
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs


The lantern in the backyard of Guangling government office was lit all night.

The lanterns of the Shen family were also lit all night.

The same goes for the Huo family.

In the backyard of the Guangling government office, Liu Zhuo threw the chess piece in his hand into the chess urn, looked at the chess game, and said, "You have won."

Zhongli Qiuyang spilled the chess pieces in his hand on the chessboard, "You still don't want to go to Shuzhou."

Liu Zhuo pondered for a moment, then looked up at the blue sky, "What does the teacher mean?"

"No, what my father meant."

"...Why did Zhongli Mansion help me escape this catastrophe?"

"My father said that you helped Li Chen'an. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The main thing is that Zhongli Mansion needs you to go to Shuzhou."

Liu Zhuo was taken aback, although this sentence was very simple, it revealed a very difficult message - Zhongli Mansion seems to have regarded Li Chenan as a member of the mansion!

Otherwise, there is no need for Zhongli Mansion to do this.

And since I helped Li Chen'an, Zhongli Mansion also regarded me as a trustworthy person, that's why Zhongli Qiuyang said that he needed you to go to Shuzhou.

"Please tell your father that Liu Zhuo will run Shuzhou in a perfect manner!"

"Okay, if someone reports to the government later, let the government investigate,"

"...Aren't you worried that Huo Chuanming will use the power of the government to threaten Li Chen'an?"

Zhongli Qiuyang grinned, "The next prefect of Guangling is Huo Chuanming, and Zhongli's government doesn't like it very much, so we should get some more handles on him."

"Let him threaten Li Chen'an." Zhongli Qiuyang stood up, stretched his waist, and yawned, "That kid has never used the brand of Lijing Division. This is not a good thing."

Liu Zhuo was taken aback, "Is he really from the Lijing Division?"

"Well, the Embroidery Envoy of Guangling Prefecture, but as long as you know it. What my father hopes is that he can involve the Department of Mirrors... Actually, that's not what my father meant. Didn't Duke Cheng come to Guangling City once in March? "

"This is actually what Cheng Guogong meant. Cheng Guogong said that since it is going to be broken, let it be broken faster and more thoroughly, so it needs to be more messy."

"...I shouldn't have asked."

"It's okay, but Duke Cheng and my father don't quite understand why the fourth princess let him be the embroidery envoy of Guangling Prefecture, but it seems that the fourth princess has more discernment now."

"That kid is really good, so it's time for him to show some edge."

"Sleepy, go home, sleep!"

Liu Zhuo got up and bowed his hands, "Go slowly."

"Go to sleep too, and let Guangling City be more lively."



The Huo family, study room.

"Damn it!"

Horch's eyelids drooped, covering his old eyes that were a little red after staying up all night.

He beat his back, forced himself to walk a few steps in the study, and then stood in front of the window, looking at the hazy sky outside.

"With three hundred guards, they didn't even cross the Taohuaxi River, which is less than three feet wide."

"Two high-ranking masters of the second realm... one is missing, and the other is dead without a whole body!"

He took a deep breath, his old eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a cold sharpness in the eye slits.

"This Li Chen'an... Now it seems that we have all lost sight. The Zhongli Mansion is powerful, and this is called Luo Ziwutang."

Huo Chuanming and Huo Shufan stood behind him respectfully, and they didn't even dare to show their breath at this moment.

At this time, Huo Shufan asked cautiously, "Grandpa means... Behind this incident, is Zhongli Mansion helping Li Chen'an?"


"The person who can easily kill a second-level low-level master is at least a first-level middle-level master. Such a master is extremely rare. How could he, Li Chen'an, recognize such a person?"

"Only Zhongli Mansion!"

"This matter, we were wrong from the beginning!"

"The literary meeting at Huaping Lake on March 3rd was the beginning of the layout of Zhongli Mansion! Li Chenan got a poem from someone... I guess it was also given to him by Zhongli Mansion. The purpose is to make Li Chenan famous. Get rid of that fool's name."

"I'm thinking, even Li Chen'an's method of brewing wine was probably given to him by Zhongli Mansion. As for the purpose... My Huo family is the largest wine merchant in Ningguo, and the purpose of Zhongli Mansion is our Huo family!"

Huo Shufan was startled, and asked, "So, Li Chen'an was pushed by Zhongli Mansion to deal with our Huo family?"

"It should be so!"

"...Our Huo family didn't offend Zhongli's mansion, did they?"

"There is no need to offend, the profit of wine is so high, the treasury has no money, the power of Zhongli Mansion is mainly in the army, and it needs a lot of money to raise soldiers. The Zhongli Mansion is not good for our Huo family. Use this method Come and overthrow our Huo family, let Li Chenan's peach blossom brew occupy the entire market and earn a lot of money for the use of Zhongli Mansion, this is the purpose of Zhongli Mansion!"

Huo Chuanming had already understood the meaning of Huo Xi's words, his heart tightened, and he asked, "Uncle, then... since the Zhongli Mansion is involved, do we, our Huo family need to retreat?"

Huo Xi raised his head, looked at the blue sky outside the window, and shook his head after a long silence.

"The Huo family also needs a lot of silver!"

"You go to the government office now, mobilize the police, and investigate the case in the name of the government... so many people died, it's a big case!"

"Take back everyone in Li Chen'an Winery, don't kill people, what we need is the way to make wine!"

"As long as I get that method... release the person, as for the rest, when I set off for the capital, the key is still in the capital!"

"Okay, nephew, let's go!"

Huo Chuanming turned and left, and Huo Xi looked at Huo Shufan.

"See? This is the power of a powerful family!"

"Our Huo family has accumulated through generations. Do you think the Huo family is already very powerful?"

"You should know by now? The Huo family is nothing in front of Zhongli Mansion!"

"If Zhongli Mansion didn't take care of face, our Huo family could easily be wiped out!"

"This is why our ancestors of the Huo family asked their descendants to study, to be officials, and to be high officials!"

"Businessman, no matter how big the businessman is in the world, in front of real power...it's not worth mentioning at all!"

Huo Shufan's face tightened, and he bowed, "Grandson understands!"

"It's good that you understand! Last night, Shen's family also suffered heavy losses. After a while, you will take Lin Butler to Shen's house and tell Shen Qianshan that it's nothing to lose temporarily, and the winner is the one who laughs till the end!"

"You ask Steward Lin to take Shen Qianshan to Pingjiang City, and go today! As long as he holds the Jiangnan food in his hands, he can easily earn back his losses."

"Clean up after you come back, tomorrow morning... go to the capital with grandpa to meet Concubine Li!"

Huo Shufan lowered his head slightly, "Grandpa, grandson heard that the sixth princess..."

Huo Xi waved his hand, "Does appearance matter? So what if you have a disability? Concubine Li is not just a noble concubine in the palace. Concubine Li's surname is Yan!"

"She is the daughter of Lord Yan! In addition, she also has a son, who is the third prince!"

"Your father put a lot of thought into making this happen. If you can really become the consort of the sixth princess... why should the Huo family be afraid of Zhongli Mansion!"