
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Sky clean sand

Three people are seated.

A maid named Chunlan poured them a cup of tea.

At this moment, Li Chen'an looked at the small but elegant water pavilion, and sniffed the scent of sandalwood... This smell is fresh and elegant, and the lingering fragrance is natural.

Obviously, there are not many technologies mixed in by later generations.

All the furniture in the water pavilion should also be made by famous craftsmen, both in terms of material selection and carving techniques are perfect.

For example, the coffee table in front of him and the supporting chairs are all made of precious red sandalwood.

If this was placed in the previous life, it would be an incredible treasure.

"In April... Hua Manting came to this old man to stay for two days."

"In the past two days, the old man composed a song for your song "Butterfly Love Flower". In the rest of the time, except for a few games of chess, the old man Hua talked about you more."

"You probably don't know the pride of old man Hua. There are only a handful of scholars in the world who can win his praise."

"So the old man is also interested in you, so I also sent someone to find out..."

Master Shang picked up the teacup and gestured, "Drink tea and taste the taste of Mao Feng."

He took a sip, put down the teacup and said, "After understanding, the result is somewhat beyond my expectation. The Li family in Guangling is indeed rich and talented, otherwise there would be no legendary story like a father and son of seven Jinshi and three Tanhua. "

"But you...were you really kicked out of the house by your father Li Wenhan?"

Li Chenan smiled and nodded, "I'm ashamed to say that this junior was indeed driven out of the house."

Everyone in Shang didn't take it seriously, he pondered for a moment and said, "I thought old man Hua would come again before going to the capital. I thought he would come again, so I just asked him what the reason was, but unexpectedly he just gone."

"Now I'm not curious about your past, because people always change."

"You are here today, but the old man has an unfeeling request. I wonder if Mr. Li is willing?"

"Shang Lao, please tell me, as long as the junior can do it, he will definitely go all out."

"Okay, Mr. Li is a straightforward person."

After saying this, Shang Di turned his head to look at Qiu Ju who was waiting beside him, "Bring a pen, ink, paper and inkstone!"

"Take the best rice paper, and the best rosin ink, and use that Fangxi inkstone, and that Zihao."

"The servant obeys."

Qiu Ju turned around and walked towards a cabinet next to the wall, feeling even more strange in her heart, because Taohua Island had many four treasures in the study, but the Fangxi inkstone and the Zihao were the homeowner's favorite things.

Even the Patriarch was reluctant to use it before, but today he wants to take out these two treasures... What does this mean?

Everyone in Shang looked at Li Chen'an again at this time, "Since you can get Huamanting's approval, I will ask you to write a poem for the old man later. The old man doesn't make a proposition, and you can do whatever you want. This is the old man's unfeeling love Please, how?"

Ever since Li Chenan and the others came in, Shang Di has never asked them why they came.

At this moment, it was he who made such a request to Li Chenan. In Wu Xichen's view, this old man Shang Di intentionally created a problem for Li Chenan——

Although he is a master of martial arts, he also understands how difficult it is to make a good poem.

Su Mu was a little worried in his heart, and he also looked at Li Chenan, thinking that this guy once composed the song "Qing Xing'er" casually in the Yanyu Pavilion, and then composed the song "Qing Xing'er" in the Zuixin Pavilion of Qianmo Academy after drinking Will enter the wine".

He once said that poetry is easier than doing anything else, and he always thought he was bragging, so at this moment, everyone in the business suddenly made such a request, and let's see if he can write another amazing poem.

Li Chenan still had a smile on his face, and his eyes met Master Shang, of course he understood that Master Shang was testing him to prove whether what Hua Manting said was true or not.

Also to prove whether Li Chenan is qualified to sit here and talk to him.

"I once told Brother Hua that poetry is really simple."

When these words came out, Shang Di frowned slightly.

"Today I'm here with Mr. Shang. I have heard for a long time that Mr. Shang is a famous composer, so I don't want to write lyrics."

Shang Di raised his eyebrows slightly, and those long eyebrows trembled, "Then what are you going to write?"

"I'm also planning to compose a song, but it's not a song composed by you, Master Shang, but a theme suitable for singing. I call it Sanqu, or just poetry."

These days, Li Chenan has a certain understanding of the culture of this world.

There is no Yuan Dynasty in this world, so Yuan opera has not yet been born on the basis of poetry.

At this time, I just copied a poem and tried the identification ability of this businessman.

Shang Di was startled, and asked, "Sanqu... what kind of style is this?"

"It can be regarded as a new kind of metrical poem. It is the same as Ci in that Ci has Cipai, and Qu has Qupai."

"It also has a certain metrical pattern, but it is more flexible than poetry, without the constraints of poetry, it is more conducive to expressing in the form of singing, so I think it is more accurate to use the word poetry to define."

Shang Di was shocked by Li Chenan's words.

Because if what Li Chenan said is true, he will really be able to write a good poem...he will create a brand new style of writing!

This is a remarkable achievement!

If that poem is really more suitable to be sung, then Li Chenan is the ancestor of the founding school of poetry, and his name will surely shock the world!

Li Chenan really didn't think so much.

He just felt that since the old man Shang was a composer, his ability to comprehend this poem should be better than others.

He didn't expect his words to have a great shock to Shang Di.

Su Muxin was shocked at the same time.

Of course he also understands what the emergence of this new style means.

Is this to witness the birth of a generation of masters?

Then it's not a loss to call him little master uncle!

But in the end it depends on the poem he wrote.

Even Qiu Ju, who was rubbing ink beside her, was full of anticipation, but Wu Xichen looked bewildered.

This silly apprentice is making it harder for himself!

You just write a poem to perfunctory old man Shang, won't it be over?

Now that he has said those words, there is no chance of redemption.

What a fool!

Qiu Ju placed a set of utensils in front of Li Chenan, and Shang Di stretched out his hand, "Please, Mr. Li!"

Li Chenan picked up the pen, dipped it in ink, and wrote it on the rice paper

"Heavenly Clean Sand"

"The tip of the pen sweeps away the cloud of infatuation, and the sound of singing wakes up Fangchun.

Flower poles arrange wine bottles.

Haitang Fengxin, blowing dust on Moshang in the Ming Dynasty.

From the east to the west of the pommel horse, several times the quilt and pillow are hazy,

Although Bo Xing came in a dream. "

This word is ugly!

So Shang Di frowned at first.

However, as Li Chenan walked with the tip of his pen, his eyes gradually widened, and he even held his breath.

"Struggle like no dream, it was really a reunion at that time.

Who likes to listen to the piano through the window?

The person leaning on the curtain is a bosom friend, a word from then to now.

This time, it is even more important to reward the phoenix with a mandarin quilt as a pillow.

Yingyingyanyanyanchunchun, flowers, willows and willows are true,

Everything is charming,

Delicate and tender, stop and go when everyone. "

Li Chenan put down his pen.

There is complete silence here!