
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

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Huo Chuanming went to the government office, ordered the guns himself, and took sixty arresters from Guangling City to Taohuaxi in a hurry.

He did not report to Liu Zhuo, the magistrate of Guangling.

Liu Zhuo is in the study in the backyard of the government office.

He hadn't slept all night, and he isn't sleeping now.

Sitting opposite him is Cai Yutang, the criminal secretary of the torture room.

"My lord, just let him go like this?"

Liu Zhuo smiled slightly and poured a cup of tea for Cai Yutang, "After all, this is a big case. As the general judge of Guangling, it's not a problem for him to go here in person."

"But..." Cai Yutang leaned over and said in a low voice, "Anyone with a discerning eye knows that those who died are from his Huo Mansion!"

"What about the evidence?"

Liu Zhuo picked up the teacup and took a sip, still with a calm expression on his face.

"No one can prove that those people are from his Huo family. Believe me, those who died don't even have names on their household registration."

Cai Yutang pondered for a moment, couldn't help but asked again, "Then Li Chenan...wouldn't it be a big loss?"

"not necessarily."

"...The Zhongli Mansion will come forward to protect him?"


Cai Yutang was taken aback for a moment, a little confused.

Li Chen'an absolutely cannot take action against the official servants of the government, this is a big taboo of the imperial court.

Now that Huo Chuanming is using government means to deal with Li Chen'an, it is justifiable to deal with it. Liu Zhifu is indifferent to this, and Zhongli House will not come forward to protect him... Who gave Liu Zhifu such calm courage?

"Go down and have a look."

"It's fine to see, remember, don't interfere with anything, I don't want you to be killed by Huo Chuanming!"

"The officer knows."



When Huo Chuanming led the policemen to Taohuaxi Winery, Li Chenan was having breakfast with Wu Xichen in Huang Sanlie's small courtyard.

"Master, is it so easy to kill the lower level of the second level?"

Wu Xichen took a bite of the straw cake and shook his head, "If you fight hard, you're only one level away, and you'll have to fight for twenty or thirty rounds."

"If a master of the second level wants to run...if the movement is exquisite, it may not be able to catch up with the first level."

"But isn't it a matter of two or three moves for you to kill that one?"

Wu Xichen glanced at Li Chenan, and said lightly, "That's because of the sword on your back!"

Li Chenan was startled, "Is this sword so powerful?"

"I told you that there are nine famous swords in the world, and they are all one! It is a great sword that has been washed tens of thousands of times in Xijian Tower, so if you go to Wu, please remember not to show it lightly. Bring the sword."

"...Why did you give it to me?"

"Because you are my apprentice, and because I'm going to Yue to find Monk Jiudeng."

"Then don't you have a better chance of winning with this sword?"

Wu Xichen didn't answer, he took a sip of porridge, turned his head and glanced outside the door, "Someone is here."

Li Chenan also looked at it, but didn't pay attention, and asked again, "When will I be as powerful as you?"

"There are eighteen moves in Bu Er Zhou Tian Jue, and I understand twelve moves for my teacher."


"For thousands of years, only one person in Xijian Tower has understood the eighteen moves, and then... is invincible in the world!"

Li Chenan was startled, thinking that this thing is so powerful?

"But don't think about it too much. If you can understand the six styles and cooperate with the Fuji sword, of course you can't send out the sword energy, but you can still fight against a master who surpasses you by a big realm."

Li Chen'an suddenly became very interested in the Heavenly Art of the Two Weeks, because this world is a bit chaotic, and there are a lot of martial arts masters in this world.

In my previous life, I had a martial arts dream when I was a teenager. Could it be possible to realize it in this life?

The world is invincible... the lonely shadow of the cold river, the old friend of the rivers and lakes... very good!

Wu Xichen looked at Li Chenan and smiled meaningfully, "Aren't you going out to have a look?"

"Ah, I'll go take a look."

