
The Moon Weaver

In the quiet town of Sunrise Hill, where secrets linger like shadows, Rieka leads an ordinary life as a high school student. But her world shatters when she discovers her true heritage: she is a werewolf. Her dormant powers awaken, and with them, a destiny she never asked for. Rieka's father had concealed her true nature with the help of a warlock, to protect her from the relentless werewolf hunters who aims to eradicate their kind. But fate has other plans. As Rieka awakens, she bonds with Alpha Conri, leader of the GoldenMoon Pack. Together, they unravel ancient vendettas, face relentless hunters & treachery within the Pack, and forge an unbreakable bond. Rieka must learn to harness her newfound abilities while discovering her role as a Pack Luna. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TRIGGER WARNING! !! !!! This book has matured content like: Violence, Smut, Blood, etc. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The cover picture, does not belong to me, I'll change it when I find a better option... So credit to the original owner. If they want me to take it down, I will do so ASAP. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Instagram : @linduhwilyuhm

lindawilyuhm · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Favorite Bestie

Rieka walked inside the school hallway with a heavy heart and was was hugged by her best friend Zella .

" Hi! How's my favorite bestie doing today?" Zella asked cheerfully.

Rieka rolled her eyes "I'm your only best friend Zella. "  She scoffed.

"Awwwwn Rie don't ruin it, I know that I am your favorite bestie too. " Zella teased.

Rieka shaked her head in amusement.

"Clown" she muttered.

"I love you too" Zella cooed, Rieka smiled at her naughty bestfriend.

Rieka love Zella a lot, but she wouldn't let Zella hear that from her.

Zella has a way cheering Rieka up, and make her forget about the things she faced at home.

Sometimes it seems as if Zella knew when she needed some cheering up.

Rieka wondered if her bestfriend has a way of reading her moods and be like, 'Yeah Rieka needs some Zella's bubbling vibes .'

Zella has medium length hazel curly hair matching her eyes and a tan small figure.

They had known each other since second grade.

But up until third grade they never really acknowledged one another.

The only spoke in their reading groups and when the walked past each other in the halls or at recess.

The became friends after the got in trouble in class for drawing on their desks.

And that was the start of their blooming friendship, they have been attached at hip ever since.

Rieka and Zella used to have lots of sleep overs and girls night out.

But ever since Damon happened, all those things stopped.

And Zella being the angel she is, never for once complained about it.

Zella is an understanding, energetic individual and very intuitive.

And Rieka has a very strong feeling that Zella has her suspicion on Damon's issues, but refused to asked her about it.

Zella is  very intuitive like that , and respect Rieka's boundaries.

They made their way to their lockers, as the turned the corner, the saw a familiar figure leaning against Rieka's locker.

It was Duko, Zella boyfriend and the school soccer team captain.

Duko was waiting for them, with his back pressed against Rieka's locker.

He smiled and waved at them when he saw them approaching.

"Hey babe" Duko call out to his girlfriend as the got closer to him .

"I missed you so much , my dreams was  very boring without you in it" he pouted.

Rieka had to stopped herself from rolling her eyes.

"Awwwwn who missed mommy" Zella cooed earning a fake gag from Rieka.

Zella flipped her bestfriend the bird while Duko laughed at Rieka's antics.

The pecked each others lips, prompting Rieka to exclaimed "finally!"

Rieka knew that was the only thing that could appease Duko.

Every morning, he'll always wait by their locker, for his morning kiss - as he liked to call it.

"Now can you move away from my locker? I need to take some stuff for classes. Which is really what we  came here to do in the first place."

She faked annoyance while pretending to force Duko out of the way.

Zella  laughed out loud not forgetting to mutter "love hater".

Rieka smiled at her friend, as she spun the combination lock , after Duko moved away from her locker.

Rieka put her backpack inside her locker ,  collect the books she will be needing for her morning classes.

I'm all set lovebirds , now let's go do , what brought us here - and that's to study. "

Zella linked her hands through Rieka elbow and  Duko's elbow as she dragged them to class.


During lunch break , Rieka , Zella and Duko and some of the soccer team and cheerleading squads were all seated at the cafeteria.

Yeah Rieka and her bestfriend hangout with the popular kids, peck of being the bestfriend of the school captain's girlfriend, not that Rieka cares about any of those.

Duko keep stealing food in Zella's plate while Zella pretends like she didn't noticed. "

As usual, Evelyn the cheerleader couldn't resist bringing up Rieka's lack of a boyfriend. "Rieka, when are you getting a boyfriend?" she asked, a sly smile creeping onto her face.

Rieka wasn't even surprised by the question. She had heard it countless times before.

She simply shrugged and replied, "Why, is your brother available?" There was an explosion of laughter and oohs around the table.

Evelyn's brother, Kevin, was known for his good looks and charm.

He was also known for being a player, much to Rieka's disinterest.

Evelyn's smile faded as she focused on her phone, scrolling through Instagram. "Bitch," she muttered under her breath.

Rieka didn't knew what her problem was but she had enough on her table and she don't need someone by the name Evelyn adding more to it, so she choosed to ignore her.

But deep down, Rieka couldn't help but feel a little left oout

She was the only one in the group without a boyfriend, and she was getting tired of constantly being reminded of it.

"I'm learning this language , igbo a language that belongs to the eastern part of Nigerian." Zella said out of the blue while bitting into her burger.

"Seriously Zella what is it with you and learning weird language?"  Rieka laughed.

Zella has a thing with learning different languages, something about:

'You don't know when an alien will kidnapped and dropped you off somewhere you can't understand their language.'

She's crazy like that and Rieka love her, with all her baggages.

"Is not a weird language, it's a human language belonging to the eastern part of Nigeria or are you deaf ?" Evelyn striked yet again.

'Geez is that girl on her period or something,'

Rieka thought internally, and decided to ignore her for the second time.

For all she cares, Evelyn doesn't worth it.

"So how do one says 'mother fucker' in ìgbo language?"

"What?  Is someone other than Damon humping your mother ?"Zella teased while wiggling her eyebrows.

Rieka rolled her eye as she heard laughter around the table, and Evelyn snickered.

'What's her problem, can someone help her with some pads or something cos she is seriously ... "

"Ikonne" Zella said all of a sudden cutting off Rieka's thought . "What?"  Rieka asked in confusion .

"Ikonne" Zella repeated "there you have it, that's how to say mother fucker in ìgbo language."

"Seriously Zella " Rieka laughed.

Duko  just shaked his head in amusement and go back to stealing food from his girlfriend's plates.

"You asked for it and I gave it to you" Zella said and stick out her tongue.

Rieka threw some of her cookies crumbs at her bestfriend and Zella retaliated as their laughter echoed through the cafeteria. And they didn't noticed the pairs of jealous eyes glaring their way.

Duko was busy trying to remove some of the crumbs on Zella's hair when they school bell rang indicating that the lunch break was over.

As Rieka watched the two love birds, she couldn't help but questioned her decision. Why she's not open for anything relating to relationship for now.

Rieka knew her decision was based on the fact, that she hasn't found any guy, that is attractive enough for her. Those that shows interest in her, always has something that turned her off .

Rieka wondered what it'll take for her to find her own better-half, someone who would love and respect her .And make it his right mission to fuss all over her and make her feel special.

I need me some Zella vitamin.

lindawilyuhmcreators' thoughts