
The Mob is not a Hero

what happens when you transmigrate into a novel you just reading not as a main character, but as a mob character, you know the future but not completely, than you tried to avoid attention but attracts the danger. Note This is my first time writing please adjust with mistake I have read many interesting novels, but this is the first time writing one, I have no experience in writing so please try continue to read,the reason I am writing the novel I liked TNE, The Academy’s Deceased Ate It All, lastly Author POV I liked academy life of main character in all this novel, while reading these novel many thoughts popped up, I am just trying to put my thoughts into a book,in feature my thoughts can run wildly please endure. If there is any corrections please mention on comments

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An Ego 2

 After I went out the shop the muscular senior began to curse me, How dare he ignore the order of his seniors tell his name and rank I will take care of him, Alex let him go he came here alone any way, I herd that he is lowest rank most probably he got scared and hiding, listening other second years words Alex began to speak.

Listen carefully there will be two groups the first group will be made of close combatants with me and range attackers will support us who are weak in combat will follow Donald and gather the people in one place and protect them.

Then he began to split according to the plan, wait! Where is red haired girl Alex asked, I think she followed that guy Irene replied, damn cursing after exiting dungeon tell both of them to meet me.

Is anyone of you an archer? Donald questioned, if there any, it would be helpful 

No, none of us are archers Marie answered

Ok, Then every one tell your job class, Donald said

As he said everyone began to speak about their class, ok, only one of you here is long range and what about those two Alex asked, Archer, both of them are Archers, listening to words Alex began to curse us again.

Meanwhile I was running towards the parking area of the mall where the ego was located, while running I saw monsters from the dungeon attacking the people, looking at them I took bow and began to shoot the monsters from where I was standing, because they were all F grade it was easy for me to pierce them with one arrow.

 Amber who followed me approached me from behind, why did you left alone she said 

I don't want to involved with them, and I will move forward you back me up then I gave her my  bow and said be careful with it, then I took the rope from the storage space and tied it to the grill and jumped from the second floor  the n a black furred wolf rushed towards me then a arrow pierce the wolf and I turned back and looked at and raised my thumbs and said continue I will be back in few minutes don't follow me telling her that I ran to words the parking lot .

When I arrived at the parking lot I saw a huge two headed wolf which was chained sleeping there, in the novel the dungeon was forcefully opened by some villain group who will be later called as The Chaos Crew, it was a group of crazy people who caused deaths and destruction just for fun the most you suffer the most fun they get they opened many dungeons forcefully, this was same in the mall a group of three people forcefully opened the dungeon

The reason I rushed here as fast as possible because in the novel the tied up wolf was released by those three as the result, the wolf destroyed the mall in the end main characters killed it by suffering injuries and the ego was taken by some one else, if I could get the ego before they woke up and unchain the wolf it would be easy to kill the wolf.

     Thinking this in my mind I slowly moved towards the ego which was behind the tied up wolf, without making any sound I reached ego and touched it then a message popped up in my view.

A certain foreign object tries to interfere with system, will the host accept it or reject it 

Accept, I said 

As soon as I said a sinister aura from the object rushed into my body and formed a weird tattoo on my forearm then another message popped up in my vision

Due to interference of foreign object there will be changes in the host status

After checking the message I was feeling something in my body like its become lighter an I can feel my strength increased due to this I was so exited I didn't notice the two headed wolf which was looking at me as it found it's pray it tried to move towards me but it was tied by chains looking at the wolf I carefully moved towards the box which was little further away from me, when I opened the box I saw the C rank skill Lightning steps which was mentioned in the novel I tear the skill scroll into two then a message popped on my screen 

You have acquired C rank skill

 After checking the system message I looked at the two headed wolf, let's check the new weapon thinking of which, in the novel using this ego is to imagine the shape you want and the ego will turn into that shape.

To check that I thought a pen suddenly a black liquid flowed into my palm and turned into shape of a pen then a dagger then a sword I imagined as my imagination changes the shape changed then lets finish this monster before they come and release the it, I imagined a bow then I took the a arrows in my storage and started to fire the arrows at the most sensitive part of the wolf, because if any case it got released my escape would be easy, first eyes then its calf area to reduce its movements while I was firing the arrows I heard the many messages like the dungeon boss is sowing hostile towards you  and the wolf was howling with rage as if it would kill me at the moment it released still I was firing without the stop because the monster was two rank above me and I was too scared to leave if it would chase me all over world and kill me the moment it released.

After turning the wolf into a porcupine I turned the bow into the spear and infused my mana into the spear so the attack power should be high and deal a damage on the body of wolf, I stabbed and cut the wolf like a mad man until the message arrive 

 You have killed the D ranked boss monster Twin headed wolf the you can exit the dungeon in half hour looking at the message I began to collect the arrows which were sticking to the wolfs body after collecting the arrow and keeping them back in storage space I was walking towards the Amber to collect my bow then a message popped up

Due to interference of an unknown variable the dungeon rank will be raised kill the C ranked boss monster to clear the dungeon 

Soon after the message arrived a loud howl came from the top