
The Mistaken Idol

Ying Yue lived the life of a princess as a prominent member of the Jiang family. She was beautiful, young, and the world was at her finger tips. Her twin brother was no joke either. Shing had embraced his social status and became an idol in the music industry. He was ever bit as handsome as his sister was beautiful. Suddenly, their father falls ill and Shing is needed to begin to step into the shoes of his father at the company..times seemed tough as the board members began to pressure Shing as their uncle claims he is more qualified than an pop idol to run the company. Without a warning, Shing goes missing without a trace...his car abandoned on the side of the road in the countryside near their grandparents’ villa with a note on the steering wheel saying “I’m sorry...” Keeping the news of their son a secret for fear of the public eye, their parents look to Ying Yue to cover for her brother...but how can a princess pretend to be the big boss?...Shing’s manager keeps calling! His career is on the line if he doesn’t show up for the concert next week!...Shang Han, her brother’s best friend, is always around asking questions AND HE IS Too HOT for her to handle! Can she successfully trick the board in to thinking she is her brother? Can she create the illusion of her idol brother to his countless fans? Can she withstand the temptations of her childhood crush to keep up the facade with Shang Han??? Only time will tell if this mistaken idol has what it takes!

Tiffany_Leigh · Urban
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2 Chs

It’s a Jiang thing...


Music blaring. Wind blowing. Hot guys dancing! This is why it was worth visiting my brother on set! I loved this world and I was so glad I got to be a part of it!

Growing up, Shing and I were always told we were special and talented but I don't think people ever really realized just how much potential we really had when we put our minds to it. Ha. Maid Zhong would always scold us, especially when we were teenagers. We would always be found singing and dancing to our music instead of working on our lessons...

"Young Master! It is time for you to put your kiddish habits away! You are to become a young gentleman! The future CEO of your father's company for that matter! Please pay more attention to your English lessons! Your dance moves will give you no benefit in the future!"

Shing always took the scolding and punishment like he held himself to a higher standard. I would try to keep a straight face, but I always ended up laughing when "the perfect Shing" got in trouble! Shing was always the responsible twin, the well mannered twin, then one whom high expectations were laid on...me...on the other hand, I had freedom compared to Shing. I was the laid back twin, the "let's have fun" twin, the one who wasn't expected to run a company one day so would naturally become a socialite. Everyone called me little princess because I had the attitude that went along with the nickname. Hehe. Mother always blamed Father for my attitude claiming he spoiled me. But I mean, if you ARE a princess, why now act like one?

"Little Miss! You better collect yourself and cease your laughter! Things will not always be at your fingertips! Just because you act like a princess doesn't make you an actual are a princess!" Maid Zhong's fury would sometimes shift to me, but unlike my brother, I always fought back...

"Maid Zhong! How dare you raise your voice with me! I may only be a child, but I am the only daughter of the Jiang family therefore I have the right to behave however I want without the likes of you correcting me! My brother will run the company one day and your pay will depend on us! You better watch your attitude in how you handle us, your future bosses! Otherwise your future might not be so stable!"...I guess you could consider me the outspoken twin haha no one was ever going to talk down to me or my brother, not while I was around!

"Why you little smart mouth child! How dare you speak to me in that way! All you are ever going to be good for is marrying you off to benefit your family's business! Let's see who will ever want to marry a spoiled little princess like you! You deserve to be disciplined!"

Maid Zhong began to raise her hand to slap me, but brother stepped in between us..

"Maid Zhong, I apologize for my sister's words towards you. But, do realize Father would not be happy if he was aware of how you spoke to us. Please consider this for the future. Ying Yue, let us return to our studies in the library."

"But Shing! She called me a-"

"Let's go." Shing grabbed my hand and pulled me quickly out of the room. He was always doing that. I would get myself in trouble and Shing would always step in and rescue me. He was the problem fixer while I was the problem maker. Mother said that was why we were considered the YingYang twins since we complemented each other so well.

I was angry though. How dare Maid Zhong claim I was only good for a future business marriage. Regretfully, my tears betrayed me and escaped down my cheeks. Kids at school always told me the same thing...that Shing was the real heir our parents wanted and I was just a complimentary prize. I had thought about it before...I knew Shing would run the company one day...and I was just to sit and look pretty...no real future for me...

"Don't listen to her Ying Yue..."

I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I did not realize we had stopped in the garden. Shing knew I loved the garden due to my love of the beautiful flowers and smells that filled the area. Shing had pulled out his small handkerchief and was wiping away my tears. Shing understood me, he understood my tears...

"Don't listen to the ole maid. She's just jealous of your beauty. " He was trying to make me laugh and comfort me.

"But Shing, what if she is right? What if I never amount to anything? I'll never have any responsibilities at the company. What if this is all that my future holds? Just a pampered little princess waiting to be married off..."

"Ying Yue...I believe in you. Never forget that. I know you will find your dream one day and you will achieve it! What if I decide one day that I don't want to go into the family business? So what! Just because we are Jiangs does not mean our future is laid out for us. We still have the chance to choose our own path...we just need to believe in each other."

Shing's warm smile always comforted me. He was right though. Together, I knew we could conquer the world.

