

Mandrax Randoff, a fourteen year old Furrha with the typical life of a normal loser, seems to have gotten himself in between a Millenia war between the Demons and Beasts. He up to a point never even believed the gods existed, that is until, a primordial god took a liking to him. And he wasn't the only one thinking about making Max's life a little more chaotic by pinning on him many expectations. Join Max's Journey as he slowly builds up enough strength to at least achieve the expectations left to him, all in the while making friends and enemies, especially powerful enemies, along the way. A universe way passed advanced, filled with all kinds of monsters, demons, and elves. Unfortunately for Max, he'll have to face his past about his family whether he wants to or not, but that's not the only past he has to face with his lost Memory.

DEATH_CONE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs


"Can everyone please give a round of applause to one South!" Mrs. Kelly announced once more.

The entire hall was deathly silent with so many people jaws wide open in shock. Bareth was the first to clap, followed by Blade with both of them grinding from ear to ear. The hall gradually followed suit until the generals themselves had to join in with a standing innovation.

I saw a certain teacher grab her chair in anger and almost scream, but Mrs. Kelly was quicker in glaring at her which effectively made her consider her next move carefully.

"Let's continue with second place, North, with eighty thousand Beast essence together with West and finally East, with sixty five thousand."

"Which is complete utter lies," Arnold whispered to us all.

"What do you mean lies? Please Elaborate," Kira asked.

"I mean, we're first years. Do you seriously really think we can gather up that much essence in one trip? The only real score is your class, Max, which in a way, is completely hard to believe,"

"Can the representative of South please join us at the podium!"

"I want answers later, Arnold," I told him as Flintheart pointed at me. I never knew I signed up for such a position but unfortunately it was the only option our class had. But the main question is what the hell happened?!

As I walked up to the podium ignoring all the ugly stares and comments I got, I kept coming up with solutions. Maybe Flinty was the one? Nah... Can't be him. He's too lazy for that.

Hmm... Maybe my class finally came through? Only when boars fly. Then what?

"This is a new school record! The South class has once again shown their importance in this school. I'm proud to award the golden trophy to a class that's able to beat even second years!" Mrs. Kelly remarked.

I was handed the trophy which glowed in all its glory and after another thunderous clap, I walked back to my seat. As I passed by, I locked eyes with the school president who looked at me as if she were staring at a potential deputy. I hope not. I'm still not ready for the school council.

Another set of warnings, and we were ordered to move back to classes. The cheers and roars could be heard all around the school seeing that my class had no shame in showboating our victory.

I swear, I was carried against my will and forced to lift the trophy up in the air as a sort of flag as they did a victory lap before the Mrs. Principal used her aura to scare us back to class.

Once we had finally returned though, everyone was still in high spirits. Flintheart walked in all smiles and proud and even lifted the trophy from his desk for show just to get roars from the entire class all except me. Once the adrenaline had run out of their system, I finally had a chance to speak up.

"Mr. Heart, care to explain what happened at the hall that gave us an amazing victory?" I asked in sarcasm.

"It wasn't you? I thought the Adamantium spear you had gave us the edge," Mr Four eyes(I don't care enough to know his name) looked surprised.

"As much as I would like to take all the glory, I know deep down we all have the same question cause we all know we barely made it to thirty thousand,"

That put a damper on the mood. Everyone looked down as if just realizing now that the did, in fact, win by pure lack.

"I guess it's finally time I came clean about something," Blade began.

"So ,if my group remembers correctly, we were fighting a nasty group of wolves where they completely overwhelmed us. Mr Flintheart said that Max was able to lead them away so we could raid their cave. I was surprised to find my self in there and boy was it filled with beast essence!"

"I guess the wolves only had use for the beasts' meat but not for their crystals. Blade and I weren't sure that raiding a powerful packs den is the right idea but teach said he'd already dealt with the wolves so we helped ourselves to as much as we needed."

"We then quickly decided to run towards Max's aid but once again teach said he'll cover Max and told us to head back to the checkpoint and regroup with you guys. He then requested that I handed over the ring filled with the crystals cause he had a plan. I guess this was it: surprise everyone with the whooping amount we got to give the whole school a good scare with a last minute save!" he finished then began laughing.

"Just so you know, this was all Max's idea," Bareth added, and the whole class stared at me questionably.

"My idea? I'm sure I didn't come up with... " I trailed off when I saw Flintheart shake his head.

"I mean, of course it was my idea. Yup, all part of my grand plan for our class to take over the school, " I nodded and laughed nervously saying in my mind that surely this class wasn't that dumb enough to buy my lies.

"We all heard him. Now I suggest we come back to class," FlintHeart came to the rescue and that was that. No one felt compelled to continue with the topic or didn't care enough provided a win is a win.

I knew I was far much behind class seeing that since I entered this school something major had to happen to stop my lessons. So I was kinda hoping this year to remain as normal as any kids year should be.


<Hmph! Good luck with that>

[Well, well, well. The prodigal son returns]

<Nice to see you too,Max>

[What do you what?]

<Time for some explanations. Unfortunately, this will not be possible with the time limit of system, so I've come up perfect solution.>

[I'm listening]

<How about a stunt double?>

[A what?!]

<No time to explain. System takeover in three seconds!>

[Wait what!]

<Three! >

[Why you-]

<Two! >

[Damn bucket of bolts!]

