
the monarch

What if you spend your whole life like a vegetable in a hospital bed? Only being able to speak and listen. Just that. Would you go crazy? Unbalanced? What if it was all the fault of a degenerate madman looking for his parents' inheritance? Would you be angry? Would you be mentally broken? That was Kayden's life for 20 years and as quickly as it started, it ended, but luckily for him, reincarnation existed and by some miracle, he still had his memories of it. And....his new world had...magic. In the first moment of consciousness, Kayden made a promise to himself, in this life, he would achieve everything, he would reach the height of power, he wouldn't give a damn about women or money, futile things that would condemn him to mediocrity, his focus was to have the power to rule his destiny, this time he would not be a slave to his own life, he would be a monarch. Image made by: Queen Frieza

Zetronys · Fantasy
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466 Chs

True omnipotence

Author's note: this is chapter 100, as there was an explanation, but I don't remember where thank you if you got this far, I'll send you the bonus chapter for the 10 crack stones... power up

His parents were doctors and wanted him to follow the same thinking. Faculty? Because he had the feeling that this wasn't something important like it was just a path at the moment.

Ah, never mind, if he couldn't remember it was because it didn't matter.

With a start, Kayden found himself in front of a huge, gigantic staircase. For a few seconds, he couldn't tell where he was, but slowly his true memories came back to him.

"I lost," the boy accepted this as he was taken out of the stairwell by an officer. He was then taken to some healing magicians to see if he was free from any major psychological trauma caused by the illusions.

And after quickly answering all the questions, Kayden was released. This time, the boy was alone with his memories and smiled sadly. As much as it was an illusion, this last step left good memories for him.

For the first time, he remembered what it was like to have loving parents and a stable life without major problems. When the boy returned to the tent, he seemed to have aged years, surprising everyone there.

Visibly, he looked the same, but his aura changed. He looked more serious, this was mainly because of Thomas and the family's delusion. One taught him the concept of scavengers and war, and the other showed him something he had wanted since he was little and had never cared about.

Unfortunately, he promised himself in this life: that he would reach the top and there was no way he could take a family with him. He wouldn't waste it, he promised himself.

"Congratulations, Kayden!" All his friends congratulated him for reaching floor number 80. Most of them barely made it to 50. Heimer arrived at 61, Matheus at 59, and Sarah at 70.

Isac and Linus barely reached floor 30, but that was expected considering they were younger. Kayden was truly an exception among those in his age group. Even Han congratulated him when they met.

Kayden could have gone to celebrate, but like most people who reached higher steps, he simply wanted to sleep. A certain mental exhaustion took over the boy as soon as he left the stairs.


The following day, Kayden announced his withdrawal from the gym. As much as he wanted to penetrate her now, she knew it wasn't the right time. He still needed to hone his skills further, and without a doubt, the competitive environment there would not allow a level 6 to survive for long.

AN: this sentence was weird ~~~~

As expected, Heimer was called for the third test and made a presentation... of a fight against 100 other apprentice mages. He only asked for an hour to prepare, and when it started, it was a one-sided fight.

Dozens of arrays supported him with constant mana and varied attacks against the mages. It looked like a fortress raining down attacks on its enemies. After the presentation, no one had any doubts that the boy would pass.

Matheus put on a show by using darkness magic and disappearing in the middle of the arena against 5 knight wizards. They couldn't even think before they were knocked out. The difference was not its stealth, but rather how it bordered on perfection.

Sarah simply changed the entire region's climate, causing a wave of blizzards. Her control over the ice element was so great that she could extend her magic to miles.

Even though it wasn't deadly, it was still a bizarre display of power. Kayden doubted he could make even 10 meters around him and have the weather altered by his element.

"Isn't that Apollo?" Kayden asked when he saw his team's healer appear in the arena. Everyone was gathered, this time even the Duke was in Lucius' tent.

"That's the crown prince", Lucius revealed without taking his eyes off the huge television measuring almost 4 meters in the center of the room. "He spent the last four years fighting on the front lines of the war."

"War?" Heimer and Kayden seemed to be the only ones confused. They didn't remember fighting any wars.

"Our country is at war against the water empire. These are just border battles. For some reason, I'm not allowed to explain why this didn't level up." It was the first time Kayden had heard about it.

But he wasn't that surprised. With magical contracts, it was practically impossible for any information to be leaked, and the government maintained tight control over the media.

"Is he strong, Uncle Lucius?" Kayden asked curiously.

"Strong? He is a monster!" Lucius was speechless for a few seconds. "The water kingdom paid a huge amount just to have him taken out of the war." The man didn't speak anymore, as Apollo's test was beginning.

"I want ten knights condemned to death to fight until the last one standing in front of me." This was Apolo's request inside the arena. Even though it was strange, the ten were placed in front of him.

"I want ten wizards, not apprentice wizards." Again, his request surprised everyone. "Since I am a peak mage." His sentence caused an uproar among everyone watching.

A peak mage at 14? Was this some kind of joke? If he hadn't introduced himself as the crown prince, no one would have believed him. Again, another ten people were placed in front of him.

"Fight." The judge's voice ordered them as if they were puppets, and then everyone began to kill each other. It was the first time Kayden had seen a fight from the next kingdom, and it was… impressive.

His attacks were much faster and seemed to be carried by a small film around him that Kayden couldn't identify. When he asked the adults, he only received the answer that it was a mage-level skill.

The boy made a mental note to study this later. Quickly, all the knights began to be bloodied and with parts of their bodies missing, but even so, their blows remained fast and lethal.

Apollo began to levitate. Lucius recognized what the boy was going to do.

"Now you will find out why the boy is known as the next god of healing," Lucius said to everyone.

"In my domains", Apollo's voice resounded loudly. "I do not allow death to enter." When the teenager finished his sentence, small lines began to come out of his body and create a large circle around him, encompassing everything.

Inexplicably, the knights who were missing limbs had them held in place by the wires, their wounds closing almost instantly after being opened.

After a few minutes, everyone could see each knight at their peak state. Regardless of how much they were hurt, it was simply inexplicable.

"Judge! Please order everyone to attack the one carrying a spear." Apollo asked, and then the judge ordered them, causing nine knights to turn against just one.

The green threads that were coming out of Apollo focused completely on the knight with the spear. The man began to receive dozens of injuries, and even though he managed to defend himself some, there were still many attacks.

But... little by little, minute by minute, he stood upright. No matter how many hits he took, it seemed like the Spearman was immortal. All of his opponents began to suffer different cuts that weighed everyone down.

Finally, the spearman landed a direct blow, cutting off one of his opponents. After that, it was pretty much a battle of attrition. Little by little, he removed one of his opponents from the battle.