
The MMORPG System

A man who will level up to become the strongest.

dame_dameee · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 3: Prospect (1)

It's been one week since the unfortunate event happened within the small kingdom settlement. It was reported that the total casualty went above almost a million within the 1st and 2nd walls and only the 3rd wall was not affected. This 3rd wall was built for the inner members of the kingdom, which were called nobles. They were the current overlord of this small human kingdom.

With power and money, they were the only ones not affected by the demonic beast tide. Whatever the case, the 1st and 2nd wall settlers can't do anything about this as the nobles within the 3rd wall were beings of high-grade humans who were the saviors of all humanity left in their lands.

With these said, our protagonist, Raytoria, was sent to an orphanage build for children who lost their whole family within the tide. This was fueled, organized and paid for by the kingdom's nobles.

Even though the nobles were heartless as they sacrifice the people outside the 3rd wall to deal with the beasts, they also have responsibilities to take care of the people. It was an iron law that was implemented by the current king from the previous kings.

Although Raytoria was not aware of the political situation of this world, he at least knew that humanity was already in the brink of extinction and only this kingdom he lived in was the only one left from the previous eras.

Nonetheless, he couldn't careless about these things. As he was put inside the orphanage house, which was recently built by soldiers, he was left alone. He also took a sit in a corner walls of the house and stayed there silently. All the adults within the orphanage looked at him with pity. They knew what was going on with him. They've already seen Raytoria's act multiple times from different kids they handled before.

So, they just let him be and just served him his food when its time to eat.

What they thought though was partially correct while Raytoria was already checking his status screen, no one can see it but only him.

"Hmm.. so it's an MMORPG style system. Good! I need this!" He thought within.

His eyes were so sharp. One look and one could shiver by how cold they were. A few days past and his demeanor were already familiar within the adults and children in the orphanage so no one bothered him.

During these days, he just kept thinking plans on how to get strong.

"I can't go out to hunt demonic monsters. I need to get strong and EXP but where do I get them? I only got one quest as of moment. The system doesn't reply. It doesn't even answer my questions." Raytoria sighed.

Multiple times he tried to ask the system for additional information but its all air. No answer or reply were made by the system.

"I guess… It's all on me then… it's okay, I'm very familiar with MMORPG and how it worked. I can get through this. So… for quests… I need to find side quests. Normally, I need a catalyst but no one started talking to me and I seem to show them my anger… Never mind. I don't need them now. I will avenge my parents of this world and kill all the demonic beasts in this world until they all go extinct!" Without realizing, his face showed ruthlessness. His eyes speak of bloodthirst.

The people walking past him ran when they saw his look. "Scary!" they thought.


After one day of resting. Raytoria immediately thought of a plan, since this world was dominated with martial artists, he needed techniques, but to have them, he must have a solid foundation. Stats!

"I need stats! I can't get exp, how do I get stats!?" He cried in his thought.

Sitting, he thought of the martial artists of earth, what were their most basic foundation? An imaginary ring went in his head and he got the answer.

"Body! And how to do I get a strong body? Exercise! Since I can't lift weights with my thin frame, I need to do the basic Saitama exercise!" Raytoria said within his mind.

It's quite cringy to think of, but, Raytoria indeed first thought of Saitama. 100 days of 100 pushups, sit ups, squats and 10 km running.

Once the plan was thought up, Raytoria decided to start the next day. He just prepared the necessary tools, which was the foot wear. This world doesn't have rubber shoes so he just needs to improvise and buy a comfortable footwear in the market. He still got the 10 gold coins within the status screen.

Afternoon, after eating his lunch, he notified the caretaker that he'll visit the nearby market, which the caretaker agreed as it was only a few blocks away.

Raytoria walked towards the market and looked around and found the blacksmith shop selling variety of equipment so he asked a man who appears to be an assistant of the shop.

"Hello! May ask if you are selling foot wear that is comfortable to run with?" Raytoria directly asked.

The man, who appears to be in his mid-20s, looked at Raytoria from top to bottom and had a disdain look in his face. "You asked?" He said. "Yes!" Raytoria replied.

He knew the man was looking down at him as he has ragged clothing and appears to be poor. "Do you have money!? Don't waste my time if you ain't got one! We're not running charity here boy! Shooo!" He told Raytoria while signaling to him to get lost, like a dog who was annoying him.

Raytoria ignored the man's act and just pulled a gold coin from his stat screen and showed the man.

"Can I buy one if I got this coin?" Raytoria asked.

The man looked at Raytoria's hand, indeed it was a gold coin! "Hey! Where did you get it!? Did you steal it!?" He was going to reprimand Raytoria and has the intent to steal the gold coin for himself.

"No! Why would I do that!? This is my dead parent's money they gave to me before they die!" Raytoria answered with bitterness in his face. He looked like a dead man answering questions. This was how far Raytoria looked like to the man.

The man was flabbergasted by the kid's answer, he immediately stopped everything that he was planning, he looked at the kid. Indeed, this kid lost his family. His aura says it all. He never noticed in the first glance but this kid seems desperate for life… and death.

"Oh, okay kid, I'm sorry and apologize for my act, well, with that coin you can indeed buy a good pair of footwear, come! Let me show you some!" The man said.

Raytoria was surprised by the man's attitude, he definitely felt that the man previously wanted to steal his gold coin, seems like he was wrong and the man was a good kind.

He felt lucky.

The showcase started.


Morning of the next day has come and Raytoria woke up before the sun was up. He has an empty stomach so he went to the kitchen to grab some food, adults were already awake when he went there so they served him food. They were also surprised Raytoria waking up too early in the morning. This was the first for them since he got in the orphanage, normally, he would just sulk up in a corner and not speaking the entire day.

After eating and thanking the kitchen staffs, he went back to his room and pull the shoes from a paper wrap. This was the shoes he bought from the blacksmith shop yesterday. It was not a battle type footwear but usually used for solo hunting of beasts. Minimalistic and comfortable to wear, lastly, durable enough to last for at least 2 years, as the man estimated, still depended on usage.

1 long month lol

dame_dameeecreators' thoughts