
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

Liang Zhu Huadie

Li Chenan didn't quite understand Murong He.

This not-so-beautiful woman is too smart, the key is that her mind is extremely delicate.

Obviously she had already guessed that Song Yuanping died in her own hands, and she even guessed that the roster was in Li Chenan's hands.

This may be the reason why she has already reached the high level of the upper level of the three realms at the age of seventeen.

Fortunately, she has no intention of making a career in Yulonghui, otherwise she will definitely become her strongest opponent.

Fortunately, she is a woman, and an infatuated woman.

As long as Su Muxin can take her down, she will not pose any threat to him.

After Murong He left, Li Chen'an felt a little more relaxed.

Now he has another job - to enlighten Su Muxin and make him fall in love with Muronghe!

And now he had an idea.

"Brother Su," Li Chenan poured a cup of tea for Su Muxin, "Have you heard the story of Liang Zhu Huadie?"

Su Mu held the teacup and thought for a few breaths and shook his head, "Which biography is it from?"

"One said it came from "Jinlouzi" and another said it came from "The Temple of Yizhong Wang". It doesn't matter where it comes from. The important thing is the beautiful, sad and touching love story it tells."

Su Muxin looked at Li Chenan blankly, her mind was spinning rapidly, and after some searching, she was sure that she had never read those two books, or even heard of them.

"Brother Li is really knowledgeable, but...why did you suddenly mention a love story?"

"There are three great joys in life, meeting an old friend in a foreign land, the wedding night in the bridal chamber, and being named on the gold list."

"Look, you have already been named on the gold list. You came to Guangling City to meet me. You have seen two of the three great joys in life. Isn't this just a bridal chamber wedding night?"

"Brother Su, have you ever wondered why you couldn't get into the temple even though you were ranked second in high school?"

Su Muxin was taken aback by Li Chenan, he suddenly felt that Li Chenan was very profound, and only then did he know why the master and he had so many words in common.

It turns out that he is not only good at poetry and articles, but even his thoughts and opinions are beyond his reach.

At this moment, Li Chenan wants to mention himself?

"Dare to ask Brother Li why?"

The old god Li Chen'an sat up straight, and said solemnly, "The so-called family and career, the family comes first and the career comes later. How can you start a career before you get married?"

Su Mu was a little confused, "But my family is poor, and I haven't met the woman I like yet. How can I start a family?"

"Look at you. Is that the reason for your poor family? You, Su Muxin, are the top four talents in Kyoto! You are a person with great talent, and it is not easy to earn money?"

Su Muxin felt that it was not easy, being a shopkeeper in this tavern didn't even have a monthly payment.

"In addition, I will correct you another wrong point of view!"

"The so-called woman you like is your wishful thinking. In my opinion, instead of finding someone you like, it's better to find someone who likes you!"

"Think about it carefully, if the person you like has no feelings for you at all, even if you marry back home, it's just an extra tool to warm the bed!"

"You are eager to treat her well, but she treats you indifferently... This is called a hot face to stick to someone's cold ass. Do you want to live like this? Do you want to have the same bed and different dreams for decades to come? Have you been there?"

Su Mu was stunned, and felt that Li Chenan's words were very reasonable.

He could imagine such a scene——

I went home exhausted outside, but her heart was not in this home at all, so the home was still cold, so that I had to wait on her to please her.

How can you live like that?

What a nightmare!

"...Then what should we do?"

"Let me briefly tell you the story of Liang Zhu's transformation into a butterfly."


Li Chenan flicked up his sleeves, of course he didn't talk about the original version, but made a random fabrication for Su Muxin——

"It is said that there used to be a Zhu Yuanwai in Guangling City. He had eight sons and a daughter, and his daughter was named Zhu Yingtai."

"This Zhu Yingtai just doesn't like red clothes and arms, so when she was five years old, she left home to study in a certain school."

"I have learned this for twelve years, and I have practiced a very good kung fu."

"When she was studying art, she heard some news from her brothers and sisters who traveled abroad. Among them, she heard that there was a young man named Liang Shanbo who was very good at poetry and writing, and even won the first prize."

"Zhu Yingtai admired talented people very much, so she secretly fell in love with Liang Shanbo. When she was seventeen years old, she went down the mountain and went to look for that young man named Liang Shanbo."

"Perhaps it was her sincerity that touched the heavens. She really found Liang Shanbo. It's just that Liang Shanbo's family was poor at this time and had no backers to enter the officialdom. Instead, he was living a hard life in the capital without food."

"Zhu Yingtai didn't feel disgusted at all. She stayed by his side. She made money by performing arts, serving tea, water, laundry, cooking for Liang Shanbo, and accompanied him through the tormenting years."

"Liang Shanbo knew Zhu Yingtai's affection for him, but he felt that he was the number one scholar. This Zhu Yingtai is not beautiful but also a man in the world, and he is definitely not a good match for him."

"One day, Liang Shanbo was summoned by the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. The Minister of the Ministry of Officials had a daughter, but she behaved indiscriminately. Now she is pregnant and must be married off immediately."

"If Liang Shanbo marries his daughter, he can immediately become a county magistrate."

"Liang Shanbo quietly left Zhu Yingtai and became the son-in-law of the Ministry of Officials, and he really went to a wealthy county to become a county magistrate."

"When Zhu Yingtai found Liang Shanbo, everything was settled. Her heart was ashamed, and after despair, she jumped into the lake and committed suicide."

"This Liang Shanbo has a bit of conscience, he buried Zhu Yingtai by the lake."

"But this Liang Shanbo's life at home is not easy! He tried his best to please his wife, but she didn't like him at all, and she didn't even let him go to bed."

"That's when he knew that Zhu Yingtai treated him well."

"He went to Zhu Yingtai's tomb to pay homage and cry, filled with remorse, and cried until the sky was dim and the ground was dark."

"Perhaps God was moved, and suddenly the sky fell apart, and Zhu Yingtai's tomb suddenly burst open."

"Liang Shanbo yelled at Yingtai, come for your husband!"

"After finishing speaking, he jumped into the tomb, the gap was closed, the rain was over, and the sky was clear, and under a rainbow, two butterflies danced lightly, chasing and playing up and down, and finally got married."

"This is the story of Liang Zhu Huadie, do you understand?"

Su Muxin was already moved beyond measure.

Cuihua at the side heard the tears rolling down her face, she choked up and said, "I knew today, why bother!"

"If Liang Shanbo had married Zhu Yingtai long ago, how could there be such a sad and beautiful story! They will be able to grow old together forever."

Su Muxin suddenly thought of Murong He who was by his side these days.

He stood up abruptly, "Where's Miss Murong? Yesterday she said she was going to leave, did she leave?"

"Let's go, but if you run faster, you should be able to find her at the Huajian Pavilion three miles outside the east city."

Su Muxin ran away.

Li Chenan laughed.

Su Mu's heart was limp by being fooled.

This story violates the original, and I will rewrite it when I have time some other day.