
The Mob is not a Hero

what happens when you transmigrate into a novel you just reading not as a main character, but as a mob character, you know the future but not completely, than you tried to avoid attention but attracts the danger. Note This is my first time writing please adjust with mistake I have read many interesting novels, but this is the first time writing one, I have no experience in writing so please try continue to read,the reason I am writing the novel I liked TNE, The Academy’s Deceased Ate It All, lastly Author POV I liked academy life of main character in all this novel, while reading these novel many thoughts popped up, I am just trying to put my thoughts into a book,in feature my thoughts can run wildly please endure. If there is any corrections please mention on comments

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Forming a Team 2

I was standing at the corner of the training hall waiting for the people to approach me sadly to my expatiation no one approached me, same for the girl who sat next to me, few minutes later four familiar faces who were approaching individuals to join them every one was rejecting them, who want to join with low ranked students, seeing they were only four I approached them asked them join my team.

They agreed to form a team with me than fatty began to introduce them

I am Edward Baker long I am magician

This two are Jayden and Jordan wood they both weld short swords

Last his name is Philip Ross he uses spear

I am Jamie Wilson I am an archer and I also use daggers

After introducing ourselves we searched for last party members no body was interested in joining our group, and then saw the Amber standing alone even she ranked in top 10 no body approached her because of Samuel and his lackeys in the novel Eric approached her and took her into his team as a result he was able to win against Irene and Justin who were teamed to gather.

Samuel warned me to not approach her, even though I was going to ignore her, in other world I had a bad habit if any one warn me to not to do it I was definitely going to do it, I walked to words her and said would you join my team.



I said I will join your group

Then I took her to the place where other 4 were standing, than told them that I had brought 6th member, then 4of them were happy that they will get good result in group training because one of the group member is a rank6 student.

First we introduced our self to her, and then she began introduce herself

My name is Amber Morgan and I am an archer, I can also summon fire sprit.

Who will be the leader Philip asked

Amber will be the leader I said pointing my hands at Amber, but she refuse become leader,

Let's make Edward leader Jordan said

Every one agreed with him, we walked towards instructor Richards and registered our team

Few minutes later the group of student approached us not us not us but Amber, it was Samuel group as they approached Amber was trembling with fear, come here he called her, she started walking towards him, oh! I remember this incident in novel when Amber joined some team Samuel approached her and slapped her than at the time Eric who was looking for last member saw her and helped her then they became close and then developed romantic feeling for each other.

Seeing how she was feeling, I think I can't wait until he arrives, so I made my decision that I will not gain any attention from tomorrow. I held her hand and pulled her back thanks to that she stopped shaking.

Hey I already warned you not to approach her

Are you ok? I asked her ignoring Samuel

Eric POV

As I was searching for last member to my team, I saw a group of high ranked students low ranked group, when I carefully look there was a high ranked member in that group, what was her name Amber was it, but that girl was looked scared in front of the other group leader.

Suddenly a thought crossed my mind, what if I help her I can recruit her to my team, thinking about this I moved towards her, but I stopped when a boy grabbed her hand and pulled her back, the opponent leader tried to order the boy but the boy just ignored him and just soothing the girl.

Is he a idiot or what, he is trying to pick a fight with Samuel, the boy is doomed, to day I saw Samuel warning him, I feel sorry for him, poor guy, every one was looking that boy with pity in their eyes, then I saw Samuel moved towards the boy and slapped him what happened next shocked every one including instructor who was approaching us to stop the commotion.

When Samuel slapped the boy, the boy tightly gripped Samuel hands shook him off balance and slammed him on the ground, then punched him on his neck but the boy did not stop there, he grabbed his hand by which Samuel slapped him and broke it, than the other team members both group to clash with each other.

Stop instructor Richard interfered sand stopped the commotion and instructed to Samuel to infirmary than looked at the boy and said Jamie meet me after the class

Every one was shocked at the result how a nobody like Jamie can win against Samuel Webster who was one of the promising student who ranked in top 50, he caught him off guard by taking his arrogance into his advantage, throwing him on the ground without giving him any time he hit him on the neck then broke his arm as a warning him that don't mess with me.

I guess he also know that if Samuel had not let his guard down the boy would be lying in the infirmary bed, and then I turned towards the people who were coming towards me it was my childhood friends Irene and Justin

How was the he I asked

Irene replied it was just because he caught him off guard

Does he only knows to make commotion Justin said annoyingly

Did you formed your group Irene asked me


Just ask anyone they will be glad to party with you Justin said

Just like Justin said when I asked a male student to become my group member he agreed happily, after forming the group I approached Instructor and registered the group for group exercise, then we decided to meet after the class to discuss further and went back to train my self.