<One! Bye bye for now>


I was engulfed in a blue light that probably should have blinded me but was somehow comforting rather than uncomfortable. I found myself in a white space with blue lines running downwards to gods know where.

A large bacteria-like lifeform floated downwards towards me with a creepy smile, or at least I thought it was a creepy smile ( I think it is a mitochondrion), which for a bacteria looked more like it was trying to split into two.

"Hey there, my dude! A nice change of pace seeing me in the flesh, isn't it?"

"Wha- Bradly?! I knew you to be a parasite in my brain but my gods, you didn't have to go all out," I said while holding my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

"Still look a whole lot better than you though," he shot back with an irritated look on his face.(Wait, do bacteria even have a pronoun? A better question, how can a bacteria get irritated?)

"Pfft! Said the pot to the kettle," I finally lost it and broke down in laughter.

"Laugh it up, jerk. Just know this isn't my true form and also, I'm the one controlling your body,"

That shut me up. Who knows what this creepy bastard(Amoeba?) is doing with my body. Further more, I couldn't see what I looked like but hopefully not weird like my system.

"OK then. I want answers to everything. Now,"

" What would you like to know?"

"Let's start with my stats,"

"Ok then."

Bradley began to glow, then my stat chart appeared.


<*Mandrax Randoff LVL 10*>

<*Title:(Pseudo) Dark prince*>

<*Race: Furrha grade B(high)*>

<*Health{100 100}*>

<*Mana{----}* >

<*Strength: 100*>

<*Agility: 100*>

<*Defense: 100*>

<*Speed: 100*>

<*Mind: 30*>


<Dark mana absorption rate(Disabled):24%>

<Next percentage will grant user more abilities in the dark arts. Body is now compatible with a quarter of magic!>


"Looks like some things never change," he commented as he pointed at my mind stat and made a mechanical sound that suspiciously sounded like a chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah. Very funny. But hold on, my body is able to sustain a quarter of that power?"

"Now I know why your mind will never get as high as it is," Bradley sighed.

"Oh, put a sock in it you over grown Monera Imbicilia!"

"At least one brain cell still functions. As you clearly saw, you can actually use that power. But as usual I'd advice against it."

My eye twitched in irritation. This guy's insults always strike me right at the heart. One brain cell?

"Anyways, time for another question. Wanna explain why I got a power up when Red killed that wolf back there?"

"Obviously, the pack is connected to you so any of their benefits get split into half and come to you in form of MP. So as not to disturb you, I muted the notifications of the achievements from the wolves." he looked bored explaining this to me.

"As of now, you have around two thousand MP. All is needed is just a new power."

"TWO THOUSAND?! I'm impressed. A new ability, and I'd be set for life!"

"That's about right. Another other questions?"

With the exasperated look on his face, I'm guessing I'm asking the wrong kind of questions.

"The water I drunk from Acheron, it was the one that gave me the strength to handle the dark mana, wasn't it?"

"Not only that, but also the more your body matures, the more the water will continue pushing it to the absolute max. So in the strength department, I say with certain confidence, you are completely covered."

"Finally! A positive outcome from all the horrors I passed through. With the major questions out of the way, who in the Beastverse is controlling my body, cause its obviously not you with all your wobbly glory, your highness,"

"You've updated you arsenal with insults in this one encounter, I see. I really wish I was the one to control you. The things I'd force that girl demon of yours to do," he smiled mischievously. I backed away from him in shock.

"Jeez, now I'm even more worried about leaving my body with you. Ok, if its not you then..."

"See for your self," he wobbled like a loser which I guess is his way of moving his hand and suddenly, an image appeared. I was so horrified, I felt all the blood rush out of my face.

"B-B-Bradley, wh-what I'm I looking at?" I stuttered as I saw me surrounded with floods of girls who looked to absolutely happy just to hold on to my hands.

"Hmm... interesting. The system has very peculiar tastes," Bradly commented.

"So what do say about next week, Max?" one of the girls cooed.

"I'm not familiar with these ways. But I'm sure my master would have said yes," Me answered with a confused look on his face.

"Your cute when you talk like that. So when are we gonna meet this master of yours? And is he single? Are you single?" And so were the questions that plundered fake me who looked bored and irritated at the same time.

"The system's on a role. I love this!" Bradly laughed.

"Why would I ever say yes to such a wired reque– Wait did you just say the system?!"

"Notice how its not always me who talks to you when you need something from the system. That's the original system who is the only one who can take control of your body,"

"What do you mean 'original'?"

"I'm mostly the one who can easily show himself in your head but otherwise we are both of the same entity, I'm just more like his emotions see,"

"Ok, then tell your damn self to return me back to my body! And how long was I gone to find myself in this tight space?!"

"Its almost nighttime, so..."

"NIGHTTIME?! Yo system, I hope you didn't ruin my life in the span of day. Now give me back my body!"

<*System is not happy with this decision but, very well*>

"Wait! Not right now?! Look for a good place to hide for beast's sake!"

<*Commencing trans-*>

"Don't you dare start with me system! I am not IN THE MOOD!"

After a lot of force of mind and resolve, the system finally relented and found another good area to switch out. At least good in its terms cause I was behind the school, close to the forest.

"Feels good to be back," I said as I stretched my back. The form I was in my mind was quite uncomfortable.

"Hey there, Mandrax," a voice greeted.

"I knew I'd have to talk to you some day, Alex," I sighed and turned to face him cause the system had noticed him earlier on and informed me.