

Mandrax Randoff, a fourteen year old Furrha with the typical life of a normal loser, seems to have gotten himself in between a Millenia war between the Demons and Beasts. He up to a point never even believed the gods existed, that is until, a primordial god took a liking to him. And he wasn't the only one thinking about making Max's life a little more chaotic by pinning on him many expectations. Join Max's Journey as he slowly builds up enough strength to at least achieve the expectations left to him, all in the while making friends and enemies, especially powerful enemies, along the way. A universe way passed advanced, filled with all kinds of monsters, demons, and elves. Unfortunately for Max, he'll have to face his past about his family whether he wants to or not, but that's not the only past he has to face with his lost Memory.

DEATH_CONE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs


"What would the necromancer like to talk about?" I asked the guy. He looked hesitant, maybe even scared to talk to me.

Alex was by far the most unsociable person in our class. He was clearly the shortest, but from what he lacked for in height, he made up with his adorable, childish look. Even while still in uniform, he looked much younger for a fourteen year old. His brown hair didn't help his case and his blue eyes just gave off the innocence of a child.

"Um... y-you know. That thing that happened on that d-day," he muttered as he fidgeted with his hands.

"What thing? Please enlighten me," I faked ignorance. His eyes flashed in disappointment and somehow, acceptance.

"Maybe it was my mistake. No one likes the creepy kid that can summon skeletons anyway. I'm so sorry for disturbing you," he hurriedly apologized while bowing his head in shame and turned to leave.


<Bro, no.>



"Come back Alex. I'm just messing with you. I remember everything," I called to him. He faced me again and I could see him fighting back the tears, in which he failed miserably.

"You do?"

"Of course, my guy. It's not like I have short term memory or anything,"

He nervously approached me while wiping away the tears.

"You're not disgusted by me?"

"Why would I be? I'd never judge someone just because of their power," I reassured him.

A bright smile formed on his face which I'm sure has never been seen by anyone but me. I kinda liked the guy, and the power he was holding seemed kind of cool.

"Those words mean a lot to me coming from my hero,"

"Me, your hero? No dice my dude. I'm no one's hero," I calmly told him off. I never anticipated I could be anyone's hero let alone my classmate.

"Well to me you are one!" he looked at me in defiance just to prove his point then, just as fast, downwards to avoid any more eye contact.

"...I-l see. So, would you like anything from me?" I eventually asked him after around five minutes cause it looked like we would stay in this awkward atmosphere longer than I would like.

"Well... you see... "

"Go on,"

"C-can you teach me to be more like you? I promise I won't cause you any trouble!" he asked while bowing down again.

"First of all, stop bowing down to me, will ya? Its really weird and embarrassing cause we're classmates and all. Secondly, why would you want to be like me? It's not like I'm any better than anyone in this school,"

"I know. it's just that..." he hesitated again and now that was getting irritating.

"You know I can't help you if you won't tell me the problem, right?"

"Um... how do I put this? Ah... I can't control my undead," he mumbled in a low tone but even so, I could still hear him.

"Huh? I've never heard of a necromancer who can't control his undead let alone... ," I stopped talking cause he looked even more embarrassed and I also thought that I was just being mean.

It must have been really tough for him to tell his 'hero' that he can't control his ability only for the same said 'hero' to almost bring him lower than he already was. I felt a little bad for him. He had such an awesome ability but it would only be awesome if he himself could master it.

"I guess I can help you even though I have no idea how. But it's just about controlling your undead, I think you are much better off remaining as you are, not aspiring to be someone like me," I answered him. I could use the practice anyways and frankly, Alex seems like a genuinely good guy so why not.

"Really?" he looked hopeful.

"We can work something out,"

"Deal!" he shouted almost immediately, fearing I would somehow go back on my word. He jumped up in the air in excitement and almost hugged me but I held him back.

"It's too soon to be celebrating. You still haven't seen me in action,"

"Don't worry about that. I have complete faith in you. And even if you can't help me, I'll be more than happy to know that you tried and did your best," he excitedly said, while still holding that smile.

"Aren't you a bit too old to be jumping in excitement?"

"I'm actually ten in case you are wondering. I just lied about my age to remove all the attention from me. Don't tell anyone, ok?"

He got comfortable quick, cause I'm pretty sure that was a deep secret. I knew he was too young for highschool, I just needed the proof.

