
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Set up

The drizzle is coming again.

Murong He stood in the Yanyu Pavilion and looked at Huaping Lake.

Huaping Lake gradually revealed its appearance from the darkness, very hazy, like a girl wearing a veil far away.

Apart from her, there was only one person left in the Yanyu Pavilion, and he was Li Chen'an lying on the stool.

Wu Xichen had already left, and of course he had some communication with her before leaving.

Only then did she realize that the death stare outside the Ningxiang Pavilion turned out to be the old Yujian Chengfeng Wu who had long since retired to the world!

This old senior Wu is also a legend in the Jianghu. He has a past with the Songshan Sword Academy. According to the master, he has been pursuing his uncle Fan Taohua, and because of this, he has lived in the Songshan Sword Academy for a long time. .

The following story is of course a bit sad for this senior Wu. The master said that the master's love is Zhong Lipo who has only seen him once.

Later, the uncle of course got his wish and married Zhong Lipo.

Then old senior Wu held his sword to the end of the world alone... In fact, he was still not far from his uncle for a long time.

The master even said that in the thirteenth year of Jingtai, when Zhong Lipo led his troops to fight against Huihe in the southwest, and in the crucial battle where his uncle Fan Taohua attacked Dazhen Pass at night, it was Wu Xichen who took the lead and climbed the pass tower first. , and made great contributions to breaking through.

Then, when the master Fan Taohua was handsome and a thousand soldiers rushed for thousands of miles, Wu Xichen was the knife in the front!

After the war, he really left Fan Taohua.

He wandered in the rivers and lakes for more than ten years, and then disappeared completely.

Some say he went home—

His home is not in Ningguo, but in Wuguo to the south of Ningguo!

There is a powerful Jianghu sect in the state of Wu called Xijianlou.

Wu Xichen is the eldest son of Wu Xiliu, the owner of Xijianlou and the Grand Master of Wu Kingdom!

He should have gone back to inherit the Sword Cleansing Building.

However, the news from Wu State was not like this.

He didn't go back and was missing.

No one expected that he was actually in Zhongli Mansion in Guangling City!

And he's also Miss Zhongli's driver!

Of course, Murong He also knew that the kid lying down was not Su Muxin, his name was Li Chen'an!

Senior Wu actually accepted Li Chen'an as a disciple, but this disciple seemed to be a bit rebellious, and he actually brought down Senior Wu all by himself!

In this way, accepting this guy as a disciple is just wishful thinking on his part?

This guy didn't see any talent for practicing martial arts.

Murong He couldn't figure out what was going on, but felt that it was his luck that this guy could become Senior Wu's disciple.

Then she thought of Su Muxin.

His face flushed slightly, it was a mistake to blame him yesterday.

It turned out that Li Chenan was the one who really played tricks!

This guy lied to himself in the Shuiyunjian Inn, he really is a despicable and shameless person!

Su Mu's heart is so pure, so don't let him lead you down.

At this moment, Li Chenan woke up.

He rubbed his eyes, a guy sat up from the stool, and then his eyes widened.


I was hijacked by the bandit last night, and I remembered that I seemed to have given the bandit a blow, but I also got slapped at the same time.

He lowered his head and touched his chest, feeling a little dull pain.

He raised his head to look at Murong He who just turned around, and asked a little embarrassedly, "Will Miss Murong be saved?"

Murong He didn't answer, but directly called out his name "Li Chen'an!"

Li Chenan was startled, then smiled embarrassingly, "I'm right."

"Why are you pretending to be Su Muxin?"

"Oh, that's right!" Li Chenan patted his thigh, "Do you want to know Su Muxin? Or do you want to be with Su Muxin?"

Of course Li Chenan didn't answer Murong He's question, because he couldn't answer it.

He immediately changed the topic, which really led Murong He astray.

Then she saw her blushing slightly, "You...do you have a solution?"

"Let's go, go to my tavern. Su Muxin is the shopkeeper of the bartender, you... If you want to be a nurse in the tavern?"

"In this way, you will spend a lot of time in contact with him. The so-called closeness to the water is the first to get the moon. In short, I gave you this opportunity. As for whether you can achieve a positive result in the future, it depends on your luck."

Murong He pondered for three breaths




Li Chenan triumphantly took Murong He towards the tavern.

He has three intentions

First, Murong He claimed to be a member of the Fish and Dragon Society, but she didn't know that she was the Embroidery Envoy of Li Jing Division, so maybe she could get some information about the Fish and Dragon Society from her mouth.

Second, Murong He is a master.

Right now, he just lacks a master by his side!

If Murong He had been in the backyard of the tavern last night, then he would not have been robbed by bandits.

I don't know why Murong He is here, but she must have beaten the gangsters away and saved herself.

You can use her without any burden.

Third, if that kid Su Muxin is really with her, then let her be an undercover agent in Yulong, and maybe one day when he strengthens Guangling Prefecture Lijing Division, he will initiate a confrontation with Yulong. The dragon will fight at the helm of Guangling.

With an expert like her as the internal response, this matter will be able to get twice the result with half the effort!

Murong He, who just came down the mountain, did not know that his heart was sinister.

She is for a sincere love!

She clearly knew that Li Chenan was cunning and shameless, but she still fell into Li Chenan's trap.

When Li Chenan brought Murong He back to the tavern, Li Xiaohua was shocked.

Waking up early in the morning, I thought about going for a run with the young master, but I didn't expect that the young master had already returned.

It's okay for the young master to come back, he actually brought a woman back!

Didn't the young master flirt with that third young lady last night just because of passion?

Is he eating from the pot and looking at the other pot?

Even brought another pot together?

The young master is really a god!

Li Xiaohua looked at Li Chenan with admiration beyond measure.

"Why are you in a daze? Clean up the yard, and I'll go buy some steamed cakes later. By the way, this girl will be the nurse of the tavern from now on."

Li Xiaohua was startled, "What about me?"

"At that time, if the cooperation with the third lady is reached, you will guard the construction of the workshop for the young master!"

"She can beat me?"

Murong He walked over, put the sword on the table, and stretched out a hand.

In order to defend his glorious profession of nursing home, Li Xiaohua took a deep breath and rushed over.

Then... flew back.


Li Chenan frowned and closed his eyes, but he was overjoyed, he really is a master!

one move.

It's too awful!

"From now on, I will be the guard of the tavern!"

Li Xiaohua got up, her tall body became a bit shorter.

"Girl, can you teach me martial arts?"

"I can't teach you."


"You are better at using swords, I practice swords, and besides... this girl is not free!"

After saying this, Murong He looked at Li Chen'an, "Where is Mr. Su?"