
The More I Eat The Stronger I Get

Whwt happen when the strongest of all existence got reincarnated... again in a world filled with creature and humans in this universe is well advanced civilization. what will happen when an existence that is above all is born as a human....again and can gain the ability of anything he devoured goes to the world of familiars. ##I hope all can support me on my first journey in the world of novel writers ## CZ

Ciel_Zegion · Fantasy
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9 Chs


It's been a long time since I have seen some colour in this place. Even the things in here are colourless, well mostly dark. I can see these creatures once in a while attacking me and getting eaten by me, that's right they were like food for me l am like a giant blackhole which sucked everything around me and disintegrates it and absorbs all its properties. I can change my shape into everything i ate , hence my current form of a blackhole-like creature which sucks in every thing that passes by, once i even sucked in a giant dragon which compared to my current size was small like an ant and found information about this place. This is the void which is the boundary of the universe which we live in and only powerful beings are able to live here or use it as a passage to another universe , it is endless and one may not be able to find another universe so the wander around in the nothingness.

Well if you are wondering how I got here then well its simple i died due to betrayal by my superiors in order to take the credit for my life's work bla bla bla...

Well I died and my soul ended up here somehow and while absorbing the particle in the void. at first I was a tiny pebble in an ocean after eating small creatures like the void worm which I call them i absorbed their ability to live in any extreme conditions and void wisp which gave fast movement and sight oh right i forgot to tell you that I was blind before and now here I am a giant blackhole floating around in the nothingness without knowing how much time has passed since my arrival here

I even found a space ship of an unknown ancient advanced civilization guess what I can eat in organic materials too then i started researching data collected from it and found out that their universe was in the brink of extension so they sent a spaceship to the edge of the universe but to no avail it was destroyed and was blasted into the void where it floated for an unknown time until I found it. this discovery lead to my greatest creation "THE SYSTEM" which I call it in order to assist me in various things like checking my status their technology was simply awesome they even had the ability to check ones skills which i used the akashic record which is the record of universe about the past, present and the future well i only got the destroyed half so no future and present it is stated in the akashic record that due to cosmic war between the creator and chaos the other half got destroyed and both perished.

When thinking about the past i suddenly spotted a strange crack in the void the crack was slowly closing so i went near in order to eat it but was unsuccessful so i sifted back to my soul form and entered the crack then i don't remember what happened it was blank.

This is my first time writing so I don't really know how to do it properly so please do support.

Ciel_Zegioncreators' thoughts