

Yang Duoduo was startled, her big eyes opened sharply, and she hesitated for a moment before saying, "Ji Xiang's family has already made arrangements, and they are waiting for their rebellion... Didn't this move fall into Ji Xiang's arms?"

"That's right, but no one can tell if the prince's family has already made preparations!"

"Otherwise, with the wisdom of Fan Taohua and Changsun Jinghong, how could they just choose this moment to meet Li Chenan?"



Prime Minister.

Looking towards Lingyan Lake from Lingyan Pavilion, it is like a misty ink painting.

Ji Tai is standing in Lingyan Pavilion right now, stroking his long beard and looking at this beautiful picture.

There is a wheelchair next to him.

Of course the old man in black was sitting in the wheelchair.

He also looked at Lingyan Lake, without Ji Tai's indifference, but with worry like this autumn rain.

"It's going to be late!"

He withdrew his gaze, looked up at Ji Tai, and said again, "Are you really not worried that something big will happen tonight?"

Ji Tai smiled slightly, and did not answer his words, but pointed to Lingyan Lake, "I like Qiu very much!"

"On such an autumn day, there is no summer heat, and there is no annoying cicada's neighing."

"Some are... the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, the splendor of chrysanthemums, and the misty autumn rain."

"Of course, the most important thing is the harvest in autumn!"

He turned his head to look at the old man in black robe, and the smile on his face became more and more intense.

"Although you also have extremely high intelligence, unfortunately, you are not Xi Wei after all."

"Do you know what Xi Wei is best at?"

Ji Tai looked at the doubtful light in the black-robed old man's eyes, and turned to look at Lingyan Lake again.

"False and real, true and false, ethereal, flickering, like looking at the moon in the water, like looking at flowers in the fog..."

The old man in black robe suddenly trembled, "The Mid-Autumn Festival is just a cover!"

"Using the Mid-Autumn Festival to deal with Li Chen'an, so that everyone's attention will be focused on Li Chen'an's life and death!"

"Dingguo Hou's Mansion, Cheng Guogong's Mansion, Qi Guogong's Mansion, Donggong Palace, and Huangcheng Division, they are all paying attention to the results of this essay meeting!"

"Then, they will definitely ignore other places..."

"Where will it be?"

Ji Tai didn't answer.

A victorious smile appeared on his face, which also confirmed that the black-robed old man's guess was correct.

This is Xi Wei's plan!

Its meaning is not Li Chenan at all!

It's... the tax food that is being transported to Kyoto from all over the country!

Especially the taxes and grains of the nearest Jiangnan province!

Why is Li Chenan afraid of it?

In Ningguo today, food is more important than anything else!

Let everyone's eyes in Kyoto focus on Li Chen'an on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The tax and food shipped from Jiangnan Province to Kyoto happened to arrive at Shilipo in the Shuangjiao Mountain Range on this Mid-Autumn Festival night!

Shilipo is still a ten-day drive from Kyoto.

Ten days later, the news came back to the capital, and the tax and grain had fallen into Ji Tai's hands.

So what if Dingguohou's mansion has military power?

Without food and grass, the more soldiers you have, the more serious the problems you will face.

Without the taxes and rations from the Jiangnan Province, this year's tax and rations from the Annan Province could not be transported to Kyoto, because Yan Zifu was heading to the Annan Province with his grandfather's order.

Of course he is going to Wuya Pass.

but not now.

He will arrive at Wuyaguan with the looted taxes and food.

And then...the wait.

When the time is right, lead the Red Flame Army and fight back to Kyoto!

So far, everything is going well.

In addition to those taxes and grains in Jiangnan province, the surplus grains were also bought by the Miss Shen's family arranged by the Huo family. Although it was 30% more expensive, the grain price next year would only increase by 30%!

Ji Tai withdrew his thoughts and looked up at the sky.

It was getting late.

When you go to the palace, go to the literary world with the emperor, and watch a play that they think is very important!