
The Mist of The Fate: Conventional Intellectual [ Season: 1 ] [ Part: 1 ] [ Chapter: 10 ]

( 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗; 𝙷𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢-𝙿𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝙸𝚜 𝚊𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍! )


"What ever are You...? Not even a single Saint never use 'Enhancment' Energy!-" The Replica words suddenly cut off by Siren Head, as He just stares at the Replica. Until He finally speaks to Him, "I am not considered as a Saint, My Ancient Species were to be called 'Himaya Fawdaa', lastly; It isn't called 'Enhancment' Energy, its 'Altae'Ziz' Energy.", The Replica gazes at Him, anxiety evident in its expression. "You aim to make this Battle quick, aren't I right?" Siren Head says to the Replica.

The Replica became furious, and finally unleashed His Altae Energy. Instantly vaporizing the surrounding lands, Siren Head speaks "Your Altae; Ability is 'Air Manipulation', so Your an Air User. And Your Class is 'Kerij', it's simple to understand by Your actions.", Replica stood there, as It let the breeze of cold air brushing of His enormous body and thick layer of skin. Silencing the surroundings, only heard is the air flows through Them.

Unexpectedly, Siren Head threw a blow to Replica's Body, breaking apart most of the Bones in the Ribcage. As well as the Replica sent flying throughout the skies, distances of 3,000 Kilometers in a Nanosecond. Before Siren Head look at His Fist, the Aura has burnt His skin, with a little damage, He do knew it could potentially gotten worse if He didn't let anything happened; therefore the Replica's Energy would increases significantly.

Siren Head speak; "Impressive Aura for beginners, other that 'Cat Lady' Servants isn't that much of talented compared to this fool. He is 1 in a Billion." He moved to the top of the Mountain, still viewing the Skies above, caught an eye of the Replica's still flew on the skies piercing through clouds above.

After a while, Siren Head has reached infront of the Replica. With It's body were to bleed with inks, dripping down the hot tar it standing on. It seems the Replica doesn't seems to have similarities of Regeneration, thus it could possibly have the same as Cartoon Servants. Servants of Cat Lady have a Regeneration of their Minds, Souls & Bodies from Erasure. It would only take a slow time. The Atoms will reformed and creating one's core into a full Body.

The Replica speaks; "Whoever are You, I will defeat You. Not in a matter of death; it's surrender!", It's voice echoes throughout area. Siren Head standing upon the ground, the weather turns to dark and rainy. With each storms heard across the places and miles. 

Siren Head silence Himself. Letting the rain drops falling onto Him, splashing upon the Skin of His. Immediately, the Replica charging a devastating strike. The ambient air started to be absorbed by the Replica right hand, the Aura spikes deep into the ground, vaporized Kilometers of Stones. The Replica; "Devine Air; Worldwind...!", It blow the punch facing towards Siren Head. The hit landed on Siren Head, He was then flew into the direction of the blow.

Abruptly; Siren Head hit the Replica's on It's left knee. The hit was intensely powerful, causing a disastrous blow across the Earth surface, included the atmosphere even beneath of caves & oceans. While, the attack of the Replica was enough to destroy all of atoms in a single Cubic Meter of Tungsten, only for Siren Head to avoid a Town Destruction Attack.

The Replica turns backwards, It was hit on the abdomen instantaneously. The Replica charged His Technique again; "Devine Air; World-" as It's words interrupted by Siren Head strike which send at It's Left Arm. Cracking Multiple bones of the Replica's. With giving another impact that blow the Replica away from Him. 

Siren Head says in His mind; "That Technique is honestly devastating, even if I couldn't felt How much powerful the Energy is. A Single blow of that Technique could destroy all of Atoms, enough to kill Me.", He views the Replica from afar. As It still firm, even throughout the crushing damages caused upon it.

The Replica leap to the direction of Siren Head location, It simply did a little maneuver to do a soft landing on the ground. Which than continue with a swift round house kick facing to Siren Head shoulder, with a respond of Siren Head appeared behind the Replica. It turns it's Arm in a opposite direction, which than miss due to Siren Head reaction Speed. As He strikes with a blow to the back of the Replica's 

"...Devine Air; Worldwind!" The Replica face the attack to the ground, as a result; destroying all of the atoms of the ground, creating a colossal hole upon the ground beneath both of Them. Siren Head falls down, where He stood at a nearby boulder. Meanwhile, the Replica stood and jump on multiple rock platforms, to the smallest of a pebble. Where It finally arrived infront of Siren Head.

