

This is the story of two lovers from different part of world most importantly from different religions what will happen if fate bring them together will they end up together or will it be a sad love story "U won't understand and i don't want to tell u " she said looking away " and what if i want to know and understand you " he said coming closer but mina move even back making him stop in his way coz his mom never teach him to disrespect someone if its her decision that I can't touch her he will respect that decision so he respectfully backed away while smiling sweetly " okkk bun I won't touch u " jack said while giving her cute nickname and surprising her

Maheen_Ihsan · Realistic
Not enough ratings
5 Chs



"Wake up jack u are again going to be late"his mom said while shrugging him " Mmmhmm ",

" Wake up u sleepy head " his mom said while slapping his butt not so hard " okayyy 5 minutes moreeee"he said in his sleepy voice " okay after 5 mints if u didn't wakeup i m going to throw whole bucket of cold water on you " she said while threatening him " you won't i know "

" Ughhhhh how i wish today was off" jack said while getting up from his bed he then lazily went to bathroom to shower and change into a denim pant and hoodie with long coat on the top it was way too cold in south korea and today it was snowing it means they will be free soon from university "yupppy we will be free soon then i can sleep whole day" he said doing little happy dance in his room

"Morning dad"he said while taking a seat and waiting for his breakfast " good morning" his dad said looking up from newspaper and just after his mom bring the breakfast for them

"Pancakes..." Jack said like a little kid who got his favorite candy "yess i specially made them for u coz i know how much u love them with extra syrup on them " his mom said while serving him pancakes " EAT well..." His mom said while ruffling his hair

"Bye mom take care" he said while giving her flying kiss from door and went out toward his garage " babyyyyyyy i m really sorry i m a bit late today u mistbe feeling sad rightt"

No he is not talking to his girlfriend its his car his baby haha

Admiring his car he open the car door put his bag on pessenger seat and starts the car " lets get it" he said before driving his Mercedes Benz black in color no doubt every girl in University falls for him except one mina she was always irritated by him she never even take a look at his car she just live in her own world with her family and friends.


" I'm gonna miss u my baby "he said while pouting and went toward his class all the girls were staring at him wishing to get one glance from him but he never did coz he must be a bad boy but he only believe in true love. And till then he will be single no playdates coz its not his type.

While walking toward his class he spot a small figure also walking toward her class she was wearing a white wide legged pant with cardigan and a long coat she was looking so cute in those space buns for a while his eyes were stuck on her figure but soon he came nack to reality when someone out his arm on his shoulder and he was none other than jimmy his friend " she is cute" said jimmy " ahh.. who"? " , " The one you are staring at "he said while smirking making jack backaway " i m not staring at mina" jack said making jimmy laughing out loud " but i never say u were staring at mina " hahaha he said while laughing at his friend making jack feel dumb tht why he say her name

He then went inside the class he and jimmy both sit at the last row which is there place he was surprised to see mina sitting beside him " don't be so happy there was no vacant seat so i have to sit here" said mina while facing him "but i didn't say anything" said jack " but ur face did alien " mina said while smiling " hey don't call me alien" " but u are.."said mina while laughing seeing her laugh make jack smile even he don't know what was happening to him he was never like this suddenly mina stop laughing feeling his gaze on her she clear ber throat making jack snap out off his thoughts he quickly move away " whats happening to me " he said questioning himself his heart was doing things to him and mina was making him feel things he neve felt before this whole situation was so weird to him.