"How are you even here?" I asked him once I had overcame my surprise. He just nodded absentmindedly and shook my hand, then turned to leave.

"Where does this kid get all that confidence in me?" I wondered as he walked away happily. Anyways, his secret is safe with me. Not like anyone would ever bother themselves with it. If only I'd known that was the last time the boy would ever look that happy.

I walked back to school to eat a quick supper. At least breakfast and supper was provided by the school cause I had no idea how I would have ever survived here.

When I eventually appeared in my room, I was greeted by the entire gang all waiting for me. The minute l tried to open my mouth in question, I was shushed by Arnold.

"Wanna explain why today you've been acting weird?" Kira asked.


[System, What did you do?]

<The system doesn't want to answer you>

[Go away, Bradley. You're not the one I asked.]


<*System does not commute*>

[Oh, real clever. I know you can understand my question, so stop acting like you are a goddamn computer!]

<*System sees no more reason to continue with this conversation, so system will now cut contact master*>

[Why you... ]


"Are you ignoring my question?" she asked again with her wolf ears twitching in anger. I had no idea what I did but I knew how to solve it.

"I have no idea what you're talking about,"

My trump card: act clueless.

"So you're just going to deny that you promised Emily a night with her today?!"

"What?! " I turned to Emily who looked flustered. Blade and Bareth were both busy looking anywhere else but at me. Arnold had red hand prints on his right cheek and was clearly avoiding eye contact so I'm guessing he tried to protest about the meeting in our room but ended up with a good slap.

The two others were smart enough to play it safe and take no one's side. I could feel the sweat dripping from my hair as I tried to come up with a good answer.

This isn't my side of the court but I have to try!

"Well, you see ladies..."


*Two hours later*


Yup. That night I wasn't going to sleep soundly. After a heated argument, two slaps, and a chunk of my hair pulled out, the day thankfully came to an end. I just hope tomorrow would be a better than today.

As I struggled to find a comfortable position to nurse my injuries(damn, that girl has a powerful backhand), someone else was also struggling, but suffering a much worse fate than mine.


*somewhere around the school*


"Please! I-I c-can't summo-" a fist to the gut silenced him. He doubled over and retched all the little supper he had eaten.

"All I here is reasons why you won't! Do I have to remind you why you are even in this school?!" Mason, one of the one North students, growled in anger as he stared down at his servant. They were in a dark corridor, safe from any prying eyes.

Alex slowly lifted his head, which had many bruises and cuts from the bone used to beat him, and tried to reason with Mason once again.

"S-sir, I can at best summon five in my peak, but this week alone, I couldn't summon even one! Just please give me more ti-"

"MORE TIME?!" Alex backed away in fear as Mason raised the bone to strike him once more. He tried shielding his face but two undead appeared out of nowhere and held him down to recieve his punishment.

The guy showed no mercy as with each and every strike he delivered, he made sure to make a fatal injury. After releasing all his anger on the poor boy who could only scream in pain till he lost his voice and eventually passed out, he called in one of his friends, who is a healer, so as to cover up the evidence of any violence.

He watched silently as the healer did his job, noticing the white power flowing out of Alex's body which, only he could see.

"I was almost too late. Thank the gods this kid's necromancer abilities drain a whole lot of that power. Wouldn't have it any other way."

Alex finally came to at around twelve, near the forest with a temporary message on his left arm saying he had two days or else he won't be as lucky as today.

He numbly walked back to school, fearing that Mason would have somehow turned him into one of his minions, but thankfully, he reached his room with no issues due to the transport magic of his key.

"Alex!" his roommate shouted in shock when he saw the bloodied clothes he was wearing.

"Don't worry, Jay. I'm good. Just hungry," Alex said and almost fell down on the floor were it not for Jay's quick reflexes that saved him.

"I'm really sorry I can't protect you from that beast. I wish I was strong enough to face him," Jay said as he struggled to lift Alex to his bed. He was in class One East, so he wasn't confident enough to take on a North.

"No need for that. I'm just happy I got off easy," Alex coughed and smirked with a line of blood dripping from his mouth.

"Why? Is it because of your date tomorrow with your hero?" Jay laughed after his remark and placed Alex on his bed.

"Stop teasing me! And it's not a date! But yes, if you must know," Alex replied, as he ate the apple handed to him.

" You'd risk getting beat half to death just so you can have more time with him? I have a better idea, ask him to help you. I'm sure he wouldn't refuse," Jay suggested while selecting appropriate clothes for Alex to wear once he was done.

