
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs


Li Chenan stayed in the blacksmith's shop by the Taohuaxi for a day.

It's not that he still has any way to improve this thing, but to discuss with Huang Sanlie the next issue of forging weapons and equipment in the blacksmith's shop.

According to Wu Xichen's analysis of this smelting method, the weapons forged, no matter whether they are sharp or hard, are far superior to all the weapons in all countries today.

So this is something that transcends the times, so it must be kept secret!

It's just that it is too troublesome to build this thing, and it takes a very long time.

According to Li Gang, to forge a sword, a skilled craftsman may only be able to forge one sword a day.

Then blacksmiths had to be recruited, and all those blacksmiths had to be brought under the door of Zhongli Mansion.

This kind of thing was left to Huang Sanlie to worry about, and Li Chenan gave Li Gang two tasks??——

Forge a dagger.

Forge another twenty Xiao Li Feidao.

When the sun was setting, Li Chenan and Wu Xichen left the blacksmith workshop and went to Zhuyu Xiaozhu.

In Zhuyu Xiaozhu, the newly appointed Guangling prefect Huo Chuanming was waiting for him.

When Huo Chuanming saw Li Chenan approaching, he quickly got up, cupped his fists and saluted, "Mr. Li, long time no see!"

Li Chenan cupped his fists in return, "Master Huo, congratulations!"

"Haha, same joy, same joy!"

Li Chenan invited Huo Chuanming to sit down. He made a pot of tea and said with some regret, "Actually, I have heard about your succession as the magistrate of Guangling. I should have gone to your house to congratulate you, but unexpectedly received a A mission of the meeting."

"This task is a bit urgent, and the higher-ups even sent a patrol envoy, so there is no way to get out. I thought I would go to your house tomorrow night, but I didn't expect Mr. Huo to come here. I am really sorry !"

Huo Chuanming waved his hand, "Mr. Li is the leader of the Fish and Dragon Club, and there will definitely be many things. My matter is not a big deal... May I ask, what task did the Fish and Dragon Club send you?"

Li Chenan twisted a handful of tea leaves and put them in the teapot, and said calmly, "Kill Liu Zhuo!"

Huo Chuanming was taken aback, and asked again in disbelief, "Really?"

"Of course it's true, Liu Zhuo died in the lake at Linfengdu."


Huo Chuanming gasped, this incident was beyond his imagination, because Liu Zhuo was so helpful to Li Chen'an when he was in office.

Liu Zhuo is Hua Manting's protégé, and Li Chen'an is Hua Manting's long-term friend.

No matter how he thinks or looks, it is impossible for him to kill Liu Zhuo.

But since the Fish and Dragon Society sent a patrol envoy, I'm afraid this matter can't be faked.

This kid is ruthless!

It really is a character!

No wonder when my uncle went to the capital, he said that before the situation was clear, he must not provoke Li Chen'an!

"I shouldn't inquire about this matter."

Li Chenan raised his eyebrows, "It's nothing, sooner or later it will spread, even to the capital, Brother Hua will definitely know."

"As for what he will do to me when he finds out... just wait and see."

Huo Chuanming nodded slightly, "If you think about it, the Fish and Dragon Association will defend you one or two times... Is Liu Zhuo really from Zhongli Mansion?"

Li Chen'an nodded, "This person, it's not appropriate to be on two boats after all."

"Now that I have become a member of the Fish and Dragon Society, I have to stay away from Zhongli Mansion. I did this to show my attitude to Prime Minister Ji, and secondly, to see what Zhongli Mansion would do to me. Take some measures."

Huo Chuanming glanced at Li Chen'an worriedly, thinking that if Zhongli Mansion wanted to deal with you, Prime Minister Ji might not be able to protect you.

This kid is really too brave.

However, this also confirmed that there was no other relationship between him and the third lady of Zhongli Mansion.

