
The Mob in His Novel

Through his hard work, Arthur Bennett has achieved what he thought was the pinnacle of life: wealth, prestige, and power. However, achieving those came with a price; he lost everything and everyone he loved. One day, out of boredom, he mindlessly wrote a fantasy novel filled with numerous clichés and superfluous conflicts. However, he never imagined he would be reincarnated into that world after his death. No, not as the protagonist, not even as an important supporting character, but instead, he became a mob in his novel. Will Arthur use his abilities and knowledge as the author to make the right decisions and make it through the end, despite the fact that there was a greater, more powerful threat that he was unaware of even as the author? ========== -I will also be posting it on RoyalRoad, Scribblehub, and Tapas (TBA) under the same name ========== Patreon: https://patreon.com/joshlaneisfictional

JoshLane · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 8 - World Tree

For me to get the ability, I need to be in a place that is both overflowing with mana and also in a natural environment.

Technically, any ecosystem would do since it is a natural environment and mana is abundant there, but the problem is mana is evenly dispersed.

The 'overflowing with mana' part is a crucial factor in obtaining the Lightweaving ability since this was an ability that needed non-Mavens to feel the flow of mana, an ability that needed a good amount of mana to create constructs, and it was much more efficient to do so.

And there was a perfect place for that—the World Tree.

There are several World Trees in Vanteer. However, the one I wanted to go to was the one in Goldwyvern City, which is the capital of the Republic of Pinediel, our neighboring country.

I decided to take the international train, so I bought a ticket and brought my passport and other necessary stuff in my bag.

The train platform had a dome structure tinged with a blue accent on its design and window panels on the ceiling that stretched for meters, and covering the train tracks was a transparent arc.

—Ding! Ding! Ding!

Lights above the pillars turned green as a faint sound of an object moving at high speed could be heard, increasing in volume for every second that passed.

Soon enough, a levitating train was in sight, and a few seconds later, it decreased in speed as it slowly came to a halt at the platform.

Once the train fully stopped, it dropped down to the tracks as the arc folded apart and the doors opened.

I went on the train and got into my designated private compartment. I put down my baggage and sat down.

A minute later, the train started to levitate again and started to move, gaining speed a few seconds later.

With the current technology in Vanteer and its overflowing resources, pretty much every country had a levitating bullet train that could reach up to 900 miles per hour, and the best thing is that you wouldn't be able to feel the inertial motion. So, the ride will feel smooth until we change directions or slow down.

I rested my head on the windowpane beside me as the warm sunlight embraced me. As expected, the ride so far has been smooth, and the only complaint I have is that I don't have time to admire the scenery.

While waiting for the train to arrive at my destination, I decided to meditate to pass the time.


A bit more than an hour later, an announcement sounded.

[Arriving at: Goldwyvern City, Pinediel]

I opened my eyes and looked out the window. I was immediately mesmerized by what I saw.

Wow. Just wow, really.

It was the World Tree in all of its glory. Its towering form seems to stretch beyond the heavens. Its branches with lush and dense leaves reached towards the sky as if supporting it.

The train soon started to slow down as the platform of Goldwyvern City drew close, and in a couple of seconds, the train stopped at the platform.

I stepped out of the train after the doors had opened and went outside.

The view of the World Tree is even more beautiful up close.

Its sturdy and robust trunk is adorned with a coarse texture that imparts a sense of age and resilience. It appears to have withstood various elements and the passing of time.

Its leaves are a beautiful, shiny green color that seems to reflect the sunlight. They sway ever so softly in the gentle breeze, making a peaceful sound that mixes well with the noise in the environment.

They truly are one of the great wonders of the world.

This type of tree doesn't rely on carbon dioxide to live, but instead, it uses mana. That is what made it grow to an unimaginable degree, and it's the perfect place to learn the Lightweaving ability.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Jessica, your tour guide for today, and it's my pleasure to be of service to you," the woman in a formal blouse uniform with a red emblem on her left chest, Jessica, greeted. "On behalf of the Aoit Guild, I'd like to welcome you all to Goldwyvern City!"

Guilds are organizations that work in the same way as businesses but are specifically geared towards Mavens and everything related to it.

There are different kinds of guilds like the Adventurer's Guild, Mercenary's Guild, Hunter's Guild, and Merchant's Guild.

From what I've researched, the Aoit Guild is an Adventurer's Guild and their home base is here in Goldwyvern, and they do a monthly tour around the city for free.

Hence, why I'm sitting on the tour bus. Luckily, the first stop is the World Tree, so I don't have to sit here all day for places I frankly do not care bout.

