
The Mist of The Fate : Height of Hotness [ Season: 1 ] [ Part: 1 ] [ Chapter: 6 ]

The Whorshipper throws a Punch straight to His Chest, sending Him back to the Island. He catch Himself before crashing to the Volcano behind, The Whorshipper swiftly run towards Him, before It could get infront of Siren Head, It was hit with an uppercut to the head. It slams Him inside of the Volcano that Size is Medium. The Lava was slowly burning Siren Head and melting Him, however, it would take a long process. The Whorshipper kick Him deep into the Volcano, giving a little trouble to Him, The Whorshipper jumps in the Volcano. In the way down, The Volcano suddenly slowly erupting, Siren Head appeared infront of It and Kicking It on the Face. He able to Catch on or Grab on one of the Platforms, Which send Him flying after the Eruption. Standing on the Platform while flying up to the Sky. As Rocks also were to sent flying to the sky moving at Insanely fast Speed that could penetrate Human Bodies, on the way, The Whorshipper looks at Him from below. Due to the Volcano Eruption, It was able to Grab on to Siren Head platform, and stand on it.

He look at The Whorshipper, as It instantly strike Him at the right leg with Kick, He kicks back at The Whorshipper strike. Which He parried it, as a Huge Rock hit at Siren Head side of the platform, causing Him to sent flying with the Rock. He leap towards the Whorshipper, which It swiftly Strike Him before He could reach It. Siren Head quickly grabs on It's Hand, and throws It up, passing the Mesosphere in under a Nanosecond. The Whorshipper looks down from the above, as Siren Head was flying towards Him at the Speed of above 20 Million Miles per Second, which makes Him instantly arrived infront of The Whorshipper, It instantly delivered a Punch of having 500 Exatons of TNT Energy towards Siren Head. He actived His Technique, as the Punch instantly Reflected back to It. Making The Whorshipper Itself send flying through Space, in under a second, It arrived at the Moon somehow. While Siren Head was able to move and reach to hold onto the International Space System, They distance is far away, nevertheless, He leap Himself to the direction of the Moon and arriving there under a second also. However, Siren Head have an issue of Him freezing in Space, not for The Whorshipper, It have no issue on walking through Space or a Dimension without any Time.

Multiples Asteroids were approaching the Moon quickly, The Whorshipper look at Siren Head, He goes to take a walk foward towards Him. The Freezing may cause a little towards Him, He ran towards The Whorshipper only for It to dodged and Hit Him back with a Force of 1 Yottatons of Energy. Siren Head actived His Technique, the Crack reforming every part of His Body, the Purple Light under the Scale or Skin become more brighter and lighter. It impressed, only in It's though He could only use it for per each body parts. He ran towards It, The Whorshipper just walk to the left, and Kick Him on His Right Knee. His Right Leg bend, only for Him to heal it instantly without an issue. The Damage that is Reflected send back to The Whorshipper, only for the Damage to dealt a Low Damage. It possibly because it depends on the Stamina of the User or just their Place, It swiftly give Him a knock to the Head or the Siren, A Swipe Kick on the Legs and a Powerful Jab that is a lot more Powerful than Before. All the Reflected Attacks does only a puny Damage, Siren Head stomp His Right Leg on the ground, causing a Huge Crater and Explosion that is about the Same Size as the Country of China. The Whorshipper were to send flying far from the ground, as tons of rocks were flying up, Siren Head in the middle of the Crater. He jumps to each rocks by rocks, The Whorshipper just looks at Him from above, some of the Rock Platforms were to fall when He already put a foot on it. Only for a Commom Chance to happend. He arrived infront of The Whorshipper, as Siren Head goes for a Strike, It dodged by crouching down and pushed the Rock Platform It's standing on to Siren Head with a kick. Siren Head stand on the Rock for Him to use it to launch Himself towards The Whorshipper, which He did and was able to launch Himself. As couple of Rocks was in the way of Him somehow, He penetrate through all of them easily. And was meeted with a Quick and Strong Punch directly to His Head, He takes the rock below Him and shield Himself with the Rock. Delivering back the Punch to The Whorshipper.

Giving a 10 Yottatons of Energy to It's face, sending It flew far away, It lands on the ground after couple of Seconds. Siren Head emerging from the Pile of floating rocks and slowly approaching towards It. The Whorshipper looks at Him, as the Comets is now getting a lot closer to the Moon. He ran towards It, as each stomps creates a ground shake, The Whorshipper goes for a walking approaching. Siren Head was the first one to give the first strike, He instantly get hit before the strike were able to hit It. They Speed is increases Significantly now, as the Speed is reaching above 200 Billion Miles per Second. They Travel Speed isn't comparable, neither Attack, Combat, and Reaction Speed. They will be overpowered enough to finally shown They actual Strength. He stood up, as wounds and bloods came to appeared on His Body, even though He could Regenerate insanely fast, with this low amount of Energy and Stamina. The Body or Cells couldn't work faster and making He freezing slowly is an issue too. He sprint towards The Whorshipper, It gave a fast Right Punch to the Shoulder of Him after getting infront of It, creating Huge Bone Cracking sound, And He still activating His Technique. He throws a Punch to the Face of The Whorshipper, It parry the Punch of His, and cut His Left Arm off, with a more Powerful Energy, about exactly 10^200 Joules. In an Instant, The Whorshipper Left Arm cut off...

It look at It's Left Arm, It surprised and impressed by this. Not only the Reflected Damage cut It's left Arm, it also cut behind the left Arm, included the Moon, and some of the Comets behind. Possibly the Stars that is far 200 Light years away, or beyond the Galaxy... The Whorshipper doesn't produce Blood or They have Cells and Flesh. They Flesh is seems to be having a Cosmic like Space Time Rift, however, the Strength isn't what he surprised about, its that the Attack could stopped their Regeneration. Their Regeneration is the same as their Immortality, They wouldn't die even when They were Erase from Existence, also for their Body Parts, They wouldn't. Just how Perfection the Race of "Himaya FawDaa"...

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