
The Mob in His Novel

Through his hard work, Arthur Bennett has achieved what he thought was the pinnacle of life: wealth, prestige, and power. However, achieving those came with a price; he lost everything and everyone he loved. One day, out of boredom, he mindlessly wrote a fantasy novel filled with numerous clichés and superfluous conflicts. However, he never imagined he would be reincarnated into that world after his death. No, not as the protagonist, not even as an important supporting character, but instead, he became a mob in his novel. Will Arthur use his abilities and knowledge as the author to make the right decisions and make it through the end, despite the fact that there was a greater, more powerful threat that he was unaware of even as the author? ========== -I will also be posting it on RoyalRoad, Scribblehub, and Tapas (TBA) under the same name ========== Patreon: https://patreon.com/joshlaneisfictional

JoshLane · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 7 - Tomes and Ability

The All-stone should be a rare crystal formed from the constant refining of mana towards a single point over the years.

I say 'should' because I never really gave it a proper description in the novel, but I did have an idea of how it would look like.

Since the All-stone is a densely pure crystal of mana, it is incredibly powerful, so much so that just one kilogram of it can power a town with a population of 10,000 for over ten years.

And I am gonna use it on myself. But how?

There are two ways to awaken as a Maven: natural order and initiation.

The natural order method is the best and safest way to awaken. It requires the individual to go through extensive training and meditation. The downside to this method is that it's not for everyone; for others, it may take a few weeks, but for others, it may take months or even years to see progress.

The initiation method, on the other hand, is the riskiest yet fastest method to awaken. It requires two people: the individual and a Maven. It is done by having the non-Maven stripped of their clothes and having the Maven use their magic to forcibly jumpstart the non-Maven's pruvia. It was the riskiest method, as the Maven had to use the right amount of magic to jumpstart the pruvia. Otherwise, it will burst and cripple–or worse, kill–the individual.

And the method I'll be using will take inspiration from the initiation method—I'll be integrating it with my pruvia.

It's really reckless, even for me, but not to worry, though, as I've made a blueprint to help me accomplish it for the past few days.

Of course, I'm not stupid enough to do this on my own, so I also created a multidimensional entity with rational learning and intelligent navigation, or MERLIN.

She is the successor to FRIDAY, and she's made to adapt to this world.

She'll help control the machine as I integrate All-stone.

The All-stone was originally found by a Maven called Edmund in a dungeon in Lochaven City, and I'll be getting it before he can.

Dungeons are pockets of different worlds that are connected to Vanteer through gates.

They are inherently dangerous as much as it provides great opportunities and treasures.

So, before going in, I need to prepare a couple of things first.

Specifically, I need something I can defend myself with.

Yes, I can use weapons and other equipment to defend myself, but it can only do so much in there, so I'm gonna have to get abilities.

And there are two abilities I can get that don't require me to become a Total Maven: Lightweaving and a custom ability I can create using tomes.

Lightweaving was originally an ability that was created for civilians during the Holy War. It manipulates mana in its natural setting to create constructs. However, the magic wasn't used as a form of weapon but as a utility instead since using it in that way would just break the construct altogether.

Even if I somehow wasn't able to get the Lightweaving ability, there are alternate ways to defend myself as I am a Maven. A Fragmentary Maven, but a Maven nonetheless.

After all, Mavens have battle variations: ouin, eder, kiyau, and zetsu.

Ouin is basically the abilities that a Maven has. Eder is fighting styles. Kiyau is weapon techniques. And Zetsu is body techniques.

Total Mavens can use all battle variations, but Fragmentary Mavens can use all but ouin for obvious reasons.

Technically speaking, non-Mavens can use those three battle variations too, but it's much harder for them to achieve it.

Anyway, the point is that Lightweaving wouldn't be my only choice when it comes to abilities, but it is still something I got to have because of its versatility.

Now, for my own ability with tomes.

The origin of Tomes happened when a group of scientists wanted a power equal to that of Mavens but couldn't do so because of their ineptitude.

After decades of research, they finally had a working prototype. It was in the form of a tablet with cryptic codes that, when fully comprehended or absorbed, will grant the user its coded ability.

It was a truly innovative project until… they realized that the acquired ability could not affect anything but the user themselves.

What's even worse is that they can't even code a useful ability. Otherwise, it would fail completely!

The only abilities that could be coded were so crappy that they could not be used by anything but 'party tricks.'

So, the project to continue its development was quickly abandoned, but production didn't stop as investors in the project saw an opportunity to make money. So, they sold it in the market as party tricks, but due to how unpopular it is, they are being sold at a very low price.

Which is great for me since they are exactly what I need.

True, by themselves, they're next to worthless. However, that is the case only if we are talking about them individually.

Skill stacking. A concept where, instead of focusing on one skill, you learn a variety of them that, when put together, work perfectly together.

That's how I can make tomes useful. By combining each tome perfectly and making sure that they synergize with one another, I could create an ability that, despite not being a Total Maven, could enable me to go head-to-head with a Total Maven if given the proper setting and resources.

Of course, each tome should perfectly complement each other. Otherwise, the ability would fail, but that's not hard to accomplish.

I had already thought of an ability, and just thinking about it gives me sends a thrill up my spine.

So, I broke down that ability into smaller components and broke those components into even smaller components, and I repeatedly did that until a tome matched with that component.

All in all, I ordered about 100 tomes, and it cost me 20,000 creds.

That was last week. Now, I got a text that my package should be coming in anytime now.

I was working on a few blueprints in my workshop as I waited. Roughly an hour passed when the doorbell rang.

