
The Moon Weaver

In the quiet town of Sunrise Hill, where secrets linger like shadows, Rieka leads an ordinary life as a high school student. But her world shatters when she discovers her true heritage: she is a werewolf. Her dormant powers awaken, and with them, a destiny she never asked for. Rieka's father had concealed her true nature with the help of a warlock, to protect her from the relentless werewolf hunters who aims to eradicate their kind. But fate has other plans. As Rieka awakens, she bonds with Alpha Conri, leader of the GoldenMoon Pack. Together, they unravel ancient vendettas, face relentless hunters & treachery within the Pack, and forge an unbreakable bond. Rieka must learn to harness her newfound abilities while discovering her role as a Pack Luna. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TRIGGER WARNING! !! !!! This book has matured content like: Violence, Smut, Blood, etc. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The cover picture, does not belong to me, I'll change it when I find a better option... So credit to the original owner. If they want me to take it down, I will do so ASAP. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Instagram : @lindawilyuhm

lindawilyuhm · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Many Fullmoons Later

Many full moons, later.

Rieka woke up not knowing what waked her up. She turned and looked at the digital clock on her bedside, it says it was 11:30 PM.

She shot up to a sitting position when she heard him yelled " you pathetic bitch!". She doesn't needs a soothsayer to know who he was yelling at. "Ugh not again" she muttered.

Damon's yelling and breaking things has become almost a daily occurrence in their household, he had a perpetual bad temper and a habit of yelling and cussing at the slightest provocation.

Little things seems to pissed him off,  and Rieka seriously don't understand why her mom is still putting up with all his bullshits.

"I took you and that brat of yours in,the least you can do is to give me some respect around here, or is that too much to ask from you! ?" Rieka heard him yelled downstairs.

She rolled her eyes internally, "yeah yeah that's too much for you to asked from her, " she muttered to herself mockingly.

"Big news pal respect is earned and not demanded. " She thought as she pulled the bedspread off her body and climbed down from the bed.

Rieka wouldn't even dream of telling him any of that in his face. No.. No.. Nope! She don't fancy been on the receiving sides of his new found favorite personality, that's all her mom's, it all belongs to her mom.

Rieka stepped closer to her bedroom door as she heard her mom's muffled voice, she had to strained her ears to see if she can catch what her mom was trying to say.

"HOW DARE YOU!?" ooh ooh that was a loud one, Rieka guessed he doesn't like whatever her mom said.

She heard crashes and a thud and had to rushed out of her room, skipping two steps at a time.

Rieka was hundred percent sure that he has crashed her mom into some furnitures and the thud has to be from her mom falling from the crash.

And of course she was right, cos when she gets to the foot of the stairs, her mom was trying to pull herself up.

And there were some bruises on her face and some broken furniture laying around the sitting room floor.

Damon wrapped his hand around Rebecca's neck , pulling her up and Rebecca, Rieka's mom, started making a choking noise which didn't sit well with Rieka.

Rieka couldn't stand the sights of her mom being choked by the that evil man.

She didn't even knew,  she was tearing up until she felt the tears on her cheeks.

She  wiped it off as fast as a lighting, she never wish for Damon to see any of her tears, she knew he will really loved to see that.

Damon slapped Rebecca hard across her face. " Will you dare repeat yourself" he snarled like an animal.

" Please Damon " Rebecca sobbed, trying to pry Damon choke hold hand off her neck, which she failed woefully.

Something stirred within Rieka as she rushed to free her mom from Damon's death grip around her neck.

She knew she never stood  a chance with the man when it comes to the battle of strength.

But she could take seeing her mom in that miserable state, without doing anything.

Damon freed Rebecca and she slumbed to her knees , coughing and wheezing.

He faced Rieka with a very scary angry face and a bloodshot eyes ,and slapped her so across the face.

Rieka had to rethink her life decisions right there and then.

What did she just do?

What is it with this man and bitch slapping innocent harmless women?

Why didn't I play invisible like I always do when the had any of there fights?

Why do I have to get involved and let my innocent face be tortured like this?

Rieka thought remorsefully. Regretting her decision immediately.

The force of the slap sent Rieka crashing into the flower vase on the center table.

"Ouch! That hurts like hell, but seriously how can my mom be enduring such pain for eighteen miserable months?" She cried inwardly.

She tried to pull herself up from her fall, and Damon didn't gave her a chance to do that as he grabbed her by the hair.

He pulled her up with force, and Rieka yelp in pain,  "Oh I'm so dead, "  she panicked internally.

"You brat" Damon snarled...

Yes what else is new?

I know I'm the brat but why do you keep snarling like a starved wide animal ?

Rieka asked internally as Damon dragged her upstairs by the hair.

She had to held the abusing hand trying to reduced the pain as her scalp throb in protest.

Rieka heard her mother sobs as she pleads.

"Damon, please stop it and live her out of this, you are hurting her." Rebecca pleaded through her sobs.

'As if he will ever listen to your pleas , your husband is a monster and a demon incarnate'. Rieka screamed inwardly as she was being dragged.

Rieka did not knew when they reached her room doorstep, not until Damon pulled her up and threw her roughly towards her bed.

She crashed into the lamp and digital clock by her bedside.

"Ouch that hurts! It's sure going to live some bruises and I think I have sprain my wrist." She cries internally.

Rieka heard her room door slammed shut and a click sound that indicates that she had been locked in. "How great" she sighed.

"Now that brat of yours, is now fighting and disrespecting me in my own house!" Damon yelled downstairs.

"Point of corrections dude, I was only trying to save my mom from dying in your hands, not disrespecting or fighting you, not that you'll understand that." Rieka muttered to herself.

Rieka heard more crashes, flesh hitting flesh in a punching kind of way and her mother's continues sobs.

"Now I have made it worst, I shouldn't have gotten involved ," she wallowed in self pity.

She dragged herself to the door and try the knob, yeah she has been locked in.

She pressed her back against the door, sank down , pulled her knees to her chest and rest her head on them while wrapping her hands around her knees as she cried her heart out while listening to the horror unfolding downstairs.

Rieka felt helpless and weak.

The more she heard her mother's sobs and things crashing which she believed was her mother been crashed into the furnitures, the more she felt useless , weak, and stupid.

She wished she can do something, anything just to help her mother out of that God forsaken hell Damon called a home.

Rieka wished someone will give Damon what he truly deserves - torture.

She wished she has what it takes to help her mom out of that hellhole.

She wished her dad was still alive.

At that moment, she missed her late-dad so much.

She felt hopeless and weak.

I'm going to pull all Damon's hairs myself.... I'm so upset right now.

lindawilyuhmcreators' thoughts