The Ichthyosaur Council gave him such a task, and I am afraid that he also needs to know his choice. Now that he chooses the Fish and Dragon Society, he is clearly standing on the opposite side of Zhongli Mansion... The Huo family is not strong enough now, but in fact the Huo family is also standing on the opposite side of Zhongli Mansion.

In this way, you should have a deep friendship with this kid!

If uncle brought Huo Shuyi back, this kid might still be Huo's son-in-law.

"You need to be careful!"

Huo Chuanming became worried about Li Chenan, "The old lady in Zhongli Mansion is a master of the holy rank, if you kill her people from Zhongli Mansion now, I'm afraid she will send a quack master to take your life!"

"Well, tomorrow I will send..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Chenan smiled slightly, "This matter has troubled you, but this is a bad policy after all."

"...What is the best policy?"

"I'm going to the capital in two days, to Dingguohou's mansion, and to apologize to that old lady!"

Huo Chuanming was stunned for a moment, and suddenly shouted, "A brilliant plan! A brilliant plan!"

It is not easy to guard against Zhongli's assassination, so this is the worst policy.

The best strategy is to dispel the hatred of Zhongli Mansion, and even gain the friendship of Zhongli Mansion!

Only in this way can he, Li Chen'an, be safe.

"I came to see you today because I want to discuss something with you."

Huo Chuanming was relieved and talked about the business of coming here.

"Your peach blossom wine has left a way for my Huo family's Guangling San, so I won't say much to thank you. What I think is..." He leaned over and said in a low voice, "The place where Linfengdu is, we can unite Get up and take the water transportation of that place into your own hands!"

"That's a big piece of fat, guaranteed to make you a lot of money!"

Li Chen'an looked at Huo Chuanming in surprise, this guy was also thinking about Linfengdu.

"It's a little late for you to say that."

Huo Chuanming was stunned, and Li Chenan said again, "The place of Linfengdu, the patrol envoy took a fancy to it, and asked me to take it after I set up the Guangling sub-rudder. It's not for my benefit, but for the higher-ups' benefit."

Huo Chuanming sighed with great regret, but this is not a big loss, as long as the Linfengdu Water Transport is in Li Chenan's hands.

What the Huo family needs are those tank boats.

"Then there are other businesses, such as salt and iron, are you interested?"

Li Chenan's eyes lit up immediately. The government managed these two things, salt and iron, extremely strictly. Huang Sanlie only got about a hundred catties of iron ingots through the channels of Zhongli Mansion, which was far from enough for Li Chenan's needs.

Originally, for this matter, he thought about finding a time to chat with Huo Chuanming, but he didn't expect that Huo Chuanming would actually pass the words in front of him.

"This can be!"

"Okay! Yantie Sizheng, I will replace my people. After you have mastered Linfengdu, you can sell the salt from Guangling Prefecture to Qianzhou, Zizhou and other salt-deficient places, and the benefits will be huge!"

Li Chenan also leaned over, "Okay, 60% of the profit is yours!"

"The Huo family only needs 50%."

"What about iron? Can we produce iron ore in Guangling Prefecture?"

"Yes, there are three official iron ore mines, but two have been abandoned in recent years."

"How about the two abandoned reserves?"

"I don't know yet, but I think the reserves will not be small."

"Then can I change those two official mines into my name? Half of the profits will belong to you."

"...Okay, it's decided!"

"Master Huo is open. If the Huo family is in trouble outside, and it is not convenient for Mr. Huo to take action, just let me know."

The two foxes conspired with each other, and in this way, the most profitable businesses in Guangling Prefecture were settled.

"I will go to the capital first these days. Mr. Huo just manages this Guangling Prefecture to a watertight. When I come back, let's do a big job and make sure that you, Mr. Huo, will be promoted and rich. I, Li Chen'an... can also be more prosperous in this Guangling City." happy life!"

"Okay, I'll write you a handwritten letter later, the Patriarch is also on his way to the capital, you can go see the Patriarch then, if you can see my cousin Huo Baiyang again..."

Huo Chuanming leaned over, "Perhaps Neng can help you turn danger into good luck!"