
Part 27 - Explanation and Sayafushi?

Raven had a lot to think about. It was interesting to get your eyes opened to the world's dangers. And Ichibe told all of them a lot of the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

The Hand was a small fish in comparison to some others. They needed to get stronger and improve their footing in this world.

Ichibe explained to his Captains, how his power worked and what that meant.

"You see a true name, is not just something humans use to address people. It is so much more.

It ties your existence to this reality and gives you your traits. Your true name defines you in its truest sense.

And to know someone's true name means to truly know the person or object in its entirety.

This allows me to know the person's character and who is more likely to betray the group. I can see their loyalties, their likes and dislikes.

I know their history and their strengths and weaknesses. This is not easy, obviously, as there are an infinite number of true names and an infinite number of characters and meanings to those respective names. This comes naturally to me. And I am constantly growing with each true name I see and manipulate.

And I can manipulate someone's true name. This means that I theoretically can manipulate everything about someone or something. The possibilities are endless.

So when I chose my captains, I looked for someone less likely to betray me and the rules I set up. I knew that I would return and see whether I made the right decision, but I wanted to ensure that I didn't have to 'clean' the barracks again. You might wonder why I said 'less likely to betray me'. Well that's because the true name shows me the exact probability of betrayal and the different choices the individual tends to take. Some have nigh zero chance and others have a higher chance.

When I saw you Píng'ān, I saw someone who strongly connected to peace and harmony.

I knew that you are in no way going to bring trouble to me. Because your true name said peace. So just so you won't get into conflict with me, I knew you'll do what I told you.

And I was right. I saw that you went further than my instructions and actively tried to help the people. I was very happy and decided to go along with it.

And that was similar for all of you. I saw your true name and knew who stood in front of me. And I decided to make you Shinigami. Not because I wanted to use you for my own goals.

But because I thought that you deserved better. You always had a choice to decide whether you wanted to become Shinigami and take on the responsibilities that came with it.

I told you about the Zanpakuto and my connection to them. I told you that everything you had could be taken away, should I so choose.

But I also told you, that I had no interest to do that. Only in the worst-case scenario, should you go rogue or start to use your powers to harm innocents, then would I do that.

I value free will very highly. I would never observe you through your Zanpakuto, even if I could do something like that.

I saw that you were willing to help those in need and selected you for the position."

The others were quiet. They had never thought that Ichibe was this powerful. It was true that he told them about the Zanpakuto. And Ichibe valued their thoughts about different plans.

They were never required to do something that they didn't want. So, this information only added to the respect they felt towards him. In telling them about his powers, he risked scaring them away, but he still told them.

"Head Captain, we thank you for this show of trust towards us. But this won't change anything."

All three of his captains said the same thing. They would continue with their work. Because despite all the danger it brought, it was fun.

Ichibe saved them and there was nothing that could ever be done to repay this debt fully.

Ichibe smiled at this. He knew that they would feel this way. But it was still good to have them confirm his belief.

"Good then. I believe that Raven is interested in seeing the Shin'o Academy now.

I'll send you on your way and the others to their respective locations you want to go."

Ichibe created three portals that lead to different locations.


Ichibe was sitting by himself in the office right now. He opened his hand and had something materialize from the air.

It was a beautiful Katana. He had spent the last few weeks forging and grinding this beauty. He had created Sayafushi. It had the same name, and it was the same as well. It took many trials and errors to get her. Thousands of other Zanpakutos with different names were forged before Ichibe figured out how to imbue his will and wish into his creation.

He was very proud of himself.

It took forever, but now he had a Katana that he could use in his fights to cut down his opponents instead of just using his fists.

Don't get him wrong, he loved using his fists and martial arts to fight, but he wanted to expand his repertoire and Sayafushi was the perfect weapon for him.

It was efficient and there was a nigh incalculable amount of potential hidden inside Sayafushi. Ichibe had seen it when he named her. He couldn't wait for her to open up to him and showcase her true beauty.

You see, her name was not exactly Sayafushi. Sayafushi meant "Sheath Dodger" and stood for her sharpness and smoothness. It never chips or scratches from use, and blood slides off her immediately. And because of this, no sheath can hold her.

And this also applied to his Zanpakuto. But it was not the whole truth. What he had created was something far greater and terrifying than that.

"Sheath Dodger" was not her true name. In Bleach, it was indeed her name probably but here in this universe, it was a title, given to her. And Ichibe kept it that way. But only he knew her true name.

And yes, it was a she. And SHE … was a killer. A true killer. She could 'dodge' anything if you want. There was nothing she couldn't kill and that was what she was good at.

There is no one that could handle her. No one could understand her as he could, and no one would be allowed to wield her.

It seemed she had a soft spot for Ichibe, as he created her and understood her in her truest sense. She was a bottomless well. She was complex. And that was why it was a SHE and not a he.


For all those lovely ladies that read my story ..... please don't bully me.

I meant no disrespect. On the contrary, being complex is better than being a simpleton.

For those that are a bit confused about 'Sayafushi', you are welcome to ask questions. Just know that she is not the simple 'Sayafushi' like in Bleach. She is much more complex and will be important for Ichibe.


I just had to post another one. I really liked this one and I hope you do too.

Cedric_7512creators' thoughts
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