
The Moon Maiden

A mermaid maiden, born the be the guardian of the moon. Follow along with short stories of her journey. Find me on Instagram @Mermaid_Lunetta Cover art by @evvilprism

Kaylee_B · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Lunetta and Fenris sail ashore after the long night of the new moon. Lunetta grasps her amulet and transforms her tail to legs. Fenris removed his tunic and gave it to her to cover her up. "Thank you" she says clutching his tunic and thinking she liked the way it smelled. Fenris yawns deeply and turns to her. "do you want to see my home?" startled she looks at him confused "Im sorry?" she asks. Fenris reaches for her cheek. "were both exhausted and the sun is up so you have to stay ashore right? Come with me to my village, if we hurry we can make it before everyone is up. It will be more comfortable than the woods." Lunetta looks into his eyes and trusts he means well but she fears other humans would see her. Closing her eyes in thought she takes a deep breath and exhales. Opening her eyes again she looks into his and says, "ill trust you to protect me". Fenris grabs her hand and guides her into the Viking village. The sun slowly creeps over the tree line, but all is silent. Lunetta looks around amazed at all the human things. Their homes were very large and smelled like dirt and trees. Land creatures wandered around freely some grunting others making clucking noises while bobbing their small heads. Lunetta sees a home pushed back in the shade of trees that seemed to be ready to collapse, she could sense a strong magical aura from it. Lunetta looked to Fenris, eyes wide with amazement, and he looked back her with a content smile.

They arrived at a home and Fenris opened the door guiding her inside while making sure no one saw them. Lunetta began to wander as Fenris locked his home. In the center of the home was long rectangular pit with hot embers resting with in. Along the walls were shields, weapons, and animal pelts. The shield had a rune carved into the center of it, but she was not familiar with this one. "what does this mean" she says pointing to the rune. "It means wolf. I've told you before, this village is believed to be decedents of the great wolves Geri and Freki. My name also comes from the name of the great wolf beast Fenrir, my parent believed it would make me a strong warrior in battle and instill fear into the hearts of my enemies." He says giving a menacing grin to Lunetta. Fenris leans against the wall watching her explore his home, he liked having her here, the home felt less empty. "Come on up well get some rest" he says climbing the ladder". Lunetta stops and stares at the ladder bewildered they did not have these in the sea. "how do I…?" she mutters softly embarrassed. Fenris climbs back down and shows her how to step up staying close behind her to make sure she didn't fall. Reaching the top Lunetta feels lightheaded "I feel uneasy this is an odd feeling." "You've never climbed before I'm sure it is odd" he says touching the small of her back he guides her into his bed. Lunetta had never seen a human bed on dry land before, sure she had seen them in sunken ships, but this was different. The pillows plush and full, the blankets and pelts soft and warm. Lunetta curls up into them enjoying the feeling of comfort, warmth, and the tingly sensation as it brushed across her skin. Fenris closes all the windows and removes his wet clothes from the night before.

Lunetta takes a moment to admire him from afar bashfully peaking over the blankets. Fenris was very handsome, he was fit but not overly muscular the scars on his body a testament to the trials he has faced. Giggling she noticed that he had quite a bit of body hair but grew attractively to accentuate his features. Fenris turns to her and asks, "why are you laughing" she smiles and reaches out to touch his chest "your more of a wolf than you realize, My Fenris, my wolf." Shyly he rubs the back of neck but does not jump at her touch. Lunettas cool finger traced along the warm skin of one of Fenris's tattoos. "Yggdrasil?" she asks trying to break the silence. Fenris nods quiet eyes trained on Lunetta. Their hearts both pounding they go silent again. "I think its time we rest" he says resting his forehead on hers closing his eyes. Lunetta tilts her head up and gentle brushes her lips across his. Stunned by her own actions lunetta pulls back eyes wide. Fenris puts his hand on the back of her neck and pulls her in hungry for more. They find themselves entangled in each other arms each kiss deeper than the next. Lunetta's heart felt like it was going to burst, what was this feeling?

Slowly Fenris pulls away the wet tunic off Lunetta, staring down at the flustered Maiden. Gently he strokes a hair out of her face and kisses her forehead and whispers "we need to sleep, I'll grab a dry tunic". Lunetta pouts but obeys his wishes while putting on the shirt he hands her. Fenris climbs into bed and pushes his body close to hers, wrapping his arms around her. Lunetta had never felt so warm, safe, and protected she was positively glowing from happiness. Gently she reaches into the tunic and pulls out the necklace Fenris had given her. Fenris sees her holding and smiles. "I didn't notice it before, but I'm glad to see you still wearing it. Just like I promised I will always protect you Lunetta". They lay there together in silence as if in their own little world. As the world outside is continuing as it does every day, the two pass out exhausted but happy.