
Chapter 2: A Reason to live

Life is like a vapor that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away, It was short but full of memories and joy I supposed but it was not enough. My life with Dianna and Bell my daughter just barely began. I am Danny Blume, 28 years of age and happily married. My prior years before I met Dianna was very sore. When I was but a child my Mom and Dad got divorced and then left me with my abusive Uncle who abused me physically whenever I did something wrong or committed any mistakes but the good thing is that they let me go to school. I always think of a future that one day all my suffering will be gone then I can finally leave this forsaken house. I stayed with him and with his partner. Years later I decided to run away from home and lived by myself, I worked hard to go to college. I worked day and night, joining every kind of job that will help me survive of course legally. Then until I met Dianna, she was fair to look upon and taking another program in college. I only met her personally when we became club mate in school. Then starting there, our story began, after we graduated and found a good job we started making our own family, until Bell came our little angel. 3 years later as we were going to my in laws residence, I was driving when suddenly a bright light appeared, I lost control of maneuvering the vehicle, and collided with another vehicle. I thought that it would be our end, but as I woke up we were already in that gigantic cave and the rest is history.


Merlin's POV:

Three months had passed after my son Tristan's recovery. He was a very bright boy, seldom can I find him not giving those warm smile that he always show. He was a very kind brother to his three siblings; Kristin, Terry and Ferni. However after the accident he encountered he changed drastically. Tristan was looking for some herbs that night to alleviate his sister Kristin's fever, but I stopped him to look for herbs since the snow was tremendously strong that time but he insisted. That night he didn't return home, I was very worried, we looked for him with some of our neighbors and what I found was the very hurtful thing a parent can witness, Tristan was at the bottom of a pit, lying in a pool of blood. It was very heartbreaking for a mother to see her child in that situation. Fortunately a healer was nearby and tend to him immediately. But after he woke up he's never been the Tristan I knew. He had this gloomy feeling as if something happened beyond what I know. He's lamenting, lamenting over something I don't know.


Tristan was outside their home, he was near a cliff leaning on a tree and was looking beyond only he knows.


Months had already passed since that day. Moreover everything feels as if it only happened yesterday. I had a family, a home but everything was destroyed. Destroyed by those people, I want to take my revenge but I am so powerless, I don't where to start, if not of what Dianna and Bell told me during my dream, I'll this life.

" I am trapped in this boy's body even his parent don't even know that her son is no longer here. Is this... still right?"

I want to see my family so badly, but I was also thinking about this boy's family, they will also experience what I go through if I'll end this boy's life.

"I don't know anymore..."

I closed my eyes while leaning on the tree, feeling the tranquility of the moment, feeling the pain that keeps on groping my inwards, the guilt that keeps upholding me, as I struggle to no avail in trying to save my family, thinking how pathetic I was. Then Dianna's last word came in remembrance...


Yes... it was to live, but how? how do I do it?... when my only family who I consider my life was taken from me.

"Live...my love, live for us... and for them."

I woke up suddenly, as Dianna's voice I heard.

" Dianna, Bell..." (sobbing)

"Brother, it time for dinner already." Terry said

"Hey, we'll eat everything here if you won't hurry." Kristen said, as she was crossing her arm.

"Bro.. brother..." Ferni called

Merlin was waiting at the door front, looking at me passionately and smiling warmly. My heart suddenly felt as if the burden was unloaded, such warm...

"I think I'll give it a kick Dianna, Bell. I'll live"