
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

autumn rain 2

The overcast sky finally rained.

Not big, but very detailed.

Like silk thread.

Drizzling with the autumn wind.

A few traces fell on Zhongli Ruoshui's brow.

Some cold.

So cold in her heart.

She shivered suddenly, Lin Xueer had already taken a snow-white cloak, stood behind her, put it on her shoulders, and said nervously

"Miss... how about you go back to your room with His Highness?"

Zhongli Ruoshui shook her head, she still looked at Qiu Yu, "You go down first, ask the kitchen to stew two cups of bird's nest, and prepare for lunch, Chen'an should be back soon."

Lin Xueer lowered her head and bowed, "Your maidservant will go now."

She backed off.

Zhongli Ruoshui gathered his cloak, but he didn't seem to feel much warmth.

Because even if wearing mink fur can warm the body, it can't warm the cold heart.

Zhongli Ruoshui raised his head, looking at the increasingly gray sky in the rain.

One autumn rain and one cool.

The weather is changing so fast, it turns out that the autumnal equinox is approaching... the cold dew will follow, and it won't be long before winter begins.

When winter comes, it's time for snow.

It's snowing... When the earth is covered with snow, I may also leave.

Chen An is still here.

He might warm a glass of wine in this gazebo, and feel sad for his departure.

But time is the best medicine in the world.

It will eventually heal it all.

Maybe one or two years later, Chen An will get out of this sadness and start his new life.

Sitting in this pavilion will be him and Ning Chuchu.

The wine remains the same.

People are still.

The lotus in the lotus pond will bloom again, and the fish will grow again.

It's just that on Shuiyun Mountain, or on Peach Blossom Mountain in Guangling City, there is an extra tomb covered with green grass and a few wild flowers.

"what's on your mind?"

Ning Chuchu seemed to feel Zhongli Ruoshui's faint sadness, she looked at Zhongli Ruoshui, and asked again, "Is there something you are hiding from me?"

The corner of Zhongli Ruoshui's mouth curled up, and the smile bloomed like a flower on his face.

"What's the matter!"

"Look at the rain..."

Zhongli Ruoshui pointed to the rain outside the pavilion, "I was thinking, people often say that spring rain is as expensive as oil, so what about this autumn rain?"

Without waiting for Ning Chuchu to reply, she said again

"In the eyes of literati, this autumn rain is the sustenance of poetry, painting, or melancholy, or it is the best reason for an umbrella and two people to stand by the lake and cuddle up to each other."

"I was thinking, if there is such an autumn rain on the Huaping Lake at this time, it must be very beautiful."

Ning Chuchu was taken aback, "Didn't you live in Guangling City for several years, have you never seen Huaping Lake in the autumn rain?"

Zhongli Ruoshui looked away, and a smile appeared on his face again, but there was a trace of regret in this smile.

"If you don't believe me, in fact, during those years I was in Guangling City... almost all of them were in Peach Blossom Villa, at most it was on that Peach Blossom Mountain."

"Of course I've visited Guangling City, but it's like watching flowers on horseback."

"I also went to see the autumn of Huaping Lake, but there was no such a rain. Instead, it was a time of high and refreshing autumn."

Zhongli Ruoshui's words dispelled Ning Chuchu's doubts. Ning Chuchu thought that Zhongli Ruoshui had lived in Guangling City for a longer time, and Zhongli's mansion was also in Guangling City.

This kind of autumn rain is already melancholy, she may be homesick.

"If you are bored staying in the capital, you can often come to the palace to find me like before!"

Zhongli Ruoshui shook his head, looked at Ning Chuchu, "You are wrong, it should be that you will come out of the palace more in the future, come here and chat with Chen'an more!"

Ning Chuchu blushed, lowered her head slightly, nodded after a moment of pondering, "You, if you really don't mind, I will come here often."

She raised her head to look at Zhongli Ruoshui again, her gaze no longer drifted away or dodged, as if she had made up her mind on this matter

"I have to go back to the palace first."

"What's the hurry? It's not too late to leave after lunch. I'm afraid Chen An will be back soon."

"I, I want to see Brother Prince."

The girl's heart was a little urgent, so naturally she was not in the mood to stay for dinner at this time.

She really wants to hear the opinion of the prince's brother, of course, she also wants the prince's brother to meet Li Chenan——

In this way, the prince brother will be at ease.

In this way, it will be more beneficial for Li Chenan to stay in the capital.

After all, Zhiyuan has been sent to Duke Huai's mansion quietly. If Duke Huai really has a way to let Li Chen'an stand on that temple... If he and the prince's brother can become friends, that is undoubtedly the best!

He is good.

I am fine too!

Ning Chuchu got up, looked at Zhongli Ruoshui carefully, and suddenly wished Zhongli Ruoshui a blessing as her princess!

This startled Zhongli Ruoshui.

But she said very seriously, "Whether I have that life or not...we are all sisters!"

"You are sister, I am sister!"



In Sun Tuozi's small yard, Xiao Wu was chopping firewood.

He has chopped a lot of firewood, and it seems that he has no intention of stopping.

Sun Tiexian hunched over, standing under the eaves and watching Xiao Wu chopping firewood. He watched for a long time before turning his head to look at the misty autumn rain in the courtyard.

Raindrops had already fallen from the eaves, either on the bluestone slab, or on the cluster of banana leaves, making a ticking sound.

The day suddenly turned cold.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, it will be difficult for Kyoto to warm up again.

I am afraid of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the moon for a long time. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, it will not be far from the New Year, and the first snow in Kyoto...not too far away.

Today he went to the Hou Mansion, and he just came back not long ago.

He met Mrs. Fan, and Mrs. Fan said that she would meet Li Chenan this afternoon.

As for Miss San's illness...for the time being, let's pretend it doesn't exist!

Does this mean to hide Li Chenan?


But with Miss San's personality, would she tell Li Chenan?

Sun Tiexian didn't know.

He just didn't want Third Miss to die like this.

The medicine to treat the third lady is short of those two ingredients, and the rest are all ready. As long as I get those two medicines from the Zhenbao Pavilion in the palace, the third lady can live for another two or three years.

Two or three years is a short period of time.

But there are many things that can be done in two or three years, such as... keeping her and Li Chenan's children!

A sharp light suddenly appeared in Sun Tiexian's slightly squinted old eyes!

He withdrew his gaze and walked in front of Xiao Wu.

The ax in Xiao Wu's hand didn't strike any further, and the grandfather and grandson just looked at each other.

"Have you learned the method I taught you to treat Miss San?"

Sun Tiexian said with gestures.

Xiao Wu nodded.

"That's good, I'm hungry."

Xiao Wu gestured a few times, meaning to cook after chopping the pile of firewood.

Sun Tiexian was a little annoyed, but Xiao Wu made babbling gestures again.

He means...

Winter is coming, burn more charcoal and send it to Miss San, otherwise...she will be very cold!

Sun Tiexian didn't say any more, wondering if the Marquis Dingguo's mansion would be short of charcoal for the winter?

But this is Xiao Wu's intention.

Let him do it.

He turned and left, stood in the autumn rain, raised his head, and suddenly muttered, "This rain is very good, the Mid-Autumn Festival has no moon, just in time for the Wenhui... I just happened to go to the Zhenbao Pavilion!"