
The More I Eat The Stronger I Get

Whwt happen when the strongest of all existence got reincarnated... again in a world filled with creature and humans in this universe is well advanced civilization. what will happen when an existence that is above all is born as a human....again and can gain the ability of anything he devoured goes to the world of familiars. ##I hope all can support me on my first journey in the world of novel writers ## CZ

Ciel_Zegion · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Ocean Exploration and Business

After entering the ocean he could see many different lifeforms so he used his Esper abilities to search everything that can give him his main objective was the legendary creature which is said to be the guardian of the island the tempest dragon which has the ability to control weather on its free will. He looked at his map and swam deeper into the ocean bed and found a large cave where he entered the cave and saw a dragon with a snake-like body and two giant wings "STATUS"

NAME : Tempest Dragon

CLASS : legendary

SKILLS: Water, weather manipulation, dragon scales, wrath of gods , intimidation.

STATE: sleeping , hibernation

good, it is said that once a dragon goes to sleep it will sleep for hundreds of years. I don't want to fight with it i am a peace loving guy and only fight when it is necessary. he used his mental power to extract some blood from the sleeping Beauty and used devour on the blood and gained its skills.well that's good now to explore the whole ocean, i probably won't get another opportunity to explore the ocean so let's cover the entire world's oceans. with my speed and fast growth it should be fine I can cover the entire world's oceans in 10 days and absorbing all the abilities of the creature.

After 14 days,

Alex came back to the island. that was a fun experience many beautiful scenery and creatures even got to see two gods class, 7 mythical class and many legendary creature and even had fun with them . This time I got too many skills. Eve merge all my skills which are compatible with each other and make short names for them then show me my status.

NAME: Alex Maximum

RACES: Human(God)

GENDER: male



STRENGTH: 9258000

DEXTERITY : 9879000


STAMINA : 9657000

AGILITY: 12986000

MIND : ???


SKILLS: Detection, shapeshift, Inspect, Esper, Body armour , Elemental control, infinite Regeneration, future sight , Size manipulation, intimidation, weather control, Aura of a god ,Time and space, immortal, body double, stealth.

I guess it was a fruitful fun time i got all the elements from the ocean, the saying ocean is the origin of all living beings is true. and many skills got added to my main Esper abilities like travel through dimensions .so i checked out the other dimensions they had many creature different from the primary dimension where we live in and the higher dimensions looked more like the void and the time flows their differently .so he got board and came back .

an average human attribute should be around 10 now that I already became a god i should just chill and have a normal life after getting back home.

it was his last day of his vacation so he decided to get a makeover and got a tattoo on his back with a dragon skull and his right chest , arm & neck and got a piercing on his right ear. he was now handsome with no hint of his former self an introvert in him. He was ready to get back home start his very eventful life.

He was a general studies student and in this world general studies means no combat and all other studies his case was rare but not seen even though general studies doesn't have any combat they had familiars except him .the others needed familiars to manipulate sprint energy whereas he can directly without the need of any external support so for it and he can control anything but they only can manipulate what the familiars can do their is a big difference between manipulate and absolute control. well that's that well let's check the credit earned during this period.

wow more than 10 billion credits i guess Eve lives up to my expectations .

I should start a mercenary company in order to earn money and to have some action even if i am a peace loving guy life will be boring without anything accelerating."Eve" does all the required procedures for starting a business with the fake identity "Zero". let's check if it will be a successful business. we will take contracts from all parties big and small, Government and private mission just check if they are genuine or not, weather they are right or wrong. Even if we are doing mercenary work we will do it for the better.

"Eve name the organisation Heaven's and put a file on the global server. let's start with this planet and spread across the whole universe".

now that all is done let's go back home. he boarded the plane back to his country, he could have teleported their but it would arise suspection or could have used the warp gate but he wanted to enjoy his return. He went to the airport and got ready after an hour he boarded the plane and left the summer island.

it was a five hour flight so he wanted to do something else so he called out Eve in his mind and used this time to influence all the sectors in the world and also making Heaven's presence in global level and also provided hacking services to some private parties . it was a success when the flight was about to land he had already earned 20 billion credit from various organisations around the world.

And as a cover for the mercenary group he will start a Research and development company in bio technology well let's think about it a later time now i am back let's go home.

He called a cab and got back and rang the bell to the villa. Then the house maid opened the door.

when she saw who it was she was shocked "Young Master" she was amazed she thought is this really the youngest master

"hi, Eli isn't my parents here".

her dought was cleared it was really the youngest master. he changed a lot .after being in a daze she snapped out of it and answered

"They are out on business and will only come at noon"

Ok, don't tell them i am here let me suprise them at dinner

ok young master. And he went towards his room.

placed his luggage and rested for sometime when noon came his family arrived with some guests . They were his childhood sweethearts family he didn't go down at first after they were about to start eating he came down stares and said

"You guys didn't wait for me".