As the bus moved, Jessica started to talk about the history of the city and how it led to the growth of the World Tree, but I wasn't interested in any of that.

So, while waiting for the bus to arrive at the World Tree, I decided to meditate.

Roughly half an hour had passed before the bus arrived at the location.

"Now, we have arrived at our final destination—Goldwyvern's main tourist attraction, the World Tree!" Jessica announced enthusiastically.

Stepping out of the bus, the close-up view of the World Tree once again took my breath away. Even though we were nearly a kilometer or two away from it, it still took up my entire vision.

"Did you know? There are three known World Trees in Vanteer: one is located here in Goldwyvern City, which was also the biggest and tallest of the three, and the other two are located in the Kingdom of Ralecien and the United States of Naya," Jessica started to explain. She then went on to explain the mysteries behind the purpose of World Trees, but I didn't listen to any of that.

This is the limit for tourists who simply want to take pictures and sightsee.

From here, one could feel a rejuvenating energy that seems to flow towards the World Tree. That rejuvenating energy is the mana, which is so dense that even non-Mavens can feel it.

I could learn the ability here, but I can get even closer.

Towards the left is a booth with a gate that leads a path further into the World Tree, and they are for the tree climbers.

Unfortunately, minors weren't allowed to join in the 'fun' because there were numerous cases where those climbers would lose their footing and fall to their deaths.

Of course, no one sued the city because, before they could go climbing, they were made to sign a written agreement that basically stated that Goldwyvern City wouldn't be responsible for any mishaps that may happen when an individual climbs the tree.

If you are a Maven, recommended by a certified professional, or a professional yourself, then the whole 'minors aren't allowed' rule will not apply.

The first two options aren't possible, so I'm stuck with the third option, which I am already preparing for.

In this world, there are laws that protect the safety and integrity of minors, but being a Maven negates that.

So, I had MERLIN research the process to enter, and I forged the necessary documents for it under a false name.

The security process was pretty lax, as they don't really verify the documents.

I walked towards the booth, and I immediately handed the necessary documents and my pass to enter to the operator before he could speak as if I'd been through the same process as before.

His eyes kept glancing at me and the documents back and forth as he read through them.

He squinted his eyes at me as if I were suspicious and reached over to the telephone.

As he dialed in the numbers, I could feel his gaze on me as if he was watching my every move, but I patiently waited.

There was no need to worry since I did think of the possibility that they'll somehow try to verify the documents.

He stopped dialing the numbers, seeing that there was no reaction from me.

He scratched his head as he heaved out a sigh, "Alright, you may enter. Follow the path and get the gears needed in the shed. Someone there will help you with it."

After the gate opened, I walked down the path and eventually saw the shed he was talking about.

I went over to the person in charge, and he gave me all equipment I needed.

There was an addition of a wristband, which can send a distress signal.

The harness also had an additional function—it could launch a miniature yet powerful grappling hook.

They also offered clothing suitable for climbing, but I didn't need it since I was already in the proper attire.

After checking everything was okay, I continued further toward the World Tree, and the rejuvenating energy kept getting stronger.

Eventually, I reached the base, and looking at it from so up close was incredibly imposing.

At every 100 meters, this World Tree features several platforms that act as checkpoints to mark the climber's progress.

And at the 5th checkpoint, there is a tree hollow, which I aim to go to. The checkpoints go beyond the 5th, but for what I'm doing, it seems unnecessary to go there.

That doesn't mean I'm going to wait until I reach the 5th checkpoint to learn the ability.

I plan to learn it even from here; it's only in the 5th checkpoint do I seriously begin to learn everything about the ability.

So, let's start, shall we?

I went to a place that would let me meditate without being bothered or seen.

I've been getting the hang of meditating, and I must say, it really is good for the body and mind.

As I sat down, I could feel the cool surface of the ground beneath me. I adjusted my posture, crossing my legs and straightening my spine, feeling my muscles stretch and relax at the same time.

I closed my eyes and shut out any distractions of the outside world and began to concentrate on the feeling of mana. Gradually, my breathing slowed and deepened, and I felt a sense of calm wash over me.

I entered the state of meditation…




Who knows how long I've been meditating, but I eventually went out of my trance.

Physically and mentally exhausted, I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down.

This is harder than I thought.

I looked up at the sky and was surprised to see that it was darkening. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow across the sky.

That was a failure.

Although hours have passed since I started meditating, I didn't make a breakthrough. In fact, it's making me exhausted.

Luckily, climbers are welcome to stay, but there is an expensive fee for each day of their stay.

My budget can only afford a full week, so I have to make every moment count, but for now, I'll wrap up for the day.