
The Moon Maiden

A mermaid maiden, born the be the guardian of the moon. Follow along with short stories of her journey. Find me on Instagram @Mermaid_Lunetta Cover art by @evvilprism

Kaylee_B · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Lunetta felt blissfully content under the mound of fur blankets, the afternoon sun peeking through the window. Turning over she sees a still sleeping Fenris. Breathing in deeply while he rests, he seemed so peaceful, Lunetta smiled while she looked at his feature. Fenris had long dark lashes that brushed across his cheeks, his dark brown hair usually put together was now a shaggy mess. Gently she caresses his cheek feeling the roughness of his facial hair in her hands. Lunetta lays her head on his chest and closes her eyes, enjoying the sound of his steady heartbeat his skin so warm and comforting. Being this close to Fenris, Lunetta felt so safe and protected. Moments pass and Lunetta is being lulled back to sleep, when suddenly a loud bang comes from the door.

"Fenris?! You're a useless lump you can't spend your day sleeping, get up and let me in." a male voice shouts from the other side. "You may want to do as he says Fen, I don't think Halvor has any control over himself today." This time a woman's voice shouts in a sarcastic tone. Terrified of being discovered, Lunetta silently shakes Fenris hard to wake him. With a low growl like a wolf Fenris opens his eyes and then sees lunetta causing his expression to soften. Reaching out for her cheek to pull her into a kiss he whispers, "good morning". Lunetta's heart melted but her fears brought her to her senses. "There is someone at your door they sound angry" she whispers. Fenris jumps out of bed now on high alert. Once again banging comes from the door with the same mans voice " If you don't open this door soon ill have to break it down." Fenris smirks no longer worried, he turns to Lunetta. "Stay here in the blankets ill get them to leave." He whispers kissing her forehead. Jumping down from the loft, Fenris rushes to the door. One look back up at Lunetta she hides under the blankets and waits silently.

"Look now Halvor you don't need to put on a show for Astrid she already chose you, or has the salt rotted your brain." Fenris says as he opens the door. Lunetta's heart was pounding she was scared but curious who are these people were, It sounded as if they were friends. "Fen I told him to leave you alone we all know you've been working at night." The woman Astrid says. "Fenris when are you going to join the Northmen and I on the long boat, we've had great fortune as of late with fish and treasure. I know the chief would want you to join, after all he is your father." Halvor says in a serious tone. Lunetta let out a tiny gasp, she did not know that Fenris was as important as the chief's son. Astrid looks into the house as if hearing something but then brings her focus back to Fenris. "you know that's not what I want so drop it" Fenris said in a disapproving tone. "Tonight, were going to have a full moon celebration, you are coming right?" Astrid says trying to change the subject. Surprised Fenris says "It's already the full moon? I Must have lost track I've been… busy". Halvor laughs and says with a large smile on his face "oh yea? Who have you been busy with?" Fenris rubs the back of his neck "Its not like that" Astrid chuckles and says "No don't worry, the full moon is tomorrow but the chief wants to celebrate all of the good fortune that Odin has blessed us with. If you do happen to have a mystery maiden bring her along" she laughs and drags Halvor away towards the great hall where all celebrations took place.

Fenris closes the door letting out a deep sigh. Running a hand through his hair he looks up at Lunetta who has now revealed herself. "We need to get you to the sea" Lunetta rises from the bed and watches as Fenris climbs up. Fenris dresses quickly and uses a nearby bowl of water to clean his face and fix his hair. Lunetta just sits in silence feeling like a burden. "I'm sorry I caused you this stress. I shouldn't have come here." She says head hung low. "Fenris walks over to her and lift her face up by her chin. "I'd rather the stress of them finding you over not having you here in my home." He gives her a devilish smile kisses her forehead. Lunetta smiles and feels a pang of happiness in her heart. Fenris grabs a cloak from off the wall and throws it around Lunettas shoulders. "well use this to get you out of here, I will walk you through the woods so we won't run into people from the village". They both head for the front door and stand silently. Fenris peeks out of a window checking if anyone is nearby. "were all clear let's get you home." Hurriedly they rush out the door and head straight for the forest. As luck would have it, it seemed everyone was at the great hall, so no one was able to seem them. After a few minutes' walk through the woods they began to relax. "Lunetta may I ask you something" Fenris says while holding her hand. "of course, you can" she says quietly. "what happens if you don't return to the sea?" Fenris asked stopping in his tracks. Lunetta turns to face him her expression troubled. "I have never dared to test it. Mother says if I do not follow my duties and raise the moon while in my true form… then I shall fade into sea foam and cease to exist. My mother has always shunned me for curse, and I don't know if I should believe her or not, she very controlling and will lie to get what she wants." Fenris at a loss for words continues to guide her to the shore. Once there Lunetta returns the tunic and cloak to Fenris. Slowly she walks into the sea and grasps her necklace to transform, only to pause and look back tears running down her face. "Fenris I wish I could stay with you always." Fenris walks into the ocean and holds her tight in his arms "That's a risk I'm not willing to take" he says in a hushed voice. They share a deep kiss showing how each other feels. While the waves crash around them, Lunetta transforms and vanishes with the last crash of a wave. Fenris turns back and starts to walk toward the tree line when some one comes out from behind a tree. "so, its not like that huh?" Astrid says smirking at Fenris "let's have a talk shall we" she says smiling.

Lunetta wanders the sea beaming from everything she got to experience that day. Could this be love she wondered, but she was in no rush to claim she was in love. The night went on uneventful, until right before dawn Lunetta noticed the bottom of a long boat along the surface. Could It be Fenris, was he coming out to see her. Smiling at the possibility she rushed to the surface. As she drew nearer to the boat a swarm of fish rushed past her "What in the world was that about" she thought. Suddenly lunetta felt herself being lifted from the depths from within a net. Panicking she tried to escape only to become more entangled. The space began to close in around her, fish panicking as they were caught in the net as well. Lunetta felt dread in her heart, was she being punished for her behavior lately, was this her death. Breaching the surface, the net is hoisted into the boat by one lone sailor. "What in the name of Asgard are you?" a familiar voice says Lunetta opens her eyes to see a Viking man with a torch in front of her. "No one is going to believe me, I'm taking you back with me fish woman. Thank you, Odin, for this opportunity, they will sing songs about me in the great hall!" This was Halvor, Fenris's clansmen. Terrified of what he may do she began to cry and struggle. "What's this now? Are ye crying? Don't worry for now your going to be a gift to the chief and then he will reward me with my own crew and long boat." Halvor says in a dreamy tone. "please release me, Fenris will be looking for me in a few short hours" she pleaded hoping Fenris's name would peek the warrior's curiosity. "what do you know of Fenris?" he says stunned. "No you will not trick me you siren, reading my thoughts to trick me, I will bring you in and get my reward."

Lunetta feared for her life and only had one hope, That Fenris would come looking for her.

I having so much fun writing these! please let me know what you think!

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