
The Mistake Bride

"I have a boyfriend sir" she looked up at him timidly. " Well I did not say anything about being committed" he hissed already annoyed. He dragged her by the arm and pulled her into the church. Before she could process it all, she was already married to him. Then it hit her that she was married to a stranger. He boyfriend would kill her when he finds out. The stranger looked down at her on the alter " It wasn't that bad, was it?

Teniola_Akinyemi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter Five

Yuu was wondering where Nima has been since. She had not called him since and when he called she didn't pick. She was getting on his nerve, she knew what he was capable of when he gets angry. He kept thinking about her. He had a shift in an hour if she didn't arrive he would report to the police.

He had his bathe and kept waiting for her. His house was a rundown apartment, the house was already suffering from lack of care. The apartment was closed up and stuffed...Pretty uncomfortable for both him and Nima.

He was walking around the room. His phone rang and he wondered who was calling praying it was Nima. But it was his other girlfriend Suki. "Babe, how are you doing?" she said meekly. " I am good, has Nima come around the bar?" he asked, outside people thought he was Nima's elder brother.

"No babe, you know how that little girl is. She is probably around making ends meet...leave her alone and come to the bar." Suki said to him. "Aiit" he hung up the phone. He was going to deal with her when she gets home.

As he began to dress up. He heard a car zoom up to the front of the house. He ignored it and continued dressing up. Not until he heard the doorbell. "Who could it be" he walked towards the door annoyed. "People don't even know the right time to visit anymore." He murmured.

When he checked through the hole. He was surprised at the car and even more at the person at the door. He unlocked the door and behold he saw Nima. "Good morning" She said and walked in thorough the door. " Who said you could come in?" he said to her, forgetting the bodyguard was outside waiting.

"Sorry but with all due respect, you cant be speaking to my bosses bride that way." Lukas said showed up when Yuu was about to lock the door. Yuu was trying to get on his master's good side. Although he is dismissed, he still want to prove his worthiness.

Back when he was at the house. He persuaded Madam Nima to let him drive her home. He knew master Sanji already found out about his relations with Hinata. Though it was wrong but he enjoyed every moment of it and now taking this Nima seems like a good thing too.

He waved that thought of his mind and came back to his senses. "And you are" Yuu said to him, wondering who this hunky idiot is and who his fucking master was to be calling 'his Nima' his wife. "Lukas you can take your leave now, thank you."

"No, ma'am, I sincerely would be blamed if I leave you here with him" Lukas looked over at Yuu. "Get the fuck out of my house, bastard" Yuu slammed the door at his face. Lukas thought he tried his best at least now ma'am would recommend him for master. He zoomed off in the car.

Yuu slapped Nima across her face. "Now you are married, uhm" he said and walked towards her. She was already crying and hiccupping "I can explain please" She cried to him. "It was a mistake." She gulped.

He hit her with his fist. "You went out and didn't inform me" he walked over and hit her. "Now you are a fucking bride" he hissed . " Fuck you." He kept hitting her until blood came out. He hit her to his satisfaction and walked out of the house.

She sat there in a pool of blood and was in tears. This is how her life has been.