I got up, went to the door, and opened it. A medium-sized box was on the floor, and it seemed that the deliveryman had already left.

I brought the package back into my workshop and immediately opened it, revealing sets of thin, light blue tablets with faint scribbles and symbols in their background.

If I recall correctly, these seemingly nonsensical symbols are called runes. I don't know the specific details of it, but it's basically used to enhance or modify an object.

The fact they were used here must mean that the scientists somehow were able to find a way to have it be applied to humans.

Anyway, I took a few of them out. There were labels attached that said what kind of time it was. Every time I ordered was, as expected, pretty much useless.

There were times that would make me jerk uncontrollably, increase my pain receptors, make me spin, and several more that weren't really ideal for combat.

However, once again, it wouldn't be a problem.

The problem I have right now is how I do I exactly acquire the ability.

There were, of course, instructions, and from what I've reviewed online, people just naturally acquire it.

In both the description of tomes in my novel and in this world, they were like manuals for your entire being to gain this feeling of enlightenment before obtaining the ability.

The word 'being' is used since the very nature or essence of a human will actually be the one to gain enlightenment. Once enlightened, one's body and mind should have already acquired the ability.

The runes here have two purposes: to contain the ability and to help the user become enlightened with it.

However, everything I've just said was just textbook knowledge, so actually doing it is another matter.

From the word of others, all I have to do is enter a state of meditation with the tomes in my hand, and it will just happen.

This shouldn't be too hard, right? After all, the runes are also there to assist me.

I grabbed a tome with a simple ability that can allow me to spin myself and other things with efficiency. Sitting down with my legs crossed, I begin my meditation.

Meditation is a practice that involves one to be in a state of relaxation and focus to achieve a mentally clear and emotional state.

Here, meditation is necessary to improve one's abilities as a Maven. In fact, it's pretty much the only way to improve.

Several minutes had passed since I began my meditation, and I felt no difference. Just when I thought it wasn't working, a warm and refreshing feeling coursed throughout my body all at once.

Did I achieve it? I opened my eyes and decided to test out my spinning abilities.

With a pen from the drawer, I began spinning it with ease. My fingers were well-coordinated with each other, and the pen was basically flowing smoothly in between them as I spun it.

I began spinning other things, and the results were almost always the same.

Wow. This is pretty cool. I thought the process would be a lot more complicated than this, but I guess I was just overthinking it.

I looked at the tens of tomes in the box. I should be able to complete the ability by today. I grabbed another tome and started meditating to acquire it.

Once again, in a few minutes, that same refreshing feeling happened. I tested the ability, and it worked as expected.

Now that I've confirmed everything is working fine, I started to process the other tomes.




Six hours had passed before I knew it, and I'd processed and conditioned every time to create the ability I wanted.

Now, it's time to see if it works. I stepped on a platform which has a makeshift cannon that revolved around it.

I specifically made this to test my skill.

It was loaded with different materials, and it was set to fire at random intervals as it went around.

I called out, "MERLIN, you there?"

[Always, sire.] She replied with a monotone and robotic female voice.

"Start it up after I put on the blindfold."

[As you wish.]

After covering my eyes with a thick cloth, I heard the machine whirred as it revolved around the platform.

I took a deep breath and waited for it to shoot.


Before I could even comprehend that the cannon had shot, my body automatically jerked to the side and firmly caught the projectile.

It was a rolling pin.


My body jerked once more to the side, dodging the projectile.


And again.


And again.

"It's working!" I removed the blindfolds. "It's fucking working!"

As edgy as it sounds, I call this ability Judgement's Call, a simple passive ability that would help me process and react to dangerous situations automatically. It basically either lets me dodge, reflect, or stop an attack with efficiency and ease.

There were limitations to it, of course, but they were minimal and wouldn't interfere much if a dangerous scenario happened.

This kind of ability would be incredibly helpful no matter what kind of situation I am in, especially when I take into factor my past experiences and military training.

I was too preoccupied with my thoughts that I forgot that the cannon was still on. So, this time, I was fully caught off guard when it shot another projectile.


The moment I heard it, my mind went blank as my shoulder jerked back violently, dislocating it as I stumbled back. "Aarghh! Mother…fucker!"

I looked towards my back and saw a screwdriver impaled deeply into the wall. From its trajectory, it would've gone straight through my heart if it wasn't for my ability.

I was about to get up until pain assaulted my shoulder and mind, making me dizzy.

"Ughh, I don't feel so good." I rubbed my temples together. I had a splitting headache for some reason, even though I was okay a few moments ago. "Am I sick by any chance, MERLIN?"

She stayed silent for a moment, scanning at my condition before saying, [No, sire, but you are suffering from a side-effect from using that ability of yours.]

"Which is?"

[Overload. As you are right now, your body and mind can't keep up your ability. So, your body is overworking itself when that ability activates. You're bottlenecking, sire.]

"Why was I fine the first time it activated then?" I curiously asked.

[Although you didn't know when the cannon would shoot, you were still prepared for it, so when the ability activated, your body didn't need to overwork itself. Unlike the time when you were completely caught off-guard.]

I sighed deeply. I guess that was to be expected since I'm pushing my capabilities as a human to the very edge with this ability.

Basically, I'm too weak to use this ability to its fullest right now. So, I also need to become physically and mentally stronger.

Fortunately, I don't have to change my plans since acquiring Lightweaving has strengthening effects on the mind and body.

So, it's time to get it.

Sorry about it being late. I recently had my laptop fixed. Hope you enjoy!

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