
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs


There are quite a lot of masters in the world, and there are also many masters flying around in the sky.

Li Chen'an looked at the figure rushing forward and didn't think about anything else, he boarded the carriage and headed towards the winery by the Taohuaxi.

On the other side of the wine shop, the blacksmith's shop that Huang Sanlie built a few days ago should be almost done.

If Huang Sanlie also got the iron ingot and found a reliable craftsman, he could try the method of smelting iron.

It can only be an attempt, because Li Chen'an in his previous life was not a blacksmith, and in his memory, there is no way to smelt it. He has only heard of Baisteelmaking.

As for how to make this hundred-smelting steel... I think it is to repeatedly forge it a hundred times.

Well, it seems that carburization is still needed. As for the carburization method, he doesn't know, so this thing needs to be tried by experienced blacksmiths.

Sitting in the carriage, he briefly thought about the matter of Baisteel making and then put it aside.

He was thinking about what Yang Sixian said about the things Ningguo was facing now.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, that kind of thing has nothing to do with me at least now.

Mobei is far away from Guangling City, if all the troops from the Great Wilderness Kingdom come to Guangling City, the Ning Kingdom will almost be destroyed.

Now that there is that marriage, the war in Mobei may not start again.

But there is more than just a wild country in the north around Ningguo!

There are Uyghurs in its southwest.

To the west of it is the Western Ye Kingdom in the Western Regions.

To the south of it is the state of Wu.

To the east of it is the country of Yue.

If these countries also take advantage of this opportunity to launch a war against Ningguo... then Ningguo will be worse, and if one is not good, it will fall.

How can there be eggs under the overturned nest? How can the situation of troubled times be alone?

Therefore, what should be prepared must be prepared in time.



On the bank of Peach Blossom Creek, to the east of the winery, the stove in the blacksmith's shop has lit a charcoal fire.

A burly bearded man of about forty years old was standing beside the stove at this moment.

His name is Li Gang.

Ben ran a blacksmith's shop in West City, but the first one was called here by Butler Huang - he was from Zhongli Mansion, so of course he had to obey Butler Huang.

Butler Huang said that the young man named Li Chen'an was going to build a blacksmith's shop here, and that the young man had a better method of smelting... Of course he was extremely skeptical about this, because he had been forging iron for more than 20 years, and he was in Guangling. Cheng was already well-known, and his disciples had brought him several times. He thought he was familiar with the method of smelting, and it was impossible to have a good way to improve it.

But what Li Chenan said to him at this moment shocked him very much.

"...Young master, the so-called hundred exercises, when will this exercise be considered complete?"

"Try it, one forging, one weighing and one lightening, I mean you weigh it every time you forge a round, I believe it will get a little lighter every time, until the weight no longer changes."

Li Gang pondered for a moment, "The villain will try."

So he tied on his apron and put an iron ingot into the furnace.

A moment later, there was a tinkling sound in the blacksmith's shop. Li Gang was forging seriously, and Li Chen'an was watching carefully and expectantly.

After the first forging was completed, Li Gang put the iron on the scale and weighed it, and it was indeed lighter by two taels.

This is normal, because he knows that the iron ingot contains many impurities.

In the past, when he forged iron, he repeatedly beat it like this, but he never used the method of weighing to measure the result.

"Wait," Li Chen'an said to Li Gang after the iron piece was burned red again, "fold it first, then forge it after folding!"

"Remember, fold it after every time it burns red."


After a full hour like this, when Li Gang weighed again, the weight really did not change.

"That's it, now you use this thing to make a... dagger!"

Li Gang used another stick of incense to forge a very delicate dagger.

He took a closer look at the dagger and was immediately delighted.

The dagger is very bright, glowing with silver light.

It has a layer of fine dragon scale-like lines on it, which looks very beautiful.

Just don't know how sharp it is and how strong its edge is.

"Master, take a look."

He handed the dagger to Li Chenan, and Li Chenan played with it for a while, looked left and right, and went to the stove to get a wooden stick.

He used the dagger to sharpen the wooden stick, and the effect was very good. He didn't use much effort to easily peel off a piece of the wooden stick.

Looking at the edge of the blade again, there is no sign of turning over.

Wu Xichen's eyes widened at the side. He took the dagger from Li Chenan's hand, and then pulled out the sword from his back with the other hand.

In everyone's sight, the dagger in his right hand collided with the sword in his left hand.


The sword in his left hand broke in two!

But there was also a small cut in the dagger in his right hand.

"Tougher than a sword, and sharper than a sword, but the strength of the blade is still not enough. If we can solve this problem... we can create a peerless magic weapon!"

As soon as Li Gang heard it, he immediately knew that the young master's method was really feasible.

But, how can we make the blade stronger?

He looked at Li Chenan.

Li Chen'an pondered for a moment, and said to him, "I'll try this later, increase the firepower of the furnace, and use a crucible to melt pig iron into molten iron."

"After the smelting steel is finished, pour molten iron on it and forge it. Melt the molten iron five times and quench it five times. You may get extremely rigid steel!"

Then, the sound of ding ding ding ding sounded again in the blacksmith's shop.

Li Gang carefully operated every step, and after a full hour and a half, he forged a sword about three feet seven inches long!

This sword is completely opposite to the Unique Sword carried on Li Chenan's back.

The Buer Sword is as black as ink.

This sword is as bright as snow!

Li Gangzai looked at the sword carefully, and caressed the sword carefully, the scales on the sword body were clearly visible.

"Master, try again."

Li Chenan directly handed the sword to Wu Xichen.

Wu Xichen received the sword, poured his internal energy into it, and the long sword trembled, as if the sound of dragon chant came from it.

He was overjoyed immediately, and stepped out of the blacksmith's shop with a brisk stride.

He flew into the sky and danced his sword in the air. The long sword withstood his powerful internal force, and he slashed down at a boulder at the foot of the mountain.


The boulder shattered in response, and he fell to the ground, looking at the sword carefully.


"Good sword!"

"Is there a gap?"


"Then this sword will be given to you, give it a name?"

"Wait," Wu Xichen saw Li Xiaohua who was just walking over, he grinned, "Boy, draw your sword!"

Li Xiaohua was startled, "What are you doing with the sword?"

"Chop the old man with a knife!"

Li Xiaohua was taken aback, thinking that this old man is tired of work?

"hurry up!"

Li Xiaohua looked at Li Chen'an suspiciously, Li Chen'an nodded, he pulled out the knife on his back, roared, and slashed towards Wu Xichen.

Wu Xichen raised his sword, "Clang..." With a crisp sound, Li Xiaohua suddenly felt a light in his hand, he opened his mouth wide, and after a while he yelled, "Pay me for my knife!"

Huang Sanlie was extremely shocked.

Li Gang couldn't believe it.

Li Xiaohua was distraught.

Only Li Chenan felt relieved.

Wu Xichen laughed loudly, "This sword is called Donkey Slaying!"

"...What kind of donkey do you chop?"

"Cut the bald donkey!"