"Nah, I don't want to impose on him more than I should. I'm just happy I got to talk to him. He really did surprise me when he agreed to my request," he answered as he went to the bath to clean up.

"Just what I'm I going to do with you, best friend?" Jay signed in exasperation.

"You've already done more than enough you know," Alex called from the bath. After about ten minutes, they were all prepped up for sleep.

"You know, I always feel bad when you don't get your sleep because of me, right? "

"How many times do I have to tell you? I can never sleep when you get beat up cause what kind of friend would I be if I did that? And whose going to help you everytime you come in almost at the brink of death?"

Alex just smiled at his childhood friend and wished him a good night. He hoped tomorrow he could stay with his hero at least for as long as his heart desired before Mason would finally do him in.

Jay, on the other hand, was conspiring of a way to save his best friend even at the cost of his life.


"So, where do we start?" I asked Alex once we left the final lesson.

"First, let's look for a good place to practice. I have the perfect spot,"

I'd already explained to everyone why today I wouldn't be joining them as they exploded more of the school. But more importantly, I had cleverly evaded the wrath of the girls cause I'm pretty sure they planned something nasty with the looks they were giving me in class.

Arnold wanted to join me, but their class teacher took their loss personally, so she is training them at any free time they've got. We walked toward a different corridor, one that I've never seen, which opened up to a different part of the forest.

"This is where the ever green club meets up. Don't worry, I asked permission from the head council," he spoke up and placed our books on a bench(he insisted on carrying mine. I tried resisting, but he was quite persistent. He looked really happy doing it though, so I'll let it slide).

"This pace is stunning!" I gasped. It looked strangely like the Elven kingdom, but with more green on it. I was impressed by the scenery portrayed and the lake just added to the beauty.

"I knew you'd like it. So..." he began fidgeting with his arms.


"C-can I begin?" he asked.

I sat down cross-legged on the soft grass and looked at the shy boy.

"I'm ready when you are,"

He took a deep breath and concentrated. Just like before, I felt a chill in the air before a skeleton grew from the ground. It looked confused at first, but then turned to face me.

"Um... Mr. Skeleton? I'm the one that summoned you," Alex tried but the skeleton outright ignored him.

"That's not nice, skely. Bow down to your master!" I told it but regretted immediately the second it bowed to me.

"Well, now I see your problem," I told Alex whose eyes were still glowing black.

"Can you help me?"

"I think I can. Have you ever tried asking it why it doesn't acknowledge you as its master?"

"I would have tried, if it ever wanted to listen to me," he answered dejectedly.

"Ah, sorry about that. Well, might as well try it since I'm here. Hey skely, do you know who this is?" I asked the undead while pointing at Alex.

"M-my s...s...summoner!" it answered in a raspy voice. That's a surprise. So it knows Alex is its summoner but still chooses to betray him?

"If you know that, then why do you not want him as your master?"

"W-we s-s-serve our n-necromancer if h-he or s-he doesn't s-serve another. H-he has f-failed!" it answered in ridicule. I turned and faced to Alex who was sweating bullets just trying to hold the skeleton there.

"You can let it rest now," I told him and he finally released the skeleton back to the ground.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked him after he had finally regained his strength and joined me on the grass.

"I-I'm sorry. That's something personal. Thanks for helping me anyways. At least I know what the cause is now," he answered a little guarded. "But enough about me. Let's just enjoy this beautiful forest, please,"

I could see his effort to change the subject so I just shrugged it off and hoped may be one day he'll tell me.

We continued talking about the our trip to the planet and he opened up to me a little more. As we enjoyed the forest peacefully, it was cut short when Alex just froze in place and his eyes dilated in fear.

"Alex? You alright?" I asked him worriedly but he just shot to his feet and began running back to school.

"No! No! No! Please no!" he screamed as he run towards the dining hall. I followed suit and soon saw a crowd had formed in front of us.

"All of you, move out the way!" I shouted to them. They gave way to us and we soon found the root of the commotion. A boy was spread out on the floor with a bone sticking right through his chest. The healers were working frantically trying to keep him alive.

Alex saw the boy's face and kneeled down in shock as tears began falling from his eyes.


long chapter, I know. But otherwise thanks again for all your support. Feel free to issue your complaint or problems with any chapter l. Peace

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