
The Mistake Bride

"I have a boyfriend sir" she looked up at him timidly. " Well I did not say anything about being committed" he hissed already annoyed. He dragged her by the arm and pulled her into the church. Before she could process it all, she was already married to him. Then it hit her that she was married to a stranger. He boyfriend would kill her when he finds out. The stranger looked down at her on the alter " It wasn't that bad, was it?

Teniola_Akinyemi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter Six

After Yuu left the house. Nima sat down on the floor weeping, she knew she was supposed to walk out of the relationship but she couldn't. Yuu had always been there maybe what she felt for him were mere pity not love. No woman can stand all this.


She grew up in an orphanage home. Growing up was tough cause even at the orphanage they did have much to feed them. They usually send the kids out to go search for food and bring back food to the orphanage.

She was 16 and the oldest child there and practically their mother at the place. The woman in charge of them then was a child trafficker or so that was what Yuu made her believe.

On that very day, she went out with the kids to go get food. On that day which now she regret. They all walked passed some men and one of the tapped her ass. Which she ignored, they were taught at the orphanage to ignore men like that.

On a normal day men like that would leave them alone but not these man. He came at her and hit her again. These time she spoke up timidly. " How may I help you sir?" She turned and put the kids behind her.

" What is your name baby girl?" the man sounded drunk to her and reeked of cigars. She didn't speak and then the man hit her and that was when Yuu came in. "Pa, stop trying to get in that little girl's pant okay" he spoke to the man and then signaled for her to leave and she left.

As she left, she was crying cause the man's slap stinks but she was grateful to the man. She vowed to repay him.


Back at the mansion, Elias's parent came around. He was expecting this, they didn't show up at his wedding but came see his bride at home, how typical of them. When Asuna came to inform him, he dismissed her and told them to wait.

Instead of waiting, they came into his office. "You are a common nuisance " his father said. You can never hear something of compliment in the mouth of his father. "Why would you call him that?" his mother defended and they both started bantering over his head.

Elias stood up and coughed "If you both are going be like this, you can get the hell out of my office okay" He stated and they both kept quiet. "Why are you here ?" He asked them going back to his laptop.

"Hinata's father called me" his father regained his serious posture and sat in front of the desk. "Uhnnn" he said and looked up into the lenses of his father. "They threatened to pull out" he said unknown to him they already did.

"Before you continue, we want to see the person you got married to " His mother was already rearranging the pillows on his sofa. She was such an organized freak. "Have you got a bottle of whiskey?" his father ask but he ignored racking his brain for an excuse.

" She went to the mall" he told them and signaled for his father to continue. "Why?" he looked at her wondering why she would ask such a dumb question but ignored again. "Ma, could you please stay outside while we finish this?" he pleaded, his mother is sometimes frustrating to be around.

She left knowing this was men business. "They already pulled out yesternight. I wonder who gave you that information" His father was shocked. " But William said he would get back to me." That family is filled with liars and all sort of shitty people.

His father was lost in thought and his mind drifted to Nima. "Are you happy with her?" his father asked, "With who?" Elias looked confused. " Your wife" oh yeah he is married now. He wanted to laugh out loud. "Yeah, she is cool" he said and went back work.

He was probably not the best child but he does love his parent but they were overbearing at time or rather most times. "When is your honeymoon?" His father kept throwing questions at him "Let me and your mother fund it okay" he said and stood up " When your wife come around tell her visit us in our room" He was already walking out.

"How long are you staying for?" Elias asked his father. " I want to spend time with you son, okay?" His old man said and left probably sad that his best friend did such to him.

Elias went back to work. He wasn't going to the office the next one week and now the works are pilling. He exclaimed and picked up the telephone. " Pass the call on to Shawn" the call was passed from his secretary to Shawn.

"What?" Shawn answered " You good? " Elias asked him. "Yeah damn when are you coming back here?" Shawn asked. The work was already killing him. Elias laughed into the telephone. "Not until after the honeymoon phase" Elias smirked.

"Oh shit, fuck off bro" He hung up. Shawn still can't believe everything that happened yesterday.

Elias dropped the phone and left his office. He was starting to think about the honeymoon too much like it even mattered to him.

Lukas was busy looking for the boss around. "Where is godforsaken man?" he was murmuring to himself around the house. He was sure that after this the boss wouldn't let him go. He has checked around or did he already know?, he kept asking himself questions.

When he walked up to the barroom, he was praying he would find master Sanji there. Getting there, he entered without knocking and sighted master Sanji sleeping with wine in his hands.

"Sir" Elias looked up and saw who it was...He groaned and sigh. "What do you want" Sanji asked. " Sir, I drove madam Nima home" Elias looked at him again but this time he stood up. "What were you thinking, I thought I asked you to get the hell out of here" Lukas looked down.

"There was nobody ready to take her so I did sir" he reported. "But that is not why I am here sir" he said with full confident. "Then why are you here asshole?" Elias said to him while tossing his wine into the sink.

"Sir, her boyfriend...he is the violent type" he said " When we got there, he got angry and shouted at me to leave" Elias already knew that was the kind man Nima was dating cause she was always looking troubled all the time.

" Sir I am sure he hit her after I left" Now that caught his attention " Take me there now" he said to Lukas. Lukas was overjoyed "At your service sir" no man should hit a lady, that was just cowardly and he was really angry at this point. He told Lukas to direct and he would drive.

Sorry about the last chapter. It was kinda short but please dont forget to leave your reviews okay and add to collection. Thank you.

Teniola_Akinyemicreators' thoughts