"Shing, do you really think I can live out my dreams?"

"Didn't I just say that I believed in you? I will always be on your side rooting for you YiYi and I expect you to do the same for me, right?"

"Haha yes Shing, I will always believe in you. We will live our dreams and no one can stop us as long as we are together!"

"That's more like my sister! Now come on! What do we always say?!...No dream is too high..."

"No dream is too low..."

That little phrase we came up with as children would become our life motto. We were each other's own cheer section...

Naturally, we finished high school with high honors and had the opportunity to go on to any college we wanted. Let me remind you though that my test scores were 4 points higher than Shing's. He always pushed me to be better.

Father opted for us to stay within our own city at the local university so that we could stay at home (so he could keep an eye on us haha). Shing naturally went into business studies while I pursued design. I had never considered design before until Shing brought it to my attention...

"YiYi...your drawings are so good! Where do you come up with the ideas for this stuff?" Exclaimed Shing as he came across my doodle book in my room.

"I don't know, I just get these ideas of outfits and I just know I would look great in them." I nonchalantly replied as I flipped through my fashion magazine.

"YiYi...do you not realize what you've done! Look at these! You've essentially created a whole wardrobe. Imagine if you were to create these clothes?! I bet they would be a hit!"

"You think?"

"I know it! Our company deals with fashion. I may run it one day, but you could create it! We could still be a team! You could become a designer and we could then run the company together!"

"Huh...I never thought about that...I mean I enjoy creating my drawings...I just never thought about sharing it with the world...do you really think I have what it takes to become a designer and work at our company..?"

"Ying Yue, I will always believe in you. No dream is too high..."

"No dream is too low..."

With the encouragement from my brother, I pursued my dream in the fashion world. Who knew that I really had an eye for design? Shing did.

After graduating from college, Father granted us a year to enjoy ourselves and our passions before joining the company. He said it was to "get it all out of our system."

What Mother and Father didn't expect was the path each of their beloved twins took...

I pursued my passion in fashion. I opted to not take a year off but immediately joined the company where I could watch my beautiful designs come into reality. I quickly became a hot designer and everyone wanted to wear my clothes. My work never slowed down my social life though. I was an icon in the fashion industry and girls wanted to be like me. Beauty. Fame. Passion. I seemed to have it all.

Shing shocked Mother and Father with his path while I was not surprised. During our college days, Shing had been secretly meeting with a band group. He would sing and dance the night away when my parents thought he was studying. He always claimed it was just a hobby but I knew it meant more to him than he realized. Our senior year, Shing and the group were invited to perform at our university's end-of-year celebration. Unknown to Shing, many scouts had been invited by the music school in hopes that some of the performers would find their big break. Shing was in the business school though so he was not on the lookout for any big breaks...he just loved to perform and introduce the world to his music.

I always believed in him. To his surprise he was approached by StarRight industries, the largest music company in town! They offered Shing a contract to join their company after he graduated. Shing kept it a secret from our parents until his first music video premiered! It was a hit! Shing was finally getting to share his music and passion with the world. He finally found his dream. With his handsome looks, crafty charm, and attractive dance moves, Shing quickly climbed the charts and became an idol in millions of girls' hearts!

Father reluctantly agreed to allow Shing to pursue his dreams until he was ready to join the company. "I don't want to force you to do something you hate, I want you to embrace it when it's something you love. That's when you will make a great leader..."

Three years have passed and Jiang Twins are still living large. Shing even wears my designs in his music videos as he brings even more fame to my creations...still the dynamic duo.

"Here you go YiYi." handing over my coffee as I take in the beautiful music scene in front of my eyes. That's Lilly, my right hand man, my assistant. She was my suite mate and best friend in college. She never left my side and still always keeps my life in order for me.

"Lilly, how did we ever get so lucky to live this amazing life...mmmm...look at those dancers!"

"Be careful or a certain someone might hear you gushing over the backup dancers. Haha. Don't you have dinner plans with a certain someone after the shoot? Someone you dressed up for especially nice today. Huh?" Smirked Lilly as she taunted me with my near by crush.

"Sssshhh! Lilly! He is going to hear you!"

Lilly giggles as my cheeks turned red...Shang Han was God's gift to earth and luckily for me, he was my brother's best friend. Shang was our next door neighbor growing up and Brother and him connected like they were long lost brothers. I always tagged along hehe. He was tall, deep brown eyes, gorgeous brown hair, with the best looking and fit body if I do say so myself. He was a business man that followed my brother into the business world of music and oh how I was thankful!

"And that's a wrap! Good work everybody! Let's clean up and get out of here!" Cried the director.

My eyes immediately found my brother's eyes and we nodded at each other as he left the room.

"Shing says he will be out as soon as he changes and then we can head to dinner together. " My face betraying me as a grin grew across my face knowing in the next hour I would be enjoying a meal beside my beloved Shang.

"How the heck did you get that from a nod?!" Exclaimed a bewildered Lilly.

"What can I say, we're twins. I just feel what he his thinking. It's a Jiang thing haha come on Lilly, let's go inform and wait with my future husband over there!"

"Oh Miss Ling Lue, you truly are something.."