
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs

autumn rain 1

Shang Di's words echoed in Li Chenan's ears for a long time.

He couldn't help but think of the night he had a banquet at Duke Cheng's mansion.

Cheng Guogong is looking forward to him staying in the capital, the reason is... for Ningguo!

Shang Di also hoped that he could stay in the capital, but Shang Di's reason was for him, Li Chen'an himself!

Only then did he suddenly realize a problem——

I'm afraid this matter has developed so far, and I can't help myself to make a choice!

Unless the Mid-Autumn Festival will lose to those students from Yue.

The emperor might not be able to chop off his own head because of this nonsense, but he just couldn't bet on it.

Because the emperor can be willful, although he is a person who has traveled through time, but with his current self, he obviously cannot compete with the state machine.

Therefore, I can't be willful in the slightest, and I must walk on thin ice and be careful every step of the way!

Shang Di talked about many benefits of staying in the capital, such as gaining the friendship of his grandson Jinghong.

It's also like being able to get the admiration and followers of students all over the world!

Another example is to make the old disciples of grandpa return to him and become the power he owns.

After all, although the Minister of the Household Department is a big official, he is too low-key in the court or among the people, and it is impossible to see that he dares to fight Ji Tai.

And the uncle is just a young minister of Honglu Temple.


Li Chenan understands these reasons.

If he really wants to stand on this stage of history, what Shang Di earnestly said is correct, and he even has to go further to develop wider network resources.

For example, I have a good relationship with my second uncle Li Wenhou.

It's also like getting closer to the handsome boss of the Lijing Division.

But I really don't want to live such a tiring life, I really just want to spend this life happily with Zhongli Ruoshui.

As for what the Ningguo will look like... Li Chenan no longer feels that it has nothing to do with him at this time, because the Dingguohou's Mansion is already in the game, and he is about to become the son-in-law of the Dingguohou's Mansion, so it has something to do with him .

Then let's see what attitude Mrs. Fan has.

If you want to help Ding Guohou's mansion, it is of course more convenient to stay in the capital now, but it also depends on where Zhongli Ruoshui likes to live, after all, you can live at ease.

You can also stay out of it!

Whether you live in Guangling or Kyoto, as long as you are with Zhongli Ruoshui, you are home.

Suddenly, Li Chenan's concept changed again, but he himself didn't realize it.

He just didn't want something to happen to Dingguohou's Mansion, which would make Zhongli Ruoshui sad.

Zhongli Ruoshui said that he would go to Dingguohou's Mansion earlier today.

It's better to go there earlier to meet Mrs. Fan.

If Mrs. Fan agrees to the matter between herself and Zhongli Ruoshui, if Mrs. Fan agrees with Cheng Guogong, and if Zhongli Ruoshui is willing to stay in the capital, then I will have to live in the capital for a period of time. Write a letter back, and get the hundreds of people recruited by Ye Po and the disciples of Wanxizhai to the capital.

Zhongli Ruoshui said that Shuiyunjian is at the foot of Shuiyun Mountain in the suburbs of Kyoto.

Shuiyun Mountain is very big, but there are very few people of his own, so let An Zizai train those people there.

Although there are not many, all of them are masters of the rivers and lakes.

If it is a surprise attack, it is also a force that cannot be ignored!

Especially after they are all equipped with weapons and armor made of hundreds of refined steels.

Sitting in the carriage, Li Chenan began to plan the many preparations he would need to make under another possibility.

And in Huaxi Bieyuan.

Ning Chuchu's eyes widened and she was looking at Zhongli Ruoshui with some doubts.

"I remember you once said a word to me!"

"You said that the husband and son-in-law you are looking for in this life will never be shared with anyone... You just said that we are sisters who love brothers and sisters, and I have always thought so. But you said that you hope that we will be together forever... and Li Chenan Together... what do you mean?"

Zhongli Ruoshui smiled mischievously, reached out and twirled a piece of Yunjinji's horseshoe cake that Ning Chuchu had brought over, and stuffed it into his small mouth, his cheeks bulging.

"I was young then!"

"Since I went to Guangling City, I found that I miss you more and more."

"You came to Guangling City on March 3rd, and I found that I was very happy."

"I think, since we are sisters, I can't be so selfish, just like you know that I like Yun Jin Kee's pastries, so you always bring some to satisfy my craving."

After a pause, Zhongli Ruoshui stretched his neck, swallowed the pastry in his mouth, and said

"Actually, I know you like Chen'an. I've been thinking about it these days. Instead of being ordered by the emperor to marry someone you don't like, why not... why don't you marry Chen'an after being wronged?"

Ning Chuchu's pink face suddenly turned red, she didn't quite understand why Zhongli Ruoshui had such a big change, at this moment she was caught off guard by Zhongli Ruoshui's sudden words.

She originally thought that Zhongli Ruoshui was going to punish him, so she brought a drawer of Yunjinji cakes.

She originally thought that Zhongli Ruoshui would gently warn her to keep a certain distance from Li Chenan, after all, this little girl is extremely selfish when it comes to love.

But she never expected that Zhongli Ruoshui not only didn't question her, but hoped that she would come to Huaxi Bieyuan often and get in touch with Li Chen'an more often, and even made her attitude clear at this moment.

Ning Chuchu lowered her head slightly, and after a while she raised her head to look at Zhongli Ruoshui, there was joy in her eyes, but there was still lingering doubt

"Did he run into any trouble?"

Zhongli Ruoshui chuckled, "There must be troubles, and tomorrow's mid-autumn night will be a big trouble."

"But I'm telling you this, not because I want you to help him through this trouble, because Grandma has already made arrangements, and everyone Shang took him to the Old Rain Building just now, saying that Mr. Changsun wants to see him..."

"I think Master Shang and him are old friends. I'm afraid Master Shang asked Mr. Changsun to meet him for the purpose of asking Mr. Changsun to help him."

Zhongli Ruoshui turned her head to look at the empty lotus pond, her expression was not at all sad, she still had a smile on her face, even though the sky was a bit gloomy, she still had a bright face.

"With grandma's help and Mr. Changsun's help, even Ji Tai may not pose too much threat to him."

She withdrew her gaze, and looked at Ning Chuchu again, with sincere eyes and sincere words

"I just don't want you to be like the sixth princess!"

"This woman will always marry when she grows up."

"Instead of finding someone to make do with for a lifetime, it's better to find someone you like. After all, in the future, you have to face it every day. When you face someone you like, you will always feel much happier."

"I'm not generous, I just don't want you to have a too gloomy life in the future."

"Think about it carefully, we are no matter how big or small, we love sisters now... In the future, we will still love sisters, how about it?"

Ning Chuchu's heart skipped a beat.

She already knew her fate.

She will marry a son of a noble family in Kyoto under the imperial decree of her father.

For a princess like her, she looks high and sounds out of reach, but she has no right to pursue her own happiness.

The mother died young, the father was addicted to alchemy and Taoism, and no one in the palace made decisions about his own future.

No, there is also a prince brother!

This matter must be known to the prince's elder brother, and let him decide for himself!

Her eyes lit up suddenly, but faded away after a while.


Ning Chuchu bowed her head, "After all, it's your wishful thinking, we have to see what Chen'an means."

Zhongli Ruoshui's heart ached, and he forced a smile and said, "So, you need to get in touch more first!"

"But didn't you say that you would return to Guangling City after the Mid-Autumn Festival? I, I can't go for the time being."

"I won't be going back to Guangling City anymore, I'm thinking about staying in the capital for a few more days."