
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

On the seventh night of June (2)

Shen Mansion, Shen Qiaodie's boudoir.

Shen Qianshan took the teacup handed over by Shen Qiaodie, looked at the night sky, the moon was already in the sky.

"They should be here."

"Qiaodie, I know that you have wronged you by going to the Huo Mansion to be Shufan's concubine, but there are some things that need to be considered in the long run."

"Shufan's child is the eldest son and grandson of the Huo family after all, and he will definitely become the head of the Huo family in the future."

"In addition, the child is very knowledgeable. Even if Qiu Wei does not pass the Jinshi examination this year, it is not difficult to become an official in the court based on his father's operation in Kyoto these years."

Shen Qiaodie pondered for a moment

"Father, a son-in-law cannot be an official."

Shen Qianshan waved his hand, "The rules are like that, but the rules are still alive. The son-in-law can't take concubines yet, but Huo Baiyang hasn't done it yet?"

"Shu Fan will inherit the Huo Mansion in the future, so the son-in-law is also a famous name."

"I heard that the sixth princess is ugly and has a disability. I think for my father... With your exquisite mind, you can have a place in the Huo Mansion in the future."

Shen Qiaodie nodded, "For the sake of the Shen family, it's okay for my daughter to suffer a little bit of grievance."

"What my daughter thinks is to ruin Li Chen'an's reputation and die without a place to die!"

A contemptuous sneer appeared in Shen Qianshan's eyes

"After tonight, even if Li Chenan is not dead, he has nothing left."


"The baby is here!"

"Tomorrow, you take a few guards to the alley in Erjinggou, and smash Li Chenan's tavern! If others are here, you will smash them together!"

Shen Jiye was overjoyed, "I obey!"

"Well, it's getting late, you all go to rest, and come back for your father..."

Before the word "Fang" was exported, the first nursing home suddenly rushed in, "Master, master...!"

Shen Qianshan was overjoyed, with a bright smile on his face, "Well, it seems that it has been done."

The nurse just knelt down in front of Shen Qianshan, his face was as pale as paper.

He pointed behind him and said in horror, "Master, we, our grain, our granary..."

Shen Qianshan suddenly stood up, "What happened to our granary?"

"Be, be... burnt!"

Shen Qianshan was shocked, and kicked over, and the nurse rolled away a distance of one foot.

"Say, what happened?!"

"Old, master,"

The nurse knelt down in front of Shen Qianshan again, and said tremblingly, "I'll go and burn Cai and Cai Zhengyao's granaries. Everything is going well."

"After finishing the work, according to the Patriarch's instructions, I was waiting on the way back, but, unexpectedly, there was a big, big fire in the southeast corner!"

"Steward Ye took a look and was worried that our granary had run out of water, so he took the little ones and ran to the southeast corner, and it turned out that our granary had run out of water."

"I was just, about to put out the fire, but I unexpectedly killed a bunch, a bunch of bandits!"

"He, they are extremely cruel!"

"Our people, even Ye and Steward Ye were killed by them, and the little, little one ran back desperately, report, report, report to the master!"

Shen Qianshan suddenly felt a pain in his chest, his eyes went dark, he fell down, and was supported by Shen Qiaodie who rushed over.

"Do you know who did it?"

"Miss, miss, villains don't know!"

Shen Qiaodie's eyes were about to burst into flames, "Brother, help father to rest!"


"I'm going to have a look."

Shen Qiaodie boarded the carriage with a gloomy expression, and went straight to West Market.



On the bank of Peach Blossom Creek, wine shop.

The wine shop was brightly lit and bustling.

The bought slaves were still busy brewing wine in two shifts. Of course they didn't know what would happen that night.

Li Chenan, who was sitting in a room outside the winery at the moment, actually didn't expect what would happen here.

He and Wu Xichen were drinking wine.

This wine is the new Huapingchun, which is 45% wine.

Wu Xichen compared Huapingchun and Taohuaniang, his eyes lit up.

"Although I don't know how you did it, I have to admit that this Huapingchun is really good!"

"Teacher, everyone in the world will like good things."

"Just like a good martial arts cheat book or a good weapon, it will always be snatched by countless masters."

"If you want to keep the good things that belong to you... then you must have the ability that ordinary people can't match!"

"You, shouldn't it be time to practice martial arts?"

Li Chenan grinned, "Master, let's go practice martial arts after drinking this pot of wine."

Wu Xichen couldn't bear Hua Pingchun's temptation, he nodded, so Li Chenan filled another bowl for him.

"I've had a lot of contact with Brother Shang these days. In my opinion, Brother Shang really doesn't look like a bad guy."

Wu Xichen took a big sip from the wine bowl, "My teacher didn't say he was a bad person."

"Just because he's not bad doesn't mean that the Imperial City Secretary isn't bad!"

"This Imperial City Secretary... the things he does are much more filthy than the Lijing Division, especially in the eyes of people in the Jianghu, the Imperial City Secretary is simply an enemy!"

Li Chenan was taken aback, "What did the Imperial City Secretary do?"

"Let me tell you this," Wu Xichen took another sip, put down the wine bowl, lifted his sleeves and wiped his mouth, "Most of the recruiters in the Imperial City Division are quack masters, but they are the ones who do the most work. It is to eliminate the masters of the rivers and lakes!"

"The Imperial City Division is divided into inner and outer sects. The banner of the outer sect is to patrol Jiangyang thieves. There are indeed Jiangyang thieves in the rivers and lakes, but they often use this as an excuse to attack some innocent people in the martial arts."

"Maybe it's a personal grievance, or maybe it's a sect's grievance. In short, the imperial city's outer sect likes to take advantage of others' power to avenge personal revenge."

Li Chenan looked at Wu Xichen, obviously Wu Xichen didn't like this Imperial City Secretary very much.

"In order to deal with Huangcheng Division's indiscriminate killing of innocent people, there is a new organization in Jianghu called Baiyi League... Huangcheng Division wears black clothes, with red ropes hanging around the outer door and gold thread embroidered on the inner door."

"This white-clothed alliance is very mysterious. As a teacher, I only heard that they only wear white clothes, but who is the leader of the alliance and who are the members of the alliance, no one knows."

"In recent years, the members of the Outer Sect of the Imperial City Division who have performed missions outside the country have suffered a lot. It is said that most of them are caused by the White Clothes League."

"What's the matter with old man Shang, let's wait for Taohua's reply. In addition... as a teacher, I don't want you to get too close to Huangcheng Secretary, so as not to suffer unreasonable disasters."

Li Chen'an understood, the rivers and lakes are really deep, so it's better for him to keep a respectful distance with his own abilities.

At this moment, there was a sudden shout of killing from the outer door.

Li Chenan was startled, and looked outside the door.

Wu Xichen was a little annoyed, those damn things interrupted his drinking.

"Go and get a wine gourd tomorrow. From now on, remember to fill up the wine gourd for the master every day."

He stood up, put on the bamboo hat, and said, "Want to paint the screen!"

He walked out, and Li Chen'an also walked out, but Wu Xichen had already soared into the sky.