
The Monsters Beneath Ops Part III: Will vs Smoove

Now taking place beneath the hospital, Smoove is now a zombie. Will, Davontay, and Drake must unite and fight against Smoove and some other past cadets from the undead. Get ready for an epic battle that you won't forget! Who will come out on top?

lacronwilliams · Action
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5 Chs


Davontay and Drake quickly follow Will. Moments later, the boys follow Smoove to the hospital basement, where they find out it's more like a morgue than a regular basement. As the boys walk closer to the morgue, they realize this horrid smell that they soon noticed was the smell of flesh deteriorating. They soon started to gag at the revolting stench."What the fuck is that smell?!" Davontay asked. "Clearly from over there!" Drake responds as he points to the hospital beds with sheets over a couple of dead bodies. Will walks over to one of the beds and lifts one of the sheets to discover that it's Cadet Elijah's corpse! "Elijah?!" Will says as he backs up a bit. As Will is still in shock, Drake and Davontay walk over. "Daaaamn." Davontay says shocked. "Woah!" Drake adds as his eyes widen. As Smoove watches the boys investigate the corpse, Will has second thoughts about battling Smoove. Seconds later, the boys turn around to face Smoove. "Smoove, we don't have to do this!" Will says. Smoove crawls toward the boys, and the boys quickly aim their guns at Smoove. Smoove slowly rises. "Remember, there's three of us and one of you." Will says nervously. Smoove then turns away and walks in the other direction. The boys continue to aim and focus on Smoove as Smoove grabs different types of stimulants. The boys sit in confusion until Smoove injects the stimulants into three other bodies. All of the boys' eyes start to widen. "He's resurrecting the dead." Will says as he notices and breathes heavily. Moments later, Cadet Elijah and two other zombies rise out of their beds and follow Smoove toward the boys. The boys and the zombies now come face to face. "Now there's three of us and four of them." Will says shocked to the others. "What are we going to do now?" asks Drake.