
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Murong He's farewell

Shen Qiaodie was very happy when she left Taohua Villa.

She got what she wanted to know.

There is no rumored relationship between the third lady of Zhongli Mansion and Li Chenan.

Those ordinary people in the market must have watched a lot of dramas, and they always hope that something in the dramas will happen around them.

In the play, it is often played that the young lady from the rich family secretly promises her love to the young man from the poor and lowly family.

There are those who support money to allow poor and humble teenagers to study and take the Jinshi exam.

There are also those who gave up their rich family background and eloped with that poor scholar.

Those are fantasies after all.

Where in the world is there such a stupid woman!

The so-called love, this is a delicate word, it emphasizes the right family, and it is based on the foundation of each other's food and clothing.

If the three meals are unsustainable, where did the flowers come from?

It's about the same amount of money under the month.

If you don't even have money, who will go with you to that month?

Do you drink northwest wind?

So those neighbors just because of their own low status, a cluster of sparks arose between the third lady of Zhongli Mansion who longed for a high family and the poor boy Li Chen'an, and acted out the story in the play in reality.

It's ridiculous!

Shen Qiaodie returned home and told his father Shen Qianshan about the conversation with Miss San in detail.

Shen Qianshan went to the Huo Mansion that night, and only returned at midnight.

Of course Li Chen'an at the east end of Erjinggou Alley didn't know about these things.

At that time, he was painting Pingtung.



"Stop, stop, stop...!"

Li Chenan jumped up and down in a hurry, but still couldn't dodge the stick that Wu Xichen dropped.

"Your reaction speed is too slow!"

"It is said that with the genuine energy in your body, your perception should be stronger than ordinary people. You can't even dodge the stick in my hand, how can you dodge the enemy's weapon?"

"Master..." Li Chenan rubbed his head, and Wu Xichen slapped him on the forehead.

"You are a master at the first level! You are a master who is about to step into the grand master with one foot!"

"I, do I count as a lower level of the Ninth Realm? How far do you think there is between us? If I can escape, wouldn't I also be at the upper level of the First Realm?"

Wu Xichen was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered that although he had controlled his internal force, the speed of his strikes was indeed not much worse.

"Are you sure that the enemy you meet is not a high-level one?"

Li Chen'an shook his head, "I don't think there is any master of the first level who is bored to deal with a small shrimp like me!"

Seeing Wu Xichen raised his stick again, Li Chen'an quickly said, "Wait, I want to tell Master, from tomorrow onwards, let's find a place to practice by the Taohuaxi."

"Are you going to live there forever?"

"Yeah, seeing that the construction of the workshop is at a critical moment, and Su Muxin is taking care of the tavern, I'd better put more energy on the workshop."

"Well, you need a weapon, the weapon you used from the beginning."

"Then you can become more familiar with your weapon as you are with your own arm."

"What kind of weapon do you like? A knife or a sword? I suggest you use a sword. After all, I practice swordsmanship."

Li Chenan thought for a while, no matter whether the sword is a melee weapon, melee is not reliable, after all, everyone said that the sword has no eyes, if you are not careful, you will be injured or even die.

He remembered that in his previous life, he liked to throw poker cards, and he threw them very neatly.

"I love throwing knives!"

"...What flying knife?"

"Romantic Swordsman!"

"...What the hell is this? I can't teach you!"

"You taught me the sword."

"Double cultivation?"

"It doesn't affect."


Then there was another burst of chicken and dog jumping.

When Li Chenan returned to the small courtyard, he was exhausted. He was about to practice the four movements of the Bu Er Zhou Tian Jue, but unexpectedly there was a knock on the door.

He opened the door and saw Murong He.

"Haven't slept yet?"

Murong He shook his head, "The moonlight is just right, come out and sit?"

"Is there something wrong?"

"It's a little thing."

Li Chenan and Murong He came to the gazebo in the courtyard.

"I'm leaving the tavern for a while."

Li Chenan was taken aback, "Is there something wrong with Su Muxin?"

"No, but... But there is no progress, and it's not because of this that I left."

"Then why?"

"I seem to have told you that I am a member of the Ichthyosaur Society?"

Li Chenan nodded and became serious.

"Didn't the sub-rudder of the Ichthyosaur Society in Guangling City be completely wiped out a few days ago? The Kyoto headquarters sent someone to ask me to be the helm master of this place and rebuild the Guangling Prefecture sub-rudder."

Li Chenan's heart skipped a beat, thinking that this girl is a high-level master of the three realms.

If she becomes the helmsman of this place, and if Lijing Division gives herself a mission to kill the helmsman...

This is amazing!

It is so difficult to kill Song Yuanping who is at the lower level of the eighth realm, how can he kill Murong He?

Shall I get some arsenic to poison her tomorrow before she leaves the tavern?

To poison her to death first, wouldn't there be no future troubles?

This kind of thing is completely possible for Li Chenan to ask himself.

And without any heart burden.

He had even made up his mind.

Unexpectedly, Murong He said another sentence, "I am the Elder Yi Keqing of the Fish and Dragon Society, but I don't have any intention of being the leader."

"So I'm going to go to Kyoto, and talk to the great elder of the Fish and Dragon Association, and ask them to send another person."

Li Chen'an dismissed that vicious idea, Murong He didn't know that she walked before the gate of hell.

"The envoy sent from above said that Zhuyu Xiaozhu was destroyed last time and lost an extremely important thing, which is the personnel list of Guangling Prefecture of the Fish and Dragon Society."

Of course Li Chenan knew about that.

That thing was in that black box.

The black box was under his bed.

"The identities of some people in the roster are more sensitive, and the higher-ups are worried that the roster will fall into the hands of the Mirror Division."

Li Chenan laughed, "I heard that Zhu Yuxiao built a big fire that night, so it's not certain that the thing was burned."


Murong He shook his head, "I also went to investigate these days, and it was only a small building located on the outskirts of Zhuoyu Xiaozhu that caught fire. Song Yuanping definitely wouldn't put such an important thing there."

"He should have been placed in that secret room, where he died, so the register is indeed lost."

"...Then what are you going to do?"

"What's none of my business? It's okay if the higher-ups ask me to kill someone, I don't have the time to help them find the roster!"

Murong He suddenly looked at Li Chen'an, and said in a low voice, "Actually, I can guess where that roster is!"

Li Chenan was startled, and saw Murong He showing a sly smile, "Don't worry, I won't say anything."

"But you have to do me a favor!"

"...what's the matter?"

"During the time I was away from the tavern, you and Su Muxin told me how I was."

"Just to clarify, I don't know what the roster you are talking about is, but I can help you with this favor, because this kid Su Muxin should have a family."

"Thank you!"


"Do you want me to recommend you to the higher-ups, so that you can become the rudder master of the Guangling Prefecture sub-helm of the Fish and Dragon Society?"