The suspension bridge over the wall of the distillery has been lowered, and Huo Mingyang, along with Chen Ergou and other 60 police officers, are standing on the huge drying yard outside the distillery.

Opposite them is the Twelve Golden Hairpins of Lijing Division.

These girls who just came out of Wanxi Zhai didn't know the rules of the court. If Li Chen'an hadn't explained it before, Huo Chuanming and others might have been shot into hedgehogs.

Twelve gold hairpins held a bow in their hands, and Huo Chuanming stood in front of the sixty arresters in official uniform.

He looked at the twelve girls and became more and more convinced that his uncle's analysis was correct——

These twelve girls looked like they were from the Jianghu, with Li Chenan's ability, they definitely couldn't win over him.

That's what Zhongli Mansion gave him to protect the winery.

He didn't issue an order to arrest the twelve girls, he wanted to see if anyone would come out of Zhongli Mansion, so there was a stalemate here.

When he came over for a cup of tea, he didn't wait for the people from Zhongli Mansion, but instead saw Li Chenan walking over.

Li Chen'an stood aside, and said to Twelve Chai, "Put down your weapons!"

He walked in front of Twelve Hairpins, looked up at Huo Chuanming, who was about ten feet away, but didn't recognize him.

So his eyes fell on the face of the head of the police, Chen Ergou.

Chen Ergou's body tightened suddenly, and he lowered his head slightly, not daring to look at Li Chenan——

Chen Ergou still thinks that Li Chenan is from the Lijing Division, but he still has the identity of the Fish and Dragon Society.

"Er Gouzi, come here!"

Chen Ergou was startled, looked up at Huo Chuanming, Huo Chuanming spoke at this time

"Captain Chen, arrest Li Chen'an!"

Chen Ergou swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and looked at Li Chenan again.

Li Chen'an smiled slightly at this moment, "What's your surname?"

"I judge Huo Tong!"

"Oh, it turns out that the Lord Tongju came here in person. I don't know what crime I have committed?"

"Those three hundred corpses are still there outside. Could it be that you, Li Chen'an, dare to do it or not?"

"My lord said this... I just opened a wine shop to make wine. What do you think is the purpose of my killing? Is it necessary for me to kill?"

"My lord is an official, and I am also a literati. We are all gentle people. It is the business of those people in the world to fight and kill. I think that my lord should send a document to arrest the real murderer!"

Huo Chuanming narrowed his eyes, "I don't need you to teach me, of course I will start my investigation from your wine shop!"

His voice suddenly lingered, and he roared, "Chen Butou, take down everyone in this wine shop! Those who disobeyed orders...kill!"

Chen Ergou's heart trembled, and he walked towards Li Chen'an while supporting Pu Dao at his waist with one hand.

"Master Li, this... villain offended me."


Li Chen'an raised his neck, straightened his waist, and shrank his pupils, showing a rare majestic look, "I said Huo Chuanming, this young master gave you three points of color, do you still want to open a dyeing workshop?"

"I wanted to save some face for you, maybe one day your Huo family will have some contact with me, Li Chen'an! I said, let's take a chance to talk, how about?"

Huo Chuanming was a little confused, he didn't know who this grassroots person gave him the courage to call him Huo Chuanming's name directly!

"What? You expect people from Zhongli Mansion to come to rescue you? I tell you, this is a big case! Even if Zhongli Mansion wants to intervene, it will be after I finish the trial of this case!"

Li Chenan suddenly smiled and shook his head, he took two steps forward, showing an old-fashioned look, "I mean Xiao Huo, I don't even know how you got into the position of Tongju!"

Chen Ergou was dumbfounded immediately, and the group of policemen were also dumbfounded, so they heard Li Chenan say again:

"I'll teach you today, what you need to be an official is tact! Just remember not to make enemies for yourself!"

"Look at this, are you still planning to arrest me, Li Chen'an?"

He took out the Moyu brand of the Fish and Dragon Society from his pocket, pinched it between his thumb and forefinger, the brand exuded a deep cold light under the rising sun!