

Perfection refers to completeness as captured in Deuteronomy 18: 13 which states that, “You shall be blameless before the LORD your God.” When you have signed up for the course of good (truth), it is a fight, but must be a good fight of faith, because with men, you will still receive blame, but with God you will be blameless when you remain therein to continue in the truth and it is this course that is called THE PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY (John 8: 32).

The problem has always been because of our strict adherence to doctrines that are dogmatic, which has dragged many into rigid, inflexible, unbending, and assertive ideologies that are not of God, even when it is made to sound and seem like God’s. So many people are blocked from entering into perfection (Hebrews 6: 1), because men are now standing on the gateway that leads to…, by putting a stop to the knowledge that will advance men further into understanding perfectly the mind of God (Matthew 23: 13). These men hinge perfection on the laws that they cannot even keep, promoting eye service, because it places them in a position of honor, that makes them exalt themselves as a god before gullible men who have become diehard fans. These men are people who have signed up to be above the law that they have instituted and want people to strictly obey, as they use the principle of subtle manipulation and subdue, exploiting and extorting the gullible and deliberate ignorant multitude who lack knowledge of the truth.

The priesthood is no longer Levitical, but Christ and Hebrews 7: 12 made it very crystal clear that the priesthood being changed, necessitate a change also of the law and that law has been changed from what men are hinging on to the greatest commandment called love, which is also the greatest amongst the three that will abide when all other things fades away, I mean, faith, hope and love, but love is the greatest.