
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

On the seventh night of June (1)

This night is destined to be a sleepless night for many people.

A suspension bridge was lowered on the wall beside Taohuaxi, and a team of 60 people rushed out from the suspension bridge.

A bright red lantern was lit up on that wall, and under the lantern, the twelve golden hairpins of the Lijing Division were patrolling in style wearing rattan armor, holding a halberd and carrying a bow and arrow on their backs.

A large group of people rushed out of the Huo's courtyard in Guangling City, and they walked through the streets and alleys silently.

Coincidentally, not long after the Li family army entered from the north city gate and turned to the west city, the Huo family's three hundred guards just came out from the north city gate.

The two teams passed by only half a stick of kung fu.

When Li Xiaohua led sixty people towards the southeast corner of West City, the thirty guards of the Shen family were also heading for the northwest corner of West City under the leadership of Steward Ye.

The backyard of Guangling government office.

Liu Zhuo's study.

A lamp, a pot of tea, two people sit facing each other.

Sitting opposite him was Zhongli Qiuyang, the young master of Zhongli Mansion, a judicial officer and military officer.

He poured a cup of tea for Zhongli Qiuyang and handed it to Zhongli Qiuyang, and said with a smile, "Sometimes, I really don't understand you kid."

"With your ability, it's more than enough to take charge of the Guangling Navy, but why don't you go there?"

"Judicial participation in the military... If such a small seventh-rank official becomes the admiral of the Guangling Navy, he will be a third-rank official. Let's talk, what do you think?"

Zhongli Qiuyang picked up the teacup and blew on it, and said with a smile, "You have no good intentions!"

"With the horrible appearance of the Guangling Navy now, even if I have three heads and six arms, I can't recover."

He took a sip of tea, put down the cup, sighed, and said, "Actually, the main reason is that I don't have any money. I went to Linshui once last year, and had a long chat with Jiang Xia'er all night."

"Jiang Xia'er has been in charge of the Guangling Navy for eight years. He said that those eight years were the most regrettable and aggrieved in his life!"

"He has written to the Ministry of War countless times, but he rarely gets a response from the Ministry of War."

"The dock at Linshui Port has long been abandoned, and the number of warships that can barely be used today has changed from 266 in its glory days to 72 today."

"There is no money to maintain those warships, let alone build new warships. Even the sailors have dropped from 120,000 to 26,000 now."

Zhongli Qiuyang shook his head, and laughed at himself, "I can't change after the gods are gone. Instead of getting stuck in that quagmire, I still think it's good for me to join the military as a judiciary."

Liu Zhuo also smiled wryly, "I heard that facing the threat from Mobei this time, the emperor sent envoys to Jiuyin City and reached a marriage agreement with Yu Wenfeng?"

"Well, it was actually Princess Sulin who proposed it on her own initiative."

"Oh? Princess Sulin...Gao Yi!"

"Gao Yi's fart! That's what the Chinese dialect says, I don't believe that Princess Sulin would be so stupid!"

Zhongli Qiuyang looked angry, "There must be someone behind this!"

"Damn it, this is a shame and shame! The mighty Great Ning Kingdom, now wants to use a princess to get married in exchange for a temporary peace..."

Liu Juo stretched out his hand to interrupt Zhongli Qiuyang's words, and said with a wry smile, "There are some things, that's what happened, let's not talk about it... If you don't go back to sleep, kid, are you also worried about Li Chen'an?"

Speaking of Li Chen'an, Zhongli Qiuyang's anger gradually disappeared, and he took another sip of tea, "I'm just curious, the current situation is that the Huo and Shen families are dealing with him alone... Tell me, who will win?"

Liu Zhuo stroked his long beard and laughed, "You never thought of sending the city defense army to help him?"

Zhongli Qiuyang waved his hand, "Huo Chuanming asked me to open the north city gate for him, isn't that just right?"

"As for helping Li Chen'an, the third sister had entrusted her when she left, but my father refused. I think my father also wanted to see how Li Chen'an could break this small situation."

"If he really wins...?"

"Actually, I really appreciate that kid, but the mother's test was not so easy, but in the end it still depends on grandma."

"There is another wind, you listen to it."

"you say."

"In a few days, the Ministry of Officials may have other arrangements for you...Go to Shuzhou. Although the place is bitter and cold, it is also safer."

"...okay, I get it."



Huo Mansion, study room.

Horch took two steps back and forth in the study, smoked a cigarette, looked out the window, he was in good spirits

"This matter is over tonight. Let Steward Lin take Shen Qianshan to Pingjiang City. Jia's mansion has a lot of connections in the south of the Yangtze River. I asked Jia's mansion to help and let them fight with the magistrates and sheriffs of the counties and counties. This way, Shen Qianshan will be able to get acquainted with those local officials."

"The autumn grains are about to be harvested in two months. The grains in the south of the Yangtze River... can't fall into the hands of others!"

Huo Chuanming nodded, and asked suspiciously, "Uncle, didn't you say that Princess Sulin wants to get married with Mobei... Isn't it impossible for the crown prince to conscript himself? This food...is it so important?"

Horch smiled slightly, "Of course it's important, even more important than before!"

"Nephew understands."

Huo Xi didn't explain, he looked out of the window again, "Tell me, have Coach Zhou and the others arrived at Taohuaxi?"

Coach Zhou and the others have not yet arrived at Taohuaxi, but Li Xiaohua and his party have already arrived at the southeast corner of West City.

At the same time, a convoy of thirty carriages also quietly drove into the southeast corner of the West City.

The hooves of these cart-drawing horses were all wrapped in thick cloth, but the team was too big, so there was still some noise.

The night was too quiet, so the sound became clearer, which disturbed some people who lived on the second floor and guarded the shop.

A light came on, a window opened, and then, they heard the sound of killing in the night wind!

Li Xiaohua waved the long knife in his hand, pointed forward, and shouted, "Brothers, kill them all!"

The guards of the Shen family did not expect that someone would dare to rob the grain depot in the middle of the night.

They ran out one by one in a panic, and some of them didn't even have weapons in their hands.

They are no match for Li Jiajun at all!

Lu Xiaotian took the lead, raised the halberd in his hand, and stabbed at the person rushing to the opposite side.

The halberd pierced through the man's abdomen, and when he pulled it out again, it brought out a cage of intestines. The man wailed and died instantly.

The rest of the people swarmed up, and in just a few breaths, all the twelve guards of the Shen family's granary were killed.

"Everyone, move food!"

So, Li's army carried the halberd on their backs, and the gate of the Shen's granary was opened, and they carried bags of grain into the carriage parked at the door.

Just as they were moving food, the southeast corner of West Market suddenly burst into flames.

Li Xiaohua looked at it in astonishment, not knowing why, "Hurry up, I'll give you half an hour!"

On the second floor in the southeast corner, Cai Zhengyao looked at the place where the fire broke out through the window.

His son Cai Qizhi jumped up in surprise, "Father...!"

Cai Zhengyao turned around and smiled slightly, "Go, let's go home."

"Find a day to talk to Li Chen'an for my father, and then you go to work by his side!"