The Replica slowed It's movements easily when It finally reaches Siren Head. Siren Head slides through the walls of the hole, with only a single leg and without much momentum to use. Once The Replica saw this, It frozen in It's ground. Utterly flabbergasted by the simple movements He could do. "...How come... He does not possess an Ability of Enchantment Energy...! Only His Physical Characteristics and Strength... Could do this... It seems that Cat Hag really done told the truth... His a modern Monarch in this Century..." The Replica states in It's mind.

"He really is good at Acrobatics, maybe He is an Acrobats. Unlike Most Lady Servants, They needed Altae Energy just to become one. However, it seems He doesn't uses it, there's should be some heat produces near Him since His a beginner." Siren Head were to said about the Replica.

Finally, They have arrived at the bottom of a Cave. With waterfalls that is flowing due to the attack of the Replica, It steps on the water surface. Until, It finally done a movements, charging another Attack; "Devine Air; Sailor's Tempest." It's Hand creates another massive disastrous Energy. Giving an outcome of another Vaporization on a nearby surroundings, melting the Stones, Water even the Hardest Stone with a minimum range of 20 Kilometers in a diameter with a depth of 8 Meters.

Siren Head stood on the ground after Water has been vaporized. The Replica speaks in It's mind; "How haven't He Activated His Technique...?! I really forced Myself into this nonsense Battle...", It standing still, until the Replica unleashed the attack, facing to the direction of Siren Head.

A Sphere shape Wind created from the It's Right Fist. Which was than assumes to be moving at a Speed of 10⁶⁰ Miles per Second. Siren Head was than impacted from the Wind Sphere, only for Him to bypass the Attack with His Technique, and appeared instantly infront of the Replica. As He was able to seen the Replica expression of shock, not after the Reflected Damage was than sent to the Replica.

The Attack was than destroy All of Atoms on It's Body; losing front of His Arm, and hands. And Siren Head glares at the Replica, locking His head upon It. Before handing out an ingredient that is similar to a seasoning items. Siren Head says; "Eat this, it's going by the name of 'Vanhudkra Wood', it's a New Name, while the actual name is 'ḍamādat ṣiḥiyya'. You may don't know the meaning of both."

The Replica slowly accepting the offer, Siren Head throw the Pill onto the Replica mouth. Before speaking again; "Even though You are powerful, there is a Multiple Trainings to adapt into Your Technique use. And don't recklessly uses it, and don't underestimate anyone even if They look basic. Unfortunately, I had to reject an offer if You wanted Me to became a Teacher. Just ask Your King, or the Cat Lady. She is Master of Altae Energy."

The Replica nods, as It's Hand slowly regenerating. "I will ASK FOR ANOTHER REMATCH!", the Replica said confidently. Siren Head, gently respond with soft nod. Before going off, exiting the huge hole.


\[Coming Soon...]/




(+) Facts!:

* Inspiration of Cartoon Cat becoming a King is by Artoria Pendragon, which then the reason why Siren Head implies She called to be the King.

* Cartoon Siren Head Ability was an Inspiration from Gon's (H×H) Rocks-Paper-Scissors Ability.

* The Sailor's Tempest is capable of Destroy all of Atoms of 300 Cubic Meter of Tungsten. Which is way tougher than Worldwind. And Both have a different use. The Sailor's Tempest creates a Sphere Projectile, while Worldwind is shaped like a cone that will projected from Cartoon Siren Head fist.

* Cartoon Siren Head still possess the same reaction Speed as before, little Higher. As It could react to an Attack of moving at a Speed of 10⁶⁰.

* Cartoon Siren Head does possess of Human Anatomy and System, however, it changes most functions.

* Cartoon Siren Head still is able to regenerate It's limbs without the Bandage after It's hand to gone by destroying all of atoms, however, it would take slower time.