
the monarch

What if you spend your whole life like a vegetable in a hospital bed? Only being able to speak and listen. Just that. Would you go crazy? Unbalanced? What if it was all the fault of a degenerate madman looking for his parents' inheritance? Would you be angry? Would you be mentally broken? That was Kayden's life for 20 years and as quickly as it started, it ended, but luckily for him, reincarnation existed and by some miracle, he still had his memories of it. And....his new world had...magic. In the first moment of consciousness, Kayden made a promise to himself, in this life, he would achieve everything, he would reach the height of power, he wouldn't give a damn about women or money, futile things that would condemn him to mediocrity, his focus was to have the power to rule his destiny, this time he would not be a slave to his own life, he would be a monarch. Image made by: Queen Frieza

Zetronys · Fantasy
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354 Chs

The last breaking point

"Hey big boy, it's been a while now", Kayden began to pet Cerberus as the giant dog jumped at high speed on him, once again he had a moment of nostalgia when he saw how easily he could hold back the advance of the animal. 

 "Cerberus! I already told you that you have to be fierce, you soft ass", David fought with the dog that had its belly up for Kayden to scratch. "Hello, Kayden, and who would that be?" David's voice was shaky and strange.

 "I'm Heimer, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. David", the boy's speech seemed mechanized, but Kayden didn't care, he couldn't care about small details like that anymore and ignored them. To him, it just seemed like a shame.

 The three entered and, as Kayden had previously communicated about the visit, the scientist had prepared a hearty meal with different foods and drinks. The table was perfectly balanced and Kayden, with his big appetite, wasn't going